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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I was commenting on the one-hit wonder comment. Two years of solid play with this year being excellent contradicts that IMO. Of course he will be more expensive.
  2. Except he's been balling pretty good for 2 years now.
  3. I feel like there was a pretty good one in one of the Bourne movies, no?
  4. The Cowboys have exactly zero wins against teams with an over .500 record. Their only impressive win was against a .500 Eagles team. Every other team they beat stinks or didn't have their starting QB playing. They even lost to the Jets. I just can't fathom why so many people are so scared of this game and chalking it up as a L. We have at least a 33% chance of stealing a win there IMO.
  5. Fair point I didn't consider. Thinking back I can definitely understand what you are saying. Louisville's big throw plays were mostly in the middle of the field for sure.
  6. Just stinks that when you rush one of them you lose some of the best cover LBs in the league. The key is to mix it up and keep the offenses guessing. Stay out of patterns that can be exposed with these blitzes.
  7. Paying attention to him during his run at Louisville you could see enormous strides in his passing mechanics from his Sophomore to Junior years. Most notably in his footwork. That was what convinced me he was legit. I thought that while maybe still not perfect, he showed that he could learn a lot in just one off-season which was impressive to me.
  8. Jackson was absolutely tremendous at Louisville. I have no idea why NFL teams didn't see him for the talent he clearly was. The WR talk was completely ludicrous. I had him behind Mayfield and Darnold on my list that year, but ahead of Rosen and Allen (who I, admittedly, had last out of the 5). To me, this was clearly not an RGIII scenario at all. He was thicker and had more arm talent than RGIII. I also was hoping the Bills would stand pat and take him (if he was there) with even their second 1st round pick. Mahomes doesn't disappoint me because I didn't see it from him in college. With Lamar, I did. Now, I'm a big Allen fan and am very pleased with what I am seeing trajectory and improvement wise, but I do catch myself wondering "what if..." with Lamar. Hopefully lots of fun, meaningful battles for years to come.
  9. John Elway is a terrible GM. The only good thing he did was convince Peyton to go there. That was it and that was a LONG time ago. And two of their wins were close games too....they could just as easily be a 1 win team.
  10. Dinosaur - best guitarist of the era, albums are hit or miss for me though. I typically LOVE about 4 or 5 of the songs and pretty much hate the rest of them on every album I've heard of theirs. Stone Roses - excellent first album, don't know the second one. I'll have to give Harvey Danger and Screaming Trees a better listen, only really know main songs. And don't even know My Bloody Valentine or Sebadoh. But I've see your taste before on here which makes me think I'll need to check them out!
  11. Their first album is also a masterpiece and their second album is pretty damn good too. One Hit Wonder 90s bands that are actually really good: Blind Melon, Hum, Seven Mary Three. I don't think kyuss ever had a hit that I can remember, but they are way underrated too. For older and younger folks not familiar: Blind Melon - rock/blues mix. Extremely talented guitar duo. Shannon's voice isn't for everyone, but I love it. Very self-reflective lyrics, many about addiction struggles. Hum - one of the pioneers of Space/Stoner rock. Not going to be for everyone, but if you have the desire to watch videos about space on youtube after smoking a J, this is the perfect background music. Seven Mary Three - kind of similar to Blind Melon IMO. Rock/blues and a touch of country sound in some of their subsequent albums. Their one hit "Cumbersome" is basically the only song I don't like on that album. Kyuss - Heavy stoner rock. Queens of the Stone Age lead man is the guitarist. If you want something to pump you up a bit, try this one.
  12. I feel sorry that you have not had the opportunity to realize just how wrong you are yet. Their first album is a masterpiece.
  13. Psshhh. There is one answer to this question and it is Blind Melon.
  14. 30% chance they score a td with 15 seconds left seems way high to me.
  15. Lee Smith is atrocious. He was the first time he was on the team and he still is today. Penalty after penalty after penalty. And they are pretty much all stupid penalties too. Pre-snap. Holding guys when they are already out of the play. Its absurd seeing him on the field still.
  16. I honestly wonder if it is all his fault. Some receivers seem to be letting up and then the ball sails over them. I wonder if they are just not used to seeing that kind of throw and are not tracking it well. Now, obviously I am not an NFL receiver, but I have had the opportunity to (try) and catch a ball from someone with an absolute rocket of an arm. Like, ability to throw it over 60 yards kind of rocket. It was extremely difficult to track when it was a long pass. It just kept going and going and going. Now, imagine it was from one of the best arms in the NFL. Not even these receivers are used to seeing throws like this. I seriously wonder if his arm is too big sometimes and making it difficult on the WRs and TEs too (like Knox's drop yesterday right through his hands). If we could just hit 33-50% of those open deep balls then no one would be complaining about our offensive performances. They are the difference IMO. Obviously, some throws are also just completely over thrown, but that may not be the whole story.
  17. Yeah, the one team they beat. They also got demolished by the Jets. I mean, destroyed. By the Jets.
  18. Had high hopes for him coming into this season. It has not been pretty. He is not getting beat, he is getting smoked. Guys break/cut and he is three yards away before reacting. They are wide open. A lot.
  19. Saying RI is going to mess up again, or saying he doesn't deserve to be in the NFL is like saying you want a cancer survivor just going to get cancer again or they don't belong in the NFL. The guy has a diagnosed serious mental issue. He got himself back from a dark, dark place. Many never do. People need to look at mental illness like the disease it is, not some funny joke. Just my opinion. I'm rooting for him.
  20. When all is said and done, this dude may just be the bargain of the century. No doubt he is going to have to take a reasonably cheap offer to get back on a team. And any team willing to sign him will have to have language in the deal to protect them from his behavior. He has to know that this is his last chance (if he even gets it). Maybe, just maybe, he signs, keeps his mouth shut, and absolutely kills it. Probably not, but maybe. And if you're a team in desperate need of a stud WR, would you sign him for $2M/$5M/$10M to see? I think someone will.
  21. Tim Tebow has more playoff wins than our entire franchise since Jan 1, 1996. People always lament how little talent he had a QB on the NFL level. If he doesn't inspire people, please explain this to me then.
  22. I think I saw him twice on Sunday. One time was his sack. That's a very good thing.
  23. Invisible...not as much as this season. He was also making 1/2 what he is making this year. I understand we had money to spend. I understand it would have been hard to find someone who is better via FA. But I also understand that he is in no way shape or form a $14M player in my opinion. Hopefully when it's back down to around $7.5M next year it will be an easier pill to swallow (if we even retain him).
  24. Jerry Hughes is not a "very good" player. He's had one season of 10 sacks. A DE getting about 5 sacks per year is not a "very good" player. At least he isn't getting stupid penalties any more. I agree with OP. His contract is insane and he is invisible on the field. His only really successful years were when he also had Mario, Kyle, and Marcel (who was good at the time) taking much of the blocking. He was 4th best of those guys during those years.
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