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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I know it does not currently, but that is what the article is about. Potentially negotiating that it WOULD affect the pool in the future and, in turn, the players potentially wanting some say in how the money is spent since they, essentially, would have paid for part of it.
  2. Yes, but I believe the negotiating point brought up is to change that for the Stadium fund, sort of like a write-off in the tax world. At least that's how it read to me.
  3. I think you are missing the point here. The point is that their money is already going to be taken in that the pool of revenue in which the players are allocated a certain percentage, will be lower because money will be taken from it and placed into stadium projects. He is saying since they are essentially paying for some it because of this this now reduced pool of revenue, they should have some say in how its spent. Simple example with incorrect numbers. Total Revenue $1B, players get 50% share. Players get $500M. In this scenario it may be this. Total Revenue $1B, Amount dedicated to stadiums $100M. New Revenue left $900M, players still get 50% share. Players only get $450M. So, they actually "paid" for $50M of the stadium improvements.
  4. Professionally, early. Personally, on time. Never late unless its because of waiting for the woman.
  5. That is quite the insult to Nirvana. FF are so meh.
  6. Must be nice to have the best offensive line in football and two extra years of experience. I'd put any amount down on Allen having more yards and TDs than Prescott had in his 2nd year, barring injury of course.
  7. I buy and listen to vinyl, there is not skipping of songs really. So my list is pretty long. Some of my favorite beginning to end ones are: Beatles - Abbey Road Led Zeppelin - II, III, IV The Allman Bros Band - Self-Titled Pearl Jam - 10, Vs. Van Morrison - Moondance Otis Redding - Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings Soul Blind Melon - Self-Titled Mad Season - Live at the Moore Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream Oasis - What's the Story (Morning Glory) Hum - Self-Titled Weezer - Blue Album Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin Bob Dylan Coltrane - A Love Supreme Miles Davis - Kind of Blue Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Hum Jimmy Smith - Root Down John Mayall Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton
  8. I got it for like $3 used on Hertel a year ago. What a steal.
  9. Wish I would have seen this thread two days ago. Had no idea he was coming here and would have loved to see it.
  10. Maybe you are not familiar with how breeding certain traits works with dogs??? Maybe I'm not understanding your comment correctly? Maybe you didn't understand mine? Pit bulls came from their English cousins who were bred to to "bait" bulls. The American pitbull was bred from those extremely powerful dogs to be fighting dogs. The ones who wouldn't fight would often be killed by their owners and they would only try to breed the ones who would fight willingly and did so well. So that mentality kept getting bred deeper and deeper into them as the generations passed. I'm sorry, I love pets and animals as much as anyone, but those are, quite simply, the facts. They were bred to be killing machines, not companion pets, not working dogs, not guard dogs, not even hunting assistants, but killers.
  11. The media and the coaching staff really need to understand what the word "voluntary" means. I think it is so stupid that media reports on who doesn't show up to "voluntary" work outs as if they are not team players, or are not dedicated to football, or are selfish. So dumb. "we're in here talking about voluntary practice. I mean, listen, we're talking about voluntary practice. Not a real practice. Not a real practice. Not a real practice. We're talking about voluntary practice. Not a real practice. Not the real practice that I go out there and die for and play every real practice like it's my last. Not the real practice. We're talking about voluntary practice, man."
  12. I just don't get the point. Is it to look cool or look tough? There are plenty of other dogs that look cool and look tough that have far fewer "accidents" of attacking/killing people. These dogs were bred to be killing machines, not pets. Society should let this bread die out naturally.
  13. Yeah, it is common at places like gas stations for example, but if they get complaints about it then they can get their service pulled for breaking the agreement. They do it anyways because most people don't know that and most people have no idea who the processor is to complain to. Its not your issuer (bank) or credit card companies (MC, Visa), its someone in-between typically.
  14. It is my understanding that it is against the credit card processor companies policies to charge extra for customers to use the service. It is also against their agreements to have minimum credit card purchase amounts. This may be outdated info, but I was told that a few years back doing work for one of the Big 3 credit reporting companies.
  15. Come Together in top 100 as well. Hey Jude at 31 is criminal.
  16. Haven't listened to it for years. But I remember a Kansas song (Dust in the Wind I think, maybe Carry on my Wayward Son), winning it a few times. Now they aren't even in top 25? Fine by me though. Stairway always seems to be 1 or 2.
  17. Yeah, it was UB for sure. Acoustic issues make sense though as the starting point of the demise of the show. OLP and Sponge didn't seem to have any though, they absolutely killed their sets.
  18. Is it me, or is tipping getting out of control? Now, I go to a take-out place and they have the Ipad POS terminals that they hand you with tipping options that you have to decide what to tip. Many with 15% on the low end up to 25%. For take-out? Seriously? This is BS. You don't even get a chance to decide if it was good service or not first, it's when you place your order. You shouldn't be prompted to tip anything for take-out IMO. But, I don't want to seem like that jerk that doesn't tip anything (they are making my food after all), so I'm screwed. I'm just going to start bringing cash everywhere so I don't have to go through this. It's total BS. Just charge me what you want me to pay and be done with it. Raise the prices even, I don't care, just stop this tipping for everything crap.
  19. One of my first concerts candlebox at UB. Like 93/94, around there sometime. Opening acts were Our Lady Peace and then Sponge. OLP and Sponge were so good that Candlebox basically got booed off the stage. They were crying about the crowd and eventually walked off playing like 20 or 30 mins only. It was a long time ago, my memory is probably fuzzy, but thats how I remember it. The song is OK. But best rock songs of all time? Come on man, get a grip.
  20. I like the old stuff...and absolutely everything about his video.
  21. Well, the one had us at 3 taking Jeudy and now 7 taking Delpit. Take solace in knowing that if we stink we are going to get one heck of a baller. These two are ridiculous talents and would have been at the top of their positions in this years draft.
  22. So many whiny babies about a great show because it didn't have the perfect ending that THEY wanted. Or because the creators didn't want to spend the next 5 years of their lives flushing out every story line perfectly. My lord folks. It's a show and it was great. The only problem with it was the crazy expectations you all created for it in your minds.
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