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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
  2. Of course. A Cowboy team who couldn't make the playoffs in an atrocious division last season, is on the list. Shocking.
  3. Another classic uniform ruined. Ugh.
  4. I don't understand why this is so cryptic.
  5. Have you seen this guys teeth? Every time he is on ESPN I almost vomit when he opens his mouth. Mustard yellow with noticeable plaque build up that is visible on TV! So gross. I can't take him seriously at all. Plus his takes are always awful. So Boston.
  6. Why do we care about the Jets game by game predictions? I'm getting pretty tired of Jets focused posts on a Bills message board. Maybe its just me.
  7. I mean, players have been doing this for years already. Not sure what drastic change you think is going to happen.
  8. If you haven't tried the Glenlivet 15 French Oak Reserve, you should. It is similar to BCC but better IMO. I have both on hand. Similar price point. Haven't got into the Distillers addition yet. Probably will be saving for next winter as I typically don't drink too much peaty scotch outside the winter months.
  9. I was only a fan growing up in the 80s. 1. Hulk Hogan 2. Ultimate Warrior 3. Macho Man 4. Andre the Giant 5. King Kong Bundy
  10. As well as the TV Guide flower bouquet.
  11. I can definitely remember the announcers talking about how great his arm was at auburn and that he was a first round level talent. I could see the arm talent for sure, but outside of that i was never impressed with his accuracy and ability to make quick progressions and reads. Who knows thiugh, we’ll find out soon enough.
  12. We all know its Barry. But I thought I'd bring the NBA crossover king into the discussion too, as its really a juke move while dribbling.
  13. You clearly haven't seen John Brown's touchdown dance.
  14. I am of the belief that the market was too high before the outbreak. It should have been around 25k-27k DJI, not 30k. The market just needed an excuse to correct itself, and it did so with this virus. Luckily, I had a suspicion there was an inevitable drop coming so I had been saving cash instead of investing for over a year. I bought back in at 25k and then again at around 23. Didn't quite get bottom, but I was pretty pleased to get that cash in when I did. Unfortunately I had just put $6k in for my 2019 RIRA at around 29k or 30k DJI. Ooooffffff. I don't believe we will get back to 30k for at least another year. 35k next year seems aggressive to me.
  15. So, March Madness, NBA playoffs, NHL playoffs, The Masters, the Indy 500, the Kentucky Derby is a slow time for sports? Yeah, OK then. On top of that, NFL players need extended recovery time in the off-season. Way more than any other sport. So you are going to have a Super Bowl in late spring early summer, and then start up another season in September. Yeah, no, I don't see that as a good thing.
  16. I loathe his type of music...typically...but I have to admit, I dig him. I hate auto-tune, I hate pop music, but I don't know, something about him and his music I actually do like. Before he was famous he did a lot of youtube videos of rock and reggae (bob specifically) that was damn good too. Maybe he'll put a rock album out. He has the chops for it. This sounds pretty darn good.
  17. He hasn't been effective the last 2 seasons. Rather a third/fourth/ or fifth round pick on a RB instead.
  18. Justin Herbert is 4th QB taken. Burrow, Tua, and Love ahead of him.
  19. Its 2020. No f'n way. The dude got caught on a public forum. Just think about how many times he thinks it and says it in private. And, to top it all off, no sponsor will ever touch him again.
  20. I don't believe you are getting a "stud" WR to groom in the mid/late second. Those guys are gone in the first and early second IMO. Sure, there are Metcalf's, but that's the exception to the rule in my opinion. Also we already have a stud RB and if you are taking WR at 2 then the best RBs are gone by the pick in 3. To me, Delpit is much more or a certainty then the 7th or 8th WR taken most likely in the second or the 5th best RB in the 3rd (if even that is available).
  21. I don't understand this talk about WR being an immediate need. We have our 2 outside guys, we have our slot guy, we have our receiving TE, and Singletary is working on his receiving game and we have some young guys to develop. Where is the need here? What am I missing? Is is simply for just a big body guy? Isn't that Duke's potential role? Not trying to be a jerk, I'm genuinely curious as to the thought process here. However, DE is a glaring need IMO.
  22. That's a weird bold prediction, but in Beane's case it certainly is one. I agree that his tackling showed some holes in 2019. However, when watching him in 2017 and 2018 I didn't see that nearly as much. It seemed to me that in 2019 (and less so in previous years, but a little) he was too aggressive at times going for the big play, the big hit (which he is capable of). I think that can be coached somewhat.
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