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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. So many posters looking like fools for what they wrote in the original thread on this. So funny. i mean, doesnt take the best lawyer in the business to get charges dropped with the breathalyzer showing 0.0 and the blood test being negative across the board
  2. My opinion - It depends. Yes, you could most likely "sell high" right now. I've been in the buying market the last 6 months and I can definitely tell you that if your house is in good condition with modern updates/upgrades it will sell in a matter of days with multiple offers and most likely above list price. However, on the flip side, if you are purchasing now you are going to have to deal with that as you make offers. As another poster noted, this is the case for low to moderately priced homes in the WNY area. Once you start getting up to the 400+k range the market of buyers dwindles and you don't have to "overpay" to get as much. I am of the belief that there is going to be somewhat of a market bubble that bursts when the deferment of mortgage payments and rent payments from Covid is over. I'm expecting a lot of foreclosures and evictions to happen at that point, potentially flooding the market with available properties. If you can sell now and wait until that happens (if it happens), you could make quite a nice profit. Also, you can get homes under list price still if you are willing to deal with outdated interiors or ones that need a decent amount of work. I was a able to find an outdated interior house that was structurally sound and perfectly livable as I'm going through and updating on almost 4 acres for over 20k less than their asking price. It is really only the ones that are already updated or in super "hot" neighborhoods that are going instantly at crazy prices (in the WNY area at least). So - if you are buying 400k+ home, then yes. If you are able to wait around for the market to come back down by renting, then yes. If you have other debts still (CC, cars, student loans, etc), no, get those taken care of first while you have cheaper mortgage payments.
  3. I have a feeling that the lawyers got this toned down....a lot.
  4. It's quite possible she just took it off for a second...maybe to grab something in a back seat, who knows? I where mine religiously, but to say I have never took it off for a few seconds for various reasons would be a lie.
  5. Or, a wise team could trade for them and potentially acquire picks for a heavily discounted rate. That's what I would do.
  6. Cool, so the guy should be jailed, tared, feathered, executed, banned from the league. Got it. He was suspended, lost his salary. That's good enough. And Rudolph definitely deserved something for his role.
  7. Oh please. 90% of the league would be in jail if it were judged by actions on the field. He lost over a million dollars because of the incident. That's a hell of a fine for assault. Funny how Rudolph wasn't fined a penny .....hum.... Rudloph is trying to pass on 3 and 30 with seconds left in the game. Gets taken down and then tries to rip off Garretts helmet. Then, after Garrett rips his off the idiot charges after him helmet less when Garrett is clearly backing away from the situation.
  8. I believe another article I saw indicated that they did.
  9. They are getting info, I don't think they are quite at the stage of wanting to play here at this point. The biggest issue seems to be the lighting situation. No LED lighting makes for bad TV look I guess. Seems a bit odd to me since they can play day games (no fans anyway, right?) and the fact that LED lighting has only been around for about 5 years in MLB and they seemed to do just fine prior to that. My money is on they will be playing here since FLA is a complete s*show and Canada is being tough on their quarantine requirements (rightly so). Would love if they let some fans in too.
  10. This concert was on ESPN the original on Sunday night. WTF is that crap? Not at all sports related, but I guess that is ESPNs m.o. these days. "I had a rough night and I hate the f*n Eagles, man."
  11. Jumping in late on this thread so not sure if it has been brought up or not. Does anyone else find it interesting how some NFL players are worried about the affects of playing this season b/c of COVID and are saying it's not worth it. However, they have no problem playing a sport which is well known for a ton of health issues after retirement like CTE, mobility issues, etc. for example? Seems a bit contradictory to me. These players are willing to sell their bodies every single season, but this year they are not. It's interesting to me.
  12. Lots of good/great teams have head scratching losses. Look at the NE vs Mia to end the year last year. And that was for playoff positioning for NE, it's not like they didn't care about that game.
  13. Already on that. Only about 2-2.5 needs to be cut, but definitely not doable with a push mower. Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with that area of Transit since my GF lives in the Village of Lancaster (partially why I'm moving out that way). Also have been to East Aurora a bunch so know some good spots there. I never really knew too much about Elma but when I went to look at the house I loved the look of it. Lots of open space, very few suburbanized developments, a lot of unique and beautiful homes, and still not too far away as to be completely in the sticks.
  14. It's cool. We have social media for reliable, factual, and unbiased news coverage.
  15. Very true...but need a fence. My puppy cannot be trusted off leash yet unfortunately.
  16. Uh...yeah. 3 of 4 years over 1,000 yards. And he even had David Carr as his QB for 2.5 of those years. Yeah, I'd say he's a top tier WR.
  17. Never done pho before. May have to try it.
  18. He did not throw for 5,000 yards. He threw for 4,900. At it was the first time he went over 4,000. The criteria is actually winning more than 1 playoff game. The criteria is actually making the playoffs when you are in the worst division in football. The criteria is winning some big games which they consistently fall short in. The criteria is not getting absolutely smoked by the Bills on Thanksgiving day at home. Especially when your team is absolutely LOADED on the offensive side of the ball. He's a mid-level QB that is only able to put up those stats because of his surrounding cast, not because of his true talent level. I'm taking 3 or 4 guys ahead of him in that secondary list.
  19. He has also had the best offensive line in football, the best RB in football, one of the best WRs joined their team 2 seasons ago and has only made the playoffs twice in 4 years in a horrific division (especially last season) and is only 1-2 in the playoffs. I'm sorry, that's not good enough for me and if that is where Josh is heading I'm going to be disappointed.
  20. Dak is so overrated. Surrounded by elite talent and still can't get it done. Couldn't even win by far the worst division in the league last year. Stat monster, but not a winner. At least Stafford has an excuse for losing.
  21. Will be moving to Elma from Kenmore area late August / early September. Going from .1 acre to 3.8 acres! Looking for info on what's good around there. Restaurants, pizza places, place to grab a drink, etc. Also, dog friendly parks, boutique shops, and whatever else which may be noteworthy. Already very familiar with nearby village of lancaster, but don't really know anything about Elma. Thanks.
  22. Singles - Epic Grunge The Harder They Come - Epic Reggae Get Shorty - Epic Funky Jazz
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