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Posts posted by Mark80

  1. This has been hashed over on about 3 other threads.


    Yes it is Jim Kelly's Nephew.

    Yes, he is officially from Buffalo Now. He just transferred to St. Joes.

    When he signed up for PPK, he was living in PA. Therefore he was probably in the Eagles area when he was competing.

    So therefore he wore the Eagles Jersey.


    Looks like he transfered here because got booted off his PA H.S. team and suspended on it the year before. I wonder what's up with that?



  2. Sometimes un-answered prayers are for the best? Now Cowher etal turning us down might be the best thing as our best option might be Frazier.


    We have a better overall secondary than the Vikes, can you immagine what we can be like if we can get a front 7 anything like the Vikings have with Frazier also calling the plays? We could end up with the best defense in the NFL!!!


    If frazier can bring in Al Saunders as the OC and Nix can finally find us a franchise QB....whew! :thumbsup:


    So all we need is a secondary better then the Vikings, a front 7 like the vikings, a franchise Quarterback and a good play caller. Sounds pretty easy to me. Can't believe it's taken 15+ years to figure that one out. For some reason, I think that's a recipe that every single team in the league knows and is striving for.

  3. Maybe the worst, I agree.


    ESPN Monday Night's crew, on the other hand, may be the best ever. Certainly the best current.


    EDIT: I should add that NBC's Sunday Night team is close to the worst ever. Collinsworth is intolerable.


    Collinsworth is so bad that I even have to turn off the volume when I'm playing Madden.

  4. Because they have a young team,a great defense,awesome coaching top to bottom,they will only get better and dont be surprised if they represent the afc in the super bowl.The only reason I am on this board is because I injured myself and am out of work a couple weeks,usually I have a life and better things to do than this sh@#! Alot of you 40 year old virgins need to get a life and get outside,get a little sun on that pasty white skin!


    Even reactionary to being called "reactionary"!


    It's pretty clear that the NFC East is the best division in football with the AFC North, AFC South, and NFC North all probably better than the AFC East as well. But it is all purely subjective.

  5. The truth is that any LT, in the top 10 or not, will require a significant learning curve (as all Rookies do) and if we (as fans) are looking for immediate improvement on Offense, then a FA LT is probably the best bet. Now, if we're willing to give the new coaching staff two to three years to develop a much improved Offense, then a rookie LT is a great value to have.


    The problem with LT's in free agency is that if they were that good they would not hit FA, the team they were on would keep them....unless you're the Bills where you let a Pro Bowl LT out of your hands. I know a lot of people think it was good that Peters left, but I think that's crap and from what I saw of him this year he looked pretty darn good. We should have cut the check.

  6. Torn ACL doesn't hurt that bad. Not nearly as bad as a sprained ankle. It just feels weird because you can't lock your leg straight (there's no stopping point) and it buckles easily.


    I just think he knew he was done and was disappointed, which is to be expected.


    It may not hurt too bad when it happens but it hurts like hell for the next week or so when it is swollen and you can't even bend your leg. There is no way he would play even with a brace if it's an ACL tear. It would give out every time he put pressure on it. You should know that if your tore both of yours.

  7. There HAS TO BE a series of good to great drafts for the foreseeable future. I not talking servicable players (we've got those already), we need the future Pro Bowlers! Look at the Colts, Patriots, Chargers etal and the thread that runs through all of those organizations is the drafting of truly great players. Do the Bills have any truly great players? I'd say the jury is out because Lee Evans (as an example), is only as good as his O-line and QB and stable of running backs and his willingness to strive to be great. IS HE? No, in my opinion, and he is running out of time to prove me wrong!! The league is about its players, and Buffalo needs a vast improvement in talent, period!!


    Cots - Manning


    Patriots - Brady


    Chargers - Rivers


    Saints - Brees


    Packers - Rodgers


    Vikings - Favre


    Steelers - Big Ben


    Eagles - McNabb


    Cowboys - Romo


    Can anyone see any other team winning a Super Bowl this year? Why, it's all about the quarterback. We need to get LUCKY, yes LUCKY and get a quarterback that turns into one of these guys. No matter how great of a talent evaluater you are, you just never know until they get on the field. I think we're due for some luck.

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