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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I'm not wrong and they are not. Call me a douche, call me a grammar Nazi, call me annoying, just don't call me wrong on something I'm 100% positive I'm right on. If you did, that would be an acronym since it would be pronounced "douche" not "D" "O" 'U" "C" "H" "E". Peace.
  2. Apparently you geniuses don't know what "pronounced as a word means." Brilliant. Look up the definition of "initialism" and then come back to me and tell me how wrong I am again.
  3. These are initialisms, not acronyms. Acronyms make a word (like NASA), initialisms just use the initials and don't make any word out of it. Just sayin'.
  4. I would rather not watch NFL games that end with scores similar to a Big 10 baseketball game.
  5. Rivers...but they also hit on some good D players, have an underrated #1 WR and a very good RB. 7-2 and Bosa's playing his first game today. This team is a real threat I think and Lynn certainly isn't doing anything to hold them back.
  6. This game is getting horrendous reviews. Basically saying it's fallout 4 with no story really and so much empty space. I was hesitant to get this because I thought it sounded a lot like Elder Scrolls Online which I did not really enjoy. Is anyone loving this? Or is it just "meh" at best?
  7. There is also a guy that does "marble olympics" which are kind of entertaining. Also, any of the plethora of marble machine videos.
  8. Dude, the violence in sports is NOTHING today compared to how it was in the 70s and 80s. NOTHING.
  9. Thats because of injury, not guys leaving. The 3 best are still there. Frederick, Smith, and Martin. Collins was also seen as the next in line back then and is starting now. Frederick is on IR right now and I believe either Smith or Martin were playing injured and down those two at 100% there was a big time difference.
  10. It does when you have your security staff guard the door so none of her friends can come in and stop it.
  11. My coffee maker, and many others, have both the pot and a single cup option. Mine uses a reusable filter for the single cup. Just don't spend $40/50 on it, got to get one that is around the $100 mark at the minimum for it to work pretty well consistently.
  12. The whole board? The team would be terrible. Decisions made by the most knowledgeable 10 or 20 board members...that could be a very different story.
  13. I just tried Peete's for the fist time. But I got the French Roast. Wasn't that big of a fan of it. However, I really liked how finely ground their beans were through. Almost to a powder. I will give the Italian a try next. If I don't like the first two types of a brand I try, I will probably move on from the brand at that point. Types I do like and buy often, pretty basic stuff: Tim Hortons Original, Dunkin Donuts Original, and Eight O'Clock Coffee Original (which I think is very underrated). Still looking for my real go to one as well as I will buy a lot of random stuff to try and find something that stands out above the rest, an elusive task at this point.
  14. I know this is a relatively new perspective on the Debit cards and just a couple years ago I would agree with you completly. I'm not sure if my information is law yet (i'm guessing no since you have way more experience and a CEO would certainly be on top if it if it were), or the way just certain institutions handle them as a matter of policy. But my info comes from working with one of the 3 major credit reporting services whose B2B portfolio of services is full of fraud / risk protection applications and platforms, and they say that debit cards do offer those protections now, pretty much the same as CCs. They industry is aware of the big problem they have with fraud and they are making it as easy as possible to protect and re-imburse / rectify fraudulent activities in order to not the Fed all over them for not protecting their customers from known issues. It may be a little more tedious for that re-imbursement since it is cash that is already gone basically, but they will, for the most part, make you whole.
  15. The CC companies have algorithms which help predict where you are likely to make purchases. Things like gas stations people tend to go to the same few all the time. If this was one you don't go to at all they probably noticed it and flagged it. They can tell that when you are this particular area you tend to go to this particular gas station. Or, conversely, if you always go to random ones with no pattern they can tell that as well and be more liberal with letting purchases go through unchecked. Say you make a "live" purchase in one part of town and then another live purchase is made a couple minutes later on the opposite side of town, they can tell that it would be impossible to drive that far and make two live purchases so close together time wise. I've done some work with some of these companies and how they protect against fraud. It's pretty impressive actually, and the amount that they actually catch before you are even charged or know is actually quite a lot and it is pretty scary to think about.. Check your statements at least a few times a week, if not daily. You only get screwed with Debit cards if you were negligent in giving out your information. Otherwise, they have the same protections as credit cards do. That is a common misconception though. Basically, you would have to tell someone in public your card number and pin number out loud, someone hears it and steals it, then you could be held responsible. Or leaving it in an ATM after you use it and the next person coming by and taking money out with it. That sort of card negligence.
