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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Let me ask you this. How many schools in the last 40 years have a great track record of NFL QB success? How many have more than 1 QB with NFL success? I can count Standford (Elway, Luck), Cal (Rodgers, Goff), Oklahoma (Jury still out obviously, but maybe Baker and Murray)....and that's all I've got off the top of my head. Every other "franchise" QB is the only one from that school in the last 40 years. So there is either 3 schools that develop QBs or your standard for the school is 1 guy. 1. No school has that success rate until they do.
  2. Such a tired point to make. Question. Has Wyoming? Has Duke? Had Clemson before Watson? Don't get me wrong, Jameis is a terrible face of the franchise, but it has nothing to do with where he went to school.
  3. Disagree completely. Sure it got a bit quiet in the 3rd, but the first/second was rocking. You just didn't notice it that much because the defense was playing so well they weren't on the field that much in the 1st half for it to get loud a lot. But when they were, it was loud. And the 4th quarter was some of the loudest I've ever heard there.
  4. Never in the history of the NFL has a week 3 game been a must win game. Never.
  5. A lot of that was just the Post WWII propaganda talk that just filtered down a generation.
  6. Pretty quick. I watched the one from today 9/20 at like 730 am EST. No idea when it actually ended in Japan, but I'm guessing its up in a matter of hours. There have been some very successful Hawaiian Sumo wrestlers, even a Yokozuna or two. But I know what you are saying, the business side of it.
  7. All very true. But he is also going against the top guys in the world too who happen to outweigh him by 100-200 lbs, not just some fat slob with no skill. That's why it is so amazing to me. Both Yokozuna's left this one early with injuries so its wide open with 2 days left. I think something like 6 or 7 of them (actually it's 9! just checked) are within 1 loss of the top spot. Should be an exciting final two days. I like the channel I linked because you can watch all the matches in 25 mins. I even kinda like it better that it is in Japanese and I have no idea what they are saying!
  8. Anyone watch Sumo? I just started a few months ago. It's mesmerizing. There is this young dude Enho coming up. He's only 216 lbs fighting in the top division against mostly 300+ pound and even some 400+ pound dudes who can really move. Imagine the normal wrestling, boxing, MMA world not having any weight classes. I root for Tochinoshin though, he just looks mean. Here is an Enho match from a few days ago. Crazy to me. Starts around 7:20 if my link didn't do it right. It will be obvious which one he is!
  9. I feel sad for a lot of posters on here. This is a man when literally faced with death kept the most upbeat, optimistic, cheerful attitude that I have EVER seen. This man traveled to games far and near against his doctors orders to attend the games of the team he loved. Not in a push to be recognized as a high-profile NFL fan, no, he did that already pre-cancer. He did it because he said F cancer. It may take me, but I'm going to enjoy my life to the fullest while I still can. Oh, and he also took the time while he was dying to set up a foundation for kids to get backpacks to capitalize on his story. He didn't try to get rich, he tried to help others. He accomplished a lot in the worst of situations. And he just so happens to be a fan of my team. I'm damn proud of it. And I don't care that Jimbo didn't visit him.
  10. That album is on point. The studio one with that tune on it that is. Bought the vinyl a few months ago! Homme is pretty much unrecognizable in that video. You dig that "stoner rock" type genre I highly recommend checking out Egypt's self-titled EP. Only 4 songs. Damn good if you can find it on youtube.
  11. While I disagree with Freedom as a pump up song because it has so much "slow" time in it. Bulls on Parade, along with plenty of others would be a fine choice. I'll even add to it some Audioslave ones...Gasoline anyone? I can get pumped by Zack or Chris, no problem.
  12. Man did I love looking at my dads vinyl of this as a little kid! Now I have it and the self-titled (along with all his other records that survived). My pops used to always listen to The Cars in the basement working out. A memory that has, obviously, stuck with me through the years.
  13. So, what I'm reading is that your entire family is filled with bandwagoners?!?! I hear what you are saying, but I'm still not quite there yet. I was waiting for the implosion all second half still. Gonna take a while to heal those scars!
  14. As I said earlier in the thread, the underdogs on the money lines are tough. If you didn't go for the big ones, you would have came out on top.
  15. I don't see this as a Ramsey problem. I see it as a St. Doug problem. I'd take Ramsey on my team any day of the week.
  16. I rarely bet on the underdog with the money line. I've come to the realization that the odds makers are, indeed, better than I am at knowing what they are talking about. Give me the -300s / -400s / -500s all day. Sure, your pockets don't grow as fast, but they grow more consistently. Few years back I put $50 into an account. Mostly betting baseball money lines it's now up to over $600. Is it a crap ton of money, no. But its growing at about 33-50% per year with my philosophy of cherry picking the best favorites on the money lines and putting 10% of my balance on it.
  17. One of his passes last night was so weak and off target that Aikman thought it got deflected...spoiler alert...it didn't. He just threw it that way. He looks like he is running in slow motion too. I'm leaning towards he is done as an effective QB.
  18. CeeDee is alright, but all his big plays are just great catches. Jeudy will make those and also make crazy plays after the catch. He is much faster and quicker. I like Shenaults speed and ability to take a handoff, but he just doesn't have that make tacklers miss in the open field juke move like Jeudy. Shanault just runs away from everyone...but in the Pac 12. I mean look at these plays, he's ridiculous.
  19. Much rather do a Julio Jones type trade for Jeudy. He is worth it.
  20. Honestly, the only downside to Buffalo is the high taxes (Property, income, school, and sales) and if you aren't a fan of snow, well, probably not a good fit. Besides that, the temperatures in the summer and winter are actually pretty moderate because of the proximity to the lake. There is a huge revitalization going on, housing is very affordable, good schools. People are nice in time of crisis (like snow storms), but you are not going to get every person that you walk by saying hello to you or every grocery store checkout employee talking to you for like 5 minutes, like it is in the south. Maine is a beautiful place that I would also consider. The downside there, IMO, is there really is a lack of diversity from what I saw. Maybe that's a good thing for you, but from a Cali perspective I would guess that it is not. (This is southern coast of Maine and its my only experience there). Vermont has a lot of nice attributes as well, but I haven't visited yet.
  21. Must be the smallest choir in the history of choirs. He basically preaching to 2 or 3 people here.
  22. Also, EVERY QB IN THE LEAGUE has errant throws every game. Every. Single. One.
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