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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I mean, the guy does make like $250k per year. That's quite a bit of money. Yeah, it's not mult-millions, but come on, the guy can afford to buy a pair of shoes for a fan without it affecting him one bit. It's not like he's a single mom making $30k or anything. Awesome gesture though, but let's not get crazy on how much of a personal sacrifice he made. He was being super nice, that's about it.
  2. I don't think Barr will cost $90M. Plenty of money left after to go after WR and OLine. If you can get another LB of quality, do it.
  3. It has a solid steel beam not connected to it before the bridge and set at the same height as the bridge that the trucks hit first instead of hitting the bridge. GPS is intentionally only accurate to like 10 meters or something like that. So people can think they should turn when they shouldn't. Military gets the more accurate GPS, but don't share it since it is a military advantage for them for things like targeting missiles and such.
  4. I'm predicting Color Rush uni's for the Lions game. Last home game before Xmas. Been noticing other teams wearing theirs the last few weeks.
  5. Agree. I saw it too and commented during the game how much better I thought Bojorquez was. Schmidt just has no hang time on his long punts, they don't ever have to fair catch when he lets them go and we always seem to be giving up decent returns. Sure, it looks like he has a good average, but when you take into account the return, it sucks.
  6. You can't possibly think it's better than that gem "Get Up" on the worldwide wide leader in sports, right??? Seriously though, you're right. For me it's GMF from October-January. But during baseball season I'm watching MLB Central on MLB Network. Both are very good and I even throw the other one on at times to change it up during their off-seasons. Sooooo much better than any garbage they are showing on ESPN these days.
  7. Don't understand how anyone (looking at you WGR) can complain about us trading up to take this kid. Great MLBs make a huge difference on a D. Mike Singletary, Derrick Brooks, Ray Lewis, Bobby Wagner, Luke Kuechly, Patrick Willis all led strong defenses and they were the cornerstones. Sooooo much better than Preston Brown already and he's only 20.
  8. Yesterday (well, Sunday)? Mayfield is a douche every day. That attitude is a lot of what I like about him and what Cleveland desperately needs. Especially if he can back it up with his play.
  9. I hope we go the renovation route. Keep the tailgating atmosphere we have out in the 'burbs which may be tough to do downtown. Plus, I don't think this area could support an expensive new stadium and the seat licensing, increased ticket prices, and necessary corporate buy-in (suites and such) required to make it successful. Sure, a new stadium would be cool, but we need to be realistic. And our current stadium makes us unique in the league (well, Green Bay too), nostalgic for visitors.
  10. Man, I would love to see Dougie boy get fired this off-season. That would be fantastic.
  11. This is not true. They don't show it because they don't have license to do NHL games, so they don't care about it. They only show stuff that they air. I mean, come on, they show WNBA highlights for heaven's sake, you think that is more popular than the NHL? No way. They show them because they broadcast that league and they are trying to shove down our throats that it is actually watchable so they can get some ratings. Same with women's college basketball. And they have a hockey show on it too i believe. Different platform I guess so they show some love.
  12. I'm not wrong and they are not. Call me a douche, call me a grammar Nazi, call me annoying, just don't call me wrong on something I'm 100% positive I'm right on. If you did, that would be an acronym since it would be pronounced "douche" not "D" "O" 'U" "C" "H" "E". Peace.
  13. Apparently you geniuses don't know what "pronounced as a word means." Brilliant. Look up the definition of "initialism" and then come back to me and tell me how wrong I am again.
  14. These are initialisms, not acronyms. Acronyms make a word (like NASA), initialisms just use the initials and don't make any word out of it. Just sayin'.
  15. I would rather not watch NFL games that end with scores similar to a Big 10 baseketball game.
  16. Rivers...but they also hit on some good D players, have an underrated #1 WR and a very good RB. 7-2 and Bosa's playing his first game today. This team is a real threat I think and Lynn certainly isn't doing anything to hold them back.
  17. This game is getting horrendous reviews. Basically saying it's fallout 4 with no story really and so much empty space. I was hesitant to get this because I thought it sounded a lot like Elder Scrolls Online which I did not really enjoy. Is anyone loving this? Or is it just "meh" at best?
  18. There is also a guy that does "marble olympics" which are kind of entertaining. Also, any of the plethora of marble machine videos.
  19. Dude, the violence in sports is NOTHING today compared to how it was in the 70s and 80s. NOTHING.
  20. Thats because of injury, not guys leaving. The 3 best are still there. Frederick, Smith, and Martin. Collins was also seen as the next in line back then and is starting now. Frederick is on IR right now and I believe either Smith or Martin were playing injured and down those two at 100% there was a big time difference.
  21. It does when you have your security staff guard the door so none of her friends can come in and stop it.
  22. My coffee maker, and many others, have both the pot and a single cup option. Mine uses a reusable filter for the single cup. Just don't spend $40/50 on it, got to get one that is around the $100 mark at the minimum for it to work pretty well consistently.
  23. The whole board? The team would be terrible. Decisions made by the most knowledgeable 10 or 20 board members...that could be a very different story.
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