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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Those commenting on the old beer....the article I read also stated that they will be rotating out the beers once a month for as long as it takes.
  2. This should be on the list IMO And this but I can't post it: https://goo.gl/images/kTVUWt
  3. Loved the way he looked. I'd rather see him spelling Shady than Ivory. Put Ivory in for the short power runs though.
  4. Well, owners love it because they are not tied to an expensive long term deal. Players thought they would love it because they would be highly paid when it was utilized. I don't think he player's foresaw they owners using i so much though or 2 years in a row on the same guy and now they are regretting it after seeing how it played out. I think it will be revisited in the next round of CBA negotiations for sure and will be a huge bargaining chip for the owners to get something else they want more. Probably their biggest one.
  5. Agree 100% on your first point. Disagree on the second...but it's sort of like saying it's the slowest sprinter on the Jamaican 4x100m relay though. All of them are pretty damn fast! I actually rank them II, III, IV, I personally. But all are phenomenal.
  6. Have Jar of Flies and Live at the Moore on vinyl. Added bonus, Jar of Flies comes with Sap too.
  7. Blind Melon - Blind Melon Abbey Road Duane Allman Anthology Vol 1 Led Zeppelin III (just because so many already said II and I never understood why III always gets the shaft - come on - Immigrant song, out on the tiles, since i've been loving you, that's the way...and the rest. So. Damn. Good.) Van Morrison Moondance
  8. Really? Leaving a job where you make barely more than minimum wage for one where you can make enough money to survive and actually have some fun in your life is a childish reason? Or do you actually believe he left because the Bills drafted Allen? If you believe that then you are one of the most gullible people on this board.
  9. Wow, so many party poopers in here. Lighten up folks. Its not like he's jumping onto flaming tables hammered before games.
  10. Quite possibly the worst song I have ever heard. Wow.
  11. I'll only watch some Conan on occasion. Even Fallon has turned that direction in order to keep pace with the other two. And this is exactly right and, unfortunately, the same goes for cable news outlets and even the big 3 news outlets as well. What I wouldn't give for an unbiased news source which actually showed both sides of issues, positive and negative. Instead, they all align to one side and only show opinions, yes opinions not facts, which support that particular side.
  12. That's because it is well documented that during the recording of Be Here Now they were heavily involved in cocaine use. Like, a crap ton of coke. I somewhat agree with this, but I would say that 65-74 was the best 10 year span of music ever. Amazing music from a ton of genres. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Folk, Soul. You got The Beatles, Stones, Led, Doors, Floyd, Allman Bros (with Duane still alive), Van Morrison, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Joplin (with Big Brother and the Holding Company as well), The Band, Dylan in his prime, The Dead, CSNY, Coltrane, Davis, Ellington, Louis Armstrong, The Beach Boys Pet Sounds, John Mayall, B.B., The Who, Etta James, Wilson Pickett, and on and on and on. It blows away anything from the 90s. 90s had grunge/rock and some rap, that's it. And i grew up in the 90s. Anyone claiming music in the 90s was the best era is just simply out of their f'n minds.
  13. My last 4 TVs have all been Samsungs. Haven't regretted a single one. I've had my 65" LCD 1080p for over 10 years now and not a single issue with it. Not one pixel is out. And that is with me working from home and basically having it on all day long with MLB Network or NFL Network on during the work day. Had a DLP but replaced it with the 65" when the bulb blew out. And had two smaller ones for my bedroom with the first one lasting at least 8 years. When I decide to finally get a house the LCD will go into a finished basement and then I'll get 4k, another Samsung for sure.
  14. FYI, it is not against the law to lay people off. It is a common tactic by organizations to get around the disability laws and other protected classes as well. For example, I was in a corporation that I was told to do this to an employee of mine because he kept volunteering for military service (he was in the reserves)...suffice to say I was not comfortable with this at all and left the organization not long after that sketchiness. There is a time frame for how long they cannot fill that position again though if they do lay you off. So, if they claim they are laying you off and then they fill the same position a couple weeks later, then you will most likely have a legal claim. If they fill it 6 months (and don't quote me on the length, but I believe that is what it is) later, then they are in the clear. Although I did go to law school and have good legal background in HR/Labor law matters, I am not a practicing attorney and you should consult an actual attorney if you feel you are being wronged by employers or benefits organizations.
  15. Cats are awesome. Not that I want to make this a cat video thread or anything. But this one is just too good.
  16. Hum...I haven't had any issues with this app at all. Weird. I use the app daily and have never heard "The Greatest Moment in Sports" spot that everyone is bringing up.
  17. Oh man, I could do a 10 page thread on this by myself. Will try to throw out some that haven't come up yet. Shout out to the posters who put up Blind Melon Change, Sponge Plowed, Pantera Walk, Corrosion of Conformity Albatross, and many other great choices that escape my memory right now. Jerry singing about Layne's addiction, then Layne killing his self-reflective part. Finishing up with what may be the best guitarist of the 90s and his finest example of the talent, IMO, but you gotta get through a slow start.
  18. Chris Hogan and Stephon Gilmore should at least be on this list, maybe as a combined entry.
  19. There are two types of people in the world who hate the Beatles. Ones trying to "seem cool" or ironic or whatever in their claim and liars. I hope you are just a liar. I've had a saying for a while "never trust anyone who doesn't like the Beatles" and it always holds true. Elton John and Billy Joel are very easy to dislike though, as well as Gabriel.
  20. One take with some classic one liners in there. Also dig this dudes sound, like old Naughty by Nature.
  21. All time record for most uses of considering in its various forms in one post?
  22. Actually, they are cash only business at the moment. Financial institutions are too afraid of the Fed to do business with them. Illegal distribution arrest in legal states are down significantly since legalization. What you don't understand about policing is that they would use Pot arrest to "get you in the system." That means you get arrested for Pot, you go on probation, you have a record, etc. Then you have a much easier path to show probably cause for searches and things like that, plus, as stated before, repeat offenders easily turn into felonies. Finally, driving stoned is not ideal, but it is WAY safer than driving drunk.
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