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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Way to take it to a completely illogical extreme. Nice job Bill. You can pick any draft position and any player position and cherry pick a busted pick.
  2. I start looking at my options in late first, yes. I know what I want to pay and I keep trying (not going beyond that) if he keeps falling until someone picks him or takes my offer. Please tell me what positions we are allowed to consider in the first round oh wise one. I sure as hell would take Derwin James in the first round and Delpit was seen as a better college performer and draft prospect until his ankle injury.
  3. Again, he played with an ankle issue all last year. And despite that, his tape still was pretty good. And if you don't think he's a tackler then you haven't really looked into him at all or watched him play. I saw him line up on the line next to the DE, shed blocks, and tackle running backs at the line or even behind it a number a times. His tape from 2017 and especially 2018 is outstanding. Thats why he was projected as a top 5 pick early in this season. He had no flaws whatsoever.
  4. Grant Delpit is a top 10 talent. He battled through some injuries this season which seems to be impacting his stock big time. He is now showing as late 1st / early 2nd in most projections. I still think he is a stud and is getting severely underrated draft stock wise. If I'm Beane and I see him sliding to the end of the first, I am heavily considering trading up for him. I know, I know, we have hyde, we have poyer....but for how long? Delpit is a game changing S IMO who makes plays down the field and can also play in the box and make plays too. I love his flexibility and play making ability. Plus, by the accounts I have seen at least, he is a tremendous locker room presence. I think we are in the position to draft best player available over needs at this point, a huge advantage in building and maintaining a team. If I can package my 2 and a mid-rounder for him I'm doing it all day long. Edit for confusion: I'm not saying give up the farm to move back into the first. I'm saying determine what you are willing to give up for him (maybe 2 and 4, maybe 2 and 3), and start making offers towards the end of the first. Keep offering the teams on the clock that value until he is picked or someone accepts it. No, I do not want them trading a first next year or anything crazy like that. Thanks.
  5. You clearly have not done enough drugs in your life.
  6. You realize he forced his way out of there and is now on the LA Rams, right?
  7. Dude, all you had to do was say Whiskey and you got Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, etc. all covered. Whiskey Rum Vodka Angostora Bitters Martini Dry Vermouth Kahlua for white russians Ginger beer for mules that's all i need.
  8. Andre Roberts catches everything and never fumbles. Meanwhile, Leodis McKelvin single handedly lost us games because of him fumbling kicks. No thank you.
  9. I like a long song that rewards you for making it through. This one does that at 16:24. Just a great little section and all the way to the end is fantastic. It's really 45 mins long, but I don't really like "Part 2"
  10. I think he should have discussed his draft tendency to be aggressive and package picks (after acquiring picks too so he can be flexible) to move up for the guys he wants, which I am a big fan of.
  11. Sounds kind of like what brought down some poker sites. Instead of living off the fees, they were living off of cash in the accounts and when it crashed they couldn't pay out. Seems to me that stubhub shouldn't be living off the money from the tickets just in case they needed to refund them. They should have been living off the fees.
  12. The point is, its not comparing apples to apples. They want the same play to dominate a significantly lesser sport. Guess what, if the mens team was in that sport it would dominate the womens team as well as all the others. If they want to be paid the same then they should be playing with the men in one league. But claiming the same pay, same resources, same opportunities etc., for a totally distinct league is craziness. Then they make a huge deal about it, but don't have the guts to boycott the World Cup or anything meaningful at all really. Please.
  13. Oh please. The men would destroy them in a game. Absolutely destroy them.
  14. Damn, just started exploring his stuff in the last year. Hoping for the best.
  15. Cool, but do you actually watch football? Or do you just pick and choose the most convenient stats to prove a terrible point? The guy lasted what, 3 weeks as a starter in Cleveland? 3 Weeks. In CLEVELAND!
  16. Why not? He is the sole reason we didn't make the playoffs those years. And he was absolutely terrible the one year he lucked into the playoffs. "But he didn't turn the ball over" Yeah, yeah, yeah. Too bad he didn't score either. In my mind a drive that ends with no points, which he excelled at, is just as bad as a turnover. How did Sammy, Woods, and Goodwin look after they left? He had the weapons available. He just refused to take any chances at all. He looked horrendous in Cleveland too. Just because he was a nice guy with some great style, doesn't mean he is immune from criticism.
  17. Basically we don't have to worry at all about cap until we are paying Josh, Edmunds, and Trey on their second deals.
  18. This is one of the best values in scotch and hardly ever mentioned. I just picked up the Lagavulin 16 Distillers Edition which I'm super excited about! Haven't opened it yet though.
  19. Some of the chairs are OK...but yeah, other than that....
  20. Just feed into the panic. Cool. Remember H1N1? 12,000 deaths, 60M infected in US alone. There was not panic. There were no empty shelves. There were little shut downs. And guess what? People didnt lose their businesses. We didnt have lower the fed rate to 0%. People didnt lose 33% of their invested savings and retirement plans (that was the housing bubble). Obama didnt do squat and no one cared. Death rates are exaggerated right now since they only account for confirmed cases, not people showing little or no symptoms who do not get confirmed. Again, if you are part of the vulnerable population or live with them, skip it. Otherwise, dont feed the panic beast. Wash your hands. Avoid touching your face. You will be fine.
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