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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I tell you what, I watch a lot of college football. They were always talking him up. While watching him I kind of thought the same thing. Why is this guy getting so much love? He seems slow for some reason to me. Now, everyone is praising him, he has great measureables, etc., and I'm thinking, wow I guess I was wrong. Glad I'm not the only one who sees this. Or maybe you are just poking at the OP for misuse of the word I guess. But that was my impression of him anyway for some reason.
  2. IDK, I kinda think Allen raised his "low floor" up quite a bit with his performance last season, especially in the last quarter of the season.
  3. Honestly, short of drafting a QB in round 1, nothing would really surprise me. If they feel we would be better served with White in MLB and Edmunds at OLB and that is the best player on their board, then I don't think they would hesitate at all to make the pick just because they had him running the defense last year.
  4. While I'm confident we made a lot of really good moves, I still think we are one year away from having a really quality roster top to bottom. I agree with most of the OPs assessment and I think that is just too many holes to fill with significant impact players / quality depth. Notably, DT, Edge Rusher, decent LB depth. Unless we are able to fill a couple more with the remaining FAs, but I don't see that as likely, at least not impact guys. I won't depend on more than 2 or 3 rookies at most having a significant impact and getting an impact pass rushing / penetrating DT and an edge rusher worth of salt in the same draft seems unlikely to me. Not to say we aren't going to be much improved this year and potentially a playoff caliber team, I just think we are at risk of some key injuries having a big time impact because the depth is just not quite there yet. Slowly but surely building it and doing it the right way for long term success though.
  5. The Browns rebuild took AT LEAST 5 years. They had been acquiring picks for a long, long time before they put them to good use the last 2 seasons. They were in last place in their division every year except 1 (3rd place in 2010) since 2008 before another time last season. Exactly.
  6. Would love to read you expert analysis on all his deficiencies. It sure as hell isn't his arm strength, mobility, leadership, or heart. I bet here come the bad accuracy diagnosis...well, it's kind of hard to have high completion % when your WRs and TEs drop balls left and right and you have such tight windows to throw in since they cannot create any separation that the margin for error is so small. Ok, he misses an open guy once in a while, but guess what? So does Brady, so does Breeze, so does Mahomes (or did you miss that wide open guy he missed in the endzone in the playoffs?). Don't be afraid to embrace this kid. Jump on in, the water is warm. Enjoy the ride and don't be a miserable SOB Debbie Downer.
  7. Correct. My bad. Funny because I corrected someone else on that same thing a while back. No, now they get extra draft capital out of it.
  8. They aren't trading for Rosen. They are tanking for Lawrence or Tua next year. Edit: Not Lawrence, he's not draft eligible next year. Tua or Herbert...but is Herbert worth tanking over? I don't think so.
  9. The hurdle was 1. The second was when he tried to play after hurting his elbow and could barely throw. Yeah, it didn't work out, but he showed me that he was willing to try and play through pain (and i'm sure that was damn painful). That's a level of toughness and dedication not everyone possesses. Like Jimbo toughness.
  10. Housley has to go. Has to. But honestly, I'm also seriously contemplating whether Jack has the right stuff to lead this team. Obviously his skill level is off the charts, but can he motivate other guys to be better too? Sure hasn't looked that way from where I'm watching. I'm really struggling seeing the silver lining with this team at this point. I am. They have simply rolled over and given up. So frustrating.
  11. Is he designated "non-exclusive"? If he is designated exclusive you can't make him an offer at all. But they can trade him to you for whatever compensation you negotiate like a regular trade. If he's non-exclusive then you can, but if he signs an offer sheet you have to give up compensation. Looks like he was designated non-exclusive after looking it up. Signed offer sheets require 2 first round picks as compensation if not matched. So if done after draft it would be 2020 and 2021. Hard pass on that.
  12. Again, zero evidence that Brown wasn't fired up to come and the Bills decided it wasn't a fit worth pursuing. ZERO. Just pundits making assumptions.
  13. Play the curmudgeon. It's cool. We get it. It's a win-win for you. Say we stink, say don't get excited yet, then if we do, you get to say "see, I told you so." But, if we are good you get to say, "I'm glad I was wrong" and jump on board when we are winning. In the meantime, I get to add another tool to the blocked list. See ya.
  14. Dudes tank has been drying up the last two years. I would hardly say he has "plenty" left there.
  15. As a "U" fan, I'm all for filling our backfield with all their former backs!
  16. McGahee for sure. How could you not love this guy, he's hilarious. Intelligence is way underrated too.
  17. Yeah, this kid stands out for sure. There are a few RBs I like in this draft, he's definitely one of them. I mean, in reality the teams in these conferences face 2 or 3 good defenses a year. It's not like they are top to bottom stellar defenses or anything. I mean, the Big12 sucks at defense top to bottom. There really isn't that big of a difference unless you are going up against Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio State and maybe one or two more per conference. And even then, you don't necessarily play against all those teams in your conference. Remember too, he's also playing behind a much worse line than you get with those schools.
  18. No, only the ones in which I have direct knowledge are doing this. Uber and Lyft are two of those. And believe me, it was at all feasible for me professionally, I would go back to the landline with an answering machine. Ask any coder/software engineer worth anything what they think about all these smart devices. Many of them develop them, but avoid using them as much as possible. But, this is now gone off the rails. Was just trying to educate regarding something that was shocking to me when I found out. Do what you will with it. I don't really give a sh*t.
  19. I work in software my man. I am well aware. I am also well aware that you can program/code around that undetected pretty easily.
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