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Everything posted by Mark80

  2. I mean, you just doubled down on my point, thanks. Tyrod was horrible. Horrible every where he has played. Yet, somehow we made the playoffs with him and an "incredibly mediocre team." Tyrod's horrendous, "I'm afraid to throw to anyone who isn't open by 5 yards mentality" lost that game for us vs the Jags more than anything.
  3. You realize he took Tyrod Taylor to the playoffs, right? Tyrod freaking Taylor.
  4. When the owner allows the stadium to go into complete disrepair, intentionally puts the worst product possible on the field, and is clearly intending to relocate the team, why would anyone spend money going to the games? Imagine the Bills were going to relocate, they traded Allen, Diggs, Milano, Oliver, Dawkins for basically nothing, and the stadium had overflowing sewage pipes and wild animals living in the press boxes, how do you think our attendance would look?
  5. Guess I missed the part where the Billionaire owner held the team hostage for Hundreds of Millions of taxpayer funds when they moved the team to KC or Oakland. Please link the article so I can inform myself.
  6. Schools over stadiums lawsuit seems to be the only chance left. As an A's fan for 35 years, this sucks. Taking one of the oldest franchises with over 55 years in a huge market to one of the smallest markets in the league. Makes no sense. Such a greedy POS.
  7. Nah, we LITERALLY lost because of a 12 man on the field penalty. Literally.
  8. Pizza and weed.
  9. I stop reading any post after I see someone type in this format. Stupidest crap I have ever seen and tells me a lot about a posters intellect.
  10. Nothing worse than listening to someone talk about their fantasy teams or their gambling results. No one cares. At all.
  11. Undergrad at Cornell. Waking up getting ready for French class someone told me a plane hit the Tower. Walked up to class and in the lobby I could see the second tower had been hit. After class in that same lobby I saw the first tower just collapsed. At that point classes got cancelled and I walked back to our house. I can vividly remember people on their cell phones crying, desperately trying to reach friends and family but unable to get through to anyone as the lines were jammed. Obviously there is a huge number of NYC, Long Island, Metro area students who have family and alumni that work in those from Cornell. It was quite a surreal scene that I'll never forget. Can't imagine what people who were actually there went through.
  12. Russel Wilson is not Patrick Mahomes. Nathaniel Hackett is not Andy Reid. This analogy just doesn't hit the mark for me.
  13. HI Wacka. Wow. You may be surprised to hear this, but I had a very similar situation but didn't have the stroke. Was admitted last year (day after Rams game) with swelling in legs and high BP. Was also in the 240/170 range. 2 nurses there told me that they have been working in nursing over 30 years and have NEVER seen BP that high. Unfortunately, the swelling was because my Kidneys were shutting down and water was accumulating in my legs and stomach area. Gained 40, yes 40 lbs of water weight in like 2 weeks and lost it all in 10 days in the hospital. It did screw up my kidneys permanently as well. CKD, not quite stage 4 though, but I'm only 43 and it aint going to ever get better. Best I can hope for is keeping steady. Lesson learned....don't wait 20 years between doctor check-up. Don't wait 6 months to see a Doctor when you are feeling sick for that long. Listen to your loved ones. I did eventually and it saved my life...for now at least. Good luck to you, it's a crappy situation to be in. I can't even have bacon anymore!
  14. Considering his size one would assume high blood pressure is a likely culprit.
  15. Wow, are people in here really blaming Mahomes and claiming the Chiefs have issues after 1 game? 1 freaking game? The first game of the season none the less. My lord. Tell me he has lost something or the Chiefs aren't a threat after October. Whoever is saying this is going to look like a fool. Probably same folks saying Brady was done after we beat him 31-0 in the 2003 opener.
  16. Oh, Irv. No one has heard a peep out of Colorado since Kordell Stewart was slinging the rock 30 years ago. It cannot possibly go any worse than the last 30 years. And personally, I expect it to go quite well.
  17. Constant misuse of "ironic" and "literally". No, you are not literally starving to death.
  18. Man we were so lucky to have Rick and Van for so long. Both were absolute treasures. RIP Rick, thank you for all the great memories and thank you for being a source of comfort during hard times. True class act.
  19. If 1966-1975 was a decade, that would be hands down the best decade of music ever. 70s faded in the second half IMO with more Journey/Foreigner/REO/Supertramp type bands. Led had released I, II, III, IV all by 1971.
  20. We enjoyed the Rose Tavern at the Lake House for a more upscale restaurant if you are looking for something along those lines.
  21. No matter who you are talking to it is pretty much guaranteed that they know more about something than you do. Just because they are not knowledgeable about what you are, doesn't mean they are stupid. I don't buy this really. Often times things can lead to experiences as well...fast cars, boats, off road vehicles, at home entertainment, video games, a pool or living space, whatever...all those products create experiences for people too. It all depends on the individual and what they want their "experiences" to be. Some would argue the products are better because you can repeat the experience instead of just trying to remember it.
  22. The New York Store in the Village of Lancaster is very service oriented if you want them to be.
  23. Honestly, this place changed when the other Forum shut down years ago and the users came over here.
  24. It's almost like it's an addiction and they cannot help it or something.
  25. I made Arlington one Memorial Day weekend. It was awe inspiring to say the least.
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