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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I think he goes #1 overall. He is much better, IMO, than any other QB prospect in this years draft. Smaller QBs having so much success recently will help a lot. Some team will become enamored with him and trade up to #1 to take him and rightfully so in my mind, unless he's like 5'6" or something or the Cardinals fall in love with someone like Bosa and don't think they can get him where they can trade down.
  2. Seriously, in what world is 52.3% completion, 9.2% INT rate, 3 TD, 12 INT, 4.2 Yards per Attempt and a 32.5 rating over 130 passes better than 58.3% COMP% / 2.7% INT% / 19TD / 15INT / 6.4YPA 77.5 over 547? I don't care if he is throwing it like 50 Cent throwing out a first pitch, he's still better than Peterman.
  3. There is absolutely zero reason whatsoever why this should impact their desire / need to draft a QB early....well, except for Elway's ego thinking he can get by with such a bad QB because he is just so much smarter than everyone (in his mind at least). Are you really comparing Peyton and Flacco? Please tell me this is sarcasm and i just missed it.
  4. ....So....he just gets to keep $201k for stiffing the A's? That is some B.S.
  5. Now just imagine adding a straight burner / agility guy like Hollywood Brown in the draft. That would be a well balanced top 4 going into the season IMO.
  6. Good to hear. Haven't really paid attention to him since he left Auburn, but I can certainly remember him dominating some of those Auburn games I watched. He ALWAYS stood out in every game it seemed.
  7. All the talent in the world. Can he keep it together mentally though? That is his issue.
  8. I've been on the Hollywood train since I watched him vs. Texas. With today's game and how you can hardly touch a WR off the line, I think he projects well to be a successful, high draft pick in the league. If we could trade down to the mid/late teens, I would highly consider him if he's there.
  9. It's a protected 1st though. That's why they should be tanking. It's the last time they have potential to get a high pick for a while IMO. I disagree. I think a play making PG with good passing skills and excellent play making / driving skills would be a great fit to open up things for both Doncic and Porzingis.
  10. Mavs should be tanking this season to the best PG in the draft to pair with them. Ja Morant.
  11. This is not quite true. Jordan came back the year before his second three peat during the middle of the season and they lost in the playoffs with him that year. Granted, he wasn't quite himself yet, but it was technically 6 in 7 years.
  12. The only ones that are going to be worth anything are the PSA (more reputable) or Beckett graded rookies / errors / rares. Everything else is junk. And if its from the 80s/90s it better be graded at least a 9 to be worth anything (most likely a 10). Since it is expensive to get it graded I wouldn't even try with anything damaged on the corners, off center, or bad print quality. Most likely, you are sitting on a bunch of junk that should be thrown away, burned, given to youngsters, because it ain't going to be worth squat. Thats what happens when they print millions of copies of the exact same card.
  13. Dude, they were a Brandon Cooks dropped TD pass away from being tied with 4 mins left. Yes, they barely lost the game. Jesus. And no, I don't think that even Bills fans would be running a 33 year old coach who took the team to the SB in his second season or a third year QB who has gotten better every year and took their team the SB. Come on now.
  14. I really wish my overrated coach and overrated QB got me to the SB and barely lost to the greatest of all time. SMH.
  15. Why wouldn't he love Buffalo? We gave him $25M ($41 if you count the $16 the Browns paid him on our contract). $41M, set for his entire life, for a mediocre at best performance. Could you imagine making $41M being "OK" at your job? I would even argue that he was flat out bad. $41M for being a bad performing employee. Yikes. I don't care how great of a person he is, that's crazy if you think about it. I would offer up that he held back a team of talented WR (Woods, Hogan, Goodwin, Watkins actually looks like a pretty darn good WR corp these days) with a talented RB and a pretty good OLine. He didn't break the drought, he held us back from being a real threat.
  16. I'm typically upset / in a bad mood for my drive home from watching the game at my brothers and then am fine by the time I get home.
  17. Just my opinion, but I've always regarded KISS as being one of the most overrated bands ever. I often wonder if they didn't have their stage show, would they be any where near as famous based on their music alone?
  18. ....until the Pharma companies set to lose billions of dollars because their treatments and prescriptions are no longer needed, squash it to keep their pockets full with dying people's money. Cynical, yes. A real possibility, also yes.
  19. Had a girl tell me that if you drink one beer you are legally too drunk to drive. After she refused to budge on such a stupid statement I actually told her, "it's OK to leave now."
  20. So he's too chicken s*** to just wear the t-shirt, but just shows a very small slice of it and I'm supposed to be impressed by how "legendary" he is. Looks more like a guy who's pretending to be edgy but too scared to actually do it.
  21. Saw a -25 (roughly) on a bank sign that showed temps one time in either Ohio or Indiana, can't remember. Add another 10-20 on top of that for the wind chill. Also saw a 104 (roughly) in an Indiana summer. And no, it was not a "dry heat".
  22. Once went on a date with someone who was allergic to wheat (a while ago, may have been something similar if not wheat). Said she couldn't even drink beer. That was enough for me to never call her again. I felt like Seinfeld, finding any excuse to not date someone.
  23. Dryden was in my fraternity, well before my time though, I'm a 2002 grad. Lacrosse also lost the national championship recently, in 2009. Sad story, my friends boyfriend was killed during a game in 2003 (maybe 2004). Took a ball to the chest and suffered cardiac arrest. She was destroyed.
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