  16. Uhhhh, no, not the Argonauts. You should pay closer attention to him, he looks phenomenal. And he basically has been putting up all his numbers in 3 quarters per game.
  17. Tua in 2020, however, is starting to look generational.
  18. Maybe, just maybe, this is because it is not McDermott's responsibility to sign the personnel and he didn't want to throw his GM under the bus? Not saying you are a poster that does this, but it amazes me how so many people here blame personnel issues on McDermott when it is clearly Beane's responsibility. McD offers input, but Beane goes after and signs the players / drafts them.
  19. Never understood why anyone would want to do something like this and ruin the challenge that is getting your funds up and having to make decisions on how you spend your money. Especially on a first play through. The ability to buy everything and anything you want in game just sounds pretty boring to me.
  20. Where did Boldin play again last year? Oh yeah, no where. He retired. He was 37 and was done. Had nothing to do with our team. He could have gone anywhere and played. He didn't, he retired. Our FO has shown they are willing to cut guys or trade them for basically nothing if they want (Vontae, and Richie as examples).
  21. Smart management understands when making the playoffs was a fluke, when we really didn't have the foundation to be consistently good or competitive for a SB title and takes action to get to that point. Smart management does not overreact and overplay their hand when they know they don't have anything. They stick to the much needed plan.
  22. Wait, wait, wait, wait. So, you say the staff lost you in 2017 pre-season. That is BEFORE they even played a single real game. You didn't even give them 1 game before they lost you. Give me a break, man. Then, you say that a backup QB who they drafted in the 5th round with absolutely no intention of him ever becoming more than a backup QB is what defines McDermott's coaching tenure. My lord, you are off the rails my friend. The start against the Chargers in 2017 for Peterman was the right move, but a bad result. Taylor had 56 yards passing the week before. Fifty-freaking-six!!! It was so obvious that the team was not going to do anything substantial with him as QB. Sure, he didn't throw a ton of picks, but he didn't get points either. Punts are pretty close to the same thing as picks and we punted all the time. As soon as team consistently spied Tyrod, he was ineffective. Period. Peterman looked good in practice (as he always does, same with pre-season) so they figured they would see what he could do. He failed miserably, they went back to Tyrod and we still made the playoffs. How did playing Peterman for that 1 half have any impact on our season at all? It didn't. Not one bit. Then this season he was the clear winner in the QB battle from all accounts. He deserved to start week 1. Again, he failed. Then we brought in our 7th overall pick to take over pretty much immediately. Peterman would never have started again barring injury. You say keep Watkins. For what? One season of having no QB to throw him the ball and have any significant impact. Were we going to the SB if we kept Watkins? Hell no. Maybe we still made the playoffs, maybe not. I think we would have had the same season and then lost him in FA. No way in hell we were paying him $16M a year. No f'n way. And finally, McDermott doesn't make the personnel decisions. Beane does. That's what GMs jobs are, not HCs. Sure, the HC has input, the Beane makes the calls. Such a clueless post and take. Sorry man. But it is.
  23. On to chapter 3. I've spent way too much time buying clothes. Rocking a sweet dark red / maroon hat and jacket, the french blue shirt, some dark grayish pants, and some nice boots with some red in them as well at the moment. I like to look like a dignified outlaw, Doc Holliday style.
  24. Peterman shines in this game. 250+ 2TDs+ 1 INT at most. I'm calling a win here. He has shown flashes, this week he puts it together.
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