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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. What make YOU think that AB isn't smart? And even if he isn't a Rhodes scholar, you do not have to be brilliant to understand what you want and then pay top dollar for Agents, PR firms, Social Media experts and Videographers to make it happen for you. That is what I believe happened. He told Drew what he wanted and Drew probably guided him on how to do it. That is just my opinion on it. It was just too crazy.
  2. This has always been dumb to me. Sure, Shazier type injuries, career ending ones, or head trauma ones I will never want to see happen to anyone. But other injuries? Come on. These guys have access to the best medical professionals in the world, are compensated handsomely for the risk, and if it provides my team a competitive advantage, then why not feel some joy in them losing a great player for our game?
  3. Agree. This was his plan the entire time. They wouldn't trade him to NE from Pitt so he pretended that he would take a trade elsewhere with full intention of being a problem so he would get his release and be able to join whatever team he wanted. If he didn't agree to an extension with the Raiders, they wouldn't have done the deal, so he did it, knowing he was going to get out of it with his crazy behavior. I mean, they already had the deal worked out. So obvious. I fully expect him to behave now and put up insane numbers. Its f'n BS.
  4. I always think of the best defenses having a top end player at each level. Oliver, Edmunds, and White all seem to be on that trajectory. Very exciting.
  5. The "bad luck" of having a missed FG pales in comparison to the "bad luck" of fumbling a snap, having 2 passes intercepted off of deflections, and losing another fumble. Just sayin'.
  6. Good teams win a few games that they are not supposed to win. We shouldn't have won this game when we were down 16-0. But we kept at it, continued to battle, got a few breaks (when the Jets got them all in the first half), and pulled it out. This win gives me a lot of hope for this season and the core group as a whole.
  7. No, they are not better than Reggie Wayne, Marvin Harrison, and Dallas Clark. No, they are not better than Randy Moss, Chris Carter, and Jake Reed. A malcontent and a drug addict. Please.
  8. What brands do you swear by? I'm looking to start building a better tool collection and would prefer one go to brand for battery sharing purposes mostly. So what do you use? Looking for the best value, not cheapest. Willing to pay for quality but do not need professional level stuff. Mostly to be used around the house, maybe some simple remodeling, but nothing too crazy. Will be moving into a 100 year old house though so you never know what is going to come up. So far, the leader seems to be Milwaukee from my research.
  9. I think it depends on the player. I think it definitely mattered when we signed Lawyer Milloy and then beat the Pats 31-0 week 1 on way to a 6-10 record while the Pats were on their way to a 14-2 record and a SB title.
  10. Braveheart - "Freedom" Field of Dreams - "Hey, Dad. You wanna have a catch" As Good as it Gets - Jack's monologue at the end
  11. Counter Culture Coffee - Big Trouble. This is worth trying out. Trust me. They have it at Wegmans if you live near one. Also, Peet's - Major Dickason is very good and a bit cheaper.
  12. Stay safe all. This looks like its gonna be a big one. So glad Verizon just got the Weather Channel back after years without it. Love watching coverage of these.
  13. Yeah, he sucks. I'm just saying its not that easy finding a good one.
  14. The hard part isn't finding a guy who can kick it 50 yards. The hard part is finding a guy who can kick it 50 yards with good hang time as well as having touch to kick it only 40 yards and have it pin someone inside the 10.
  15. Yeah...the most popular band of all time is overrated. Right. You may not like them, but overrated, come on now? I suppose Brady is overrated too?
  16. After we beat the Rams in 2008 to start 4-0 they were jock riding so hard....then we went 7-9. They really don't know anything about teams true talent. They just go with the flavor of the month and the perennials. We are neither yet.
  17. Darnold has looked good. Bell is a monster. Mosley is a great MLB addition. I hear ya, this is not going to be an easy game by any means. If we control the game and beat them it should bode very well for the entire season.
  18. Agree 100%. I don't give a flying F about who you should start in your flex position during week 4. I don't care that you have 20 FF teams. It is so annoying to me. Especially when people are calling in to ask about their team. Be an adult, make a f'n decision on your own. My lord.
  19. While I do see Edmunds making a big leap this year, I can't see him being the best MLB in the league quite yet. That means he's got to jump over Keuchly (who could miss time with concussions again very easily) and Wagner who is just an absolute stud still. I don't think he can make that big of a leap yet, but Pro-bowl? Sure. I like the Hyde option, also I think Tre White has a shot. He is damn good. In fact, I would say he has the best shot on the team of making it.
  20. I must admit, if this post is actually true then I just lost a lot of respect for Gugny.
  21. I challenge any one to play the OPs song, close their eyes, and tell me at what point in the video he starts playing with the guitar BEHIND HIS BACK!!! Unbelievable.
  22. And add another to the ignore list. C ya scrub.
  23. My lord. Take things a bit too far maybe? Maybe you missed the first word of the sentence, "Also". It signifies that there are other contributing factors and the proceeding statement adds to them. Reading comprehension is tough for some, I get it. Keep trying though, you'll get there some day.
  24. Also the constant G force they subject themselves to (especially in Formula 1) is astounding for those prolonged periods. That is not something a "normal" untrained person could withstand.
  25. If you are calling bowling an activity, I think you have to call golf an activity too. I believe Kenny Powers sums it up best:
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