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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I have no idea, and no one else does yet either, that's the point. I know it is completely unheard of for police to make a mistake or for someone to sleep on it and then change their mind on pressing charges after reflection. Never happens, ever.
  2. Love how people don't need one shred of evidence or any piece of the story to prosecute and convict this kid. Guilty until proven innocent in the US these days and the social media legal system we seem to now employ as the standard.
  3. You can definitely bend flat brims. They aren't made of titanium or anything. I just hate the side 34 patch on it. It's too big and ruins the hat IMO. I have taken it upon myself to measure the size of "flat" brims and "curved" brims from New Era within the last year. They are the exact same size regardless of which style you chose. The pre-curved ones just give you a head start on bending it the way you want, that is the only difference.
  4. No talk of Marquise Brown of Oklahoma on here? He's been the most impressive WR I've watched this season. Granted, I haven't watched them all by any means, but this kid has something.
  5. Here is the logic regarding going for 2 at that stage in the game....yes, it was the right move! If you go for two there and get it you are basically setting yourself up to win the game in regulation if you stop them and score another touchdown with PAT. A tough task, sure, but achievable for sure. This increases your odds of winning dramatically over going for 1 twice and then having a 50/50 split chance (basically) of winning in OT. If you go for it and miss it at that point in the game, you still have the opportunity to score another touchdown and tie the game up with a successful 2 Point conversion, forcing overtime. If you don't go for it down 8 and decide to, instead, go for it at the end of the game down 1 point, well, then you only have one shot to get it and you lose the safety net of being able to go for it twice in case you miss it once since you already kicked the PAT on the previous score. Assuming a 50% success rate (Shumer probably felt his was better actually) on two point conversions and a 50% chance to win in overtime here is the math if they were able to score 2 TDs and stop the Falcons from scoring again. Going for 2 down 8 - 50% chance to hit and win PLUS the 50% chance to get it on attempt #2 where you would then have an additional 50% chance to win in OT. This equates to 50% + (50% chance to miss first one x 50% chance to make second one x 50% chance to win in OT = 12.5%) - so the chances of winning are now 62.5% in this case. Kicking PATs and going to OT - 50% chance to win (which also assumes a 100% success rate on PATs which we know are not true). See above fellas, it was definitely the mathematically correct call to make.
  6. All that time writing a huge post that no one is going to read more than the headline of. Such a shame.
  7. Because the impact of the defensive player over the current state player is minimized as compared to the impact of offensive players. Look at it this way. If you have a WR that you rate a 60 on a 1-100 scale and you can add a WR you have rated as a 90, that's a 30 point jump. If you already have defensive linemen that you rate 85 and you are drafting a guy that you rate a 98, that's only a 13 point jump. You get the most "bang for the buck" by upgrading your worst positions typically. When you have so many roster positions that are in rough shape, you can't afford to take that elite player who only gives you a little bump over what you have. That is a luxury reserved for teams that already have a decent roster IMO.
  8. If this team takes a defensive player with the #1 or #2 overall pick in the draft, well, then it is time to bring out the pitch forks. The ONLY sensible options are offense or trading down. Oliver and Bosa are not a luxury we can afford with the current state of affairs of the roster, unfortunately.
  9. Or, maybe every single young player knows that they are playing for their next contract and that a majority of them never even get that 2nd contract, so they are playing as hard as they possibly can in order to keep playing in the league. Maybe, just maybe, they just aren't that good.
  10. So funny how 1/2 the posters seem to think that McD is both the GM and HC. Or, basically, that Beane and McD are the exact same person or something.
  11. Well, when you consider the number of people whose lives aren't ruined because of stupid criminal charges because of it (as well as their innocent family members); the exorbitant public dollars spent on policing, prosecuting, and incarcerating people for these crimes; the reduction (not elimination, but reduction) in the illegal black market selling of these and all the crimes that go along with it (including violent ones with innocent bystanders impacted at times); the insane costs of prescription medications and how you could potentially substitute a lot of them with something you could grow on your own; I think your perspective may change a bit.
  12. I'm defending logic, reason, and freedom against antiquated views and misconceptions. To not see how the benefits drastically outweigh the risks is baffling to me.
  13. So true. They are by far the most annoying fan base in the country for all of their sports.
  14. Well, I have an Ivy League degree, went to a top tier Law School and have been smoking on a daily basis since college and more recreationally since HS. I have many friends that are now very successful attorneys, doctors, lobbyist, executives, teachers who are in the exact same boat I am. Sure, some can't keep their sh1t together, but there are plenty of lazy people who don't smoke anything as well.
  15. It is pretty well established that THC is not physically addictive. I think you know that already though. Mentally though, it can be addictive. However, there are so many other addictive things that are legal (nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, prescription drugs, heck even technology (mobile phones / apps) have been proven to create dependency). Where do you draw the line? I'm of the belief that I should be allowed to do anything I want as long as it doesn't impact others negatively and I don't believe this does. Make driving under the influence illegal and penalize that. Don't penalize me for smoking a plant that has been shown to has no impact on you or anyone else if I do it responsibly. Also, take a look at Portugal who has legalized all drugs and the dramatic reduction in addiction they have seen across the board. It's an amazing case study.
  16. Nope. I'm just hoping he keeps it that way!
  17. Dude, none of those make any sense. Case Keenum sucks and had one outlier season where he produced because he was surrounded by one of the most talented offenses in the entire league. Apparently all of Teddy's great words of wisdom in mentoring a Vet 4 years older than him didn't hold since he is about to be replaced by Chad Kelly. Started and wasn't really that good against some top end football teams. Again, 3,200 yards in his full second season of play. Pretty much via all short throws. Career high. That's impressive to you? Character? Yeah, Allen's character has really come into question since we drafted him. Same with his work ethic. Or, that is what the team says are his best attributes besides his arm strength. What the F does 4 and 5 have to do with anything? Such a grasp at straws there my man and you know it.
  18. Now this is something I will listen to and respect the merits of the argument.
  19. See edited post regarding this. How the hell is he considered to be such a great mentor? Please explain.
  20. Yeah, depend on the guy who almost had to have his leg amputated. That seems like the safe play....ugh. And where is he starting right now? Oh yeah, nowhere. Maybe his career high of 3,231 passing yards impresses you? It doesn't me. And a vet? He's only 26 years old for heaven's sake.
  21. I'm so sick of hearing about "should have brought in a vet" as if that is some sort of guarantee that a QB will be successful or something. Or that Derek Anderson is going to be some sort of savior. My lord, the guy was a starter in the league for 1 season like 15 years ago. All these vets have learned so much and are so great that none of them have been consistent productive starters in their entire careers. Yeah, I really want Allen learning from these clowns. Now, learning behind someone like Favre or Alex Smith is a totally different story, but there wasn't anyone like that available (that we could afford) to do so. Tell me who we were supposed to get and I will gladly bash that idea as illogical, impossible considering our situation, or just plain stupid.
  22. We should be drafting a QB every single year until we are sure we found a "franchise" guy. I wouldn't want a guy in the first or second or anything quite yet, but after the 2nd, absolutely. How about Byron Leftwich and Chad Pennington? Also first round picks back when Marshall was in the MAC. Charlie Batch 2nd Round. Just sayin. I've seen Jackson projected in the first by some...but I don't buy it. I think he's looking like a 3-5 guy right now, but he has potential to blow people away in workouts / combine.
  23. Are we allowed to wear the red pants or red jerseys anymore from the color rush? Just curious if anyone knows. My favorite combo (via Madden) is the red jerseys with the blue pants. Blue on blue is second favorite for me. Never was a fan of white on white unless we are using the standing buffalo helmet.
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