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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Thank a fire fighter or police officer today. They literally ran into hell to do anything they could to help strangers and I'm sure your local officials would do the exact same thing if an event required it.
  2. How many times do I have to read posts from people who think they are clever making fun of someone who has sub-par grammar by doing things like: interchanging their/there/they're, two/too/to, or then/than switching "s" and "c" spelling phonetically It's not clever, it's just annoying. Some people suck at grammar, get over it and move on. As long as I can understand what they are writing, then that's good enough for me.
  3. Pretty good, but that's a limerick, not a haiku.
  4. Optimism is a good thing, but you have to be somewhat realistic at the same time. I'm completely optimistic that this team is finally moving in the right direction, but I'm also realistic to say that we are going to stink this year. Until we have an offensive line that can block someone we are going nowhere, period. Hopefully, this year's draft was as good as a lot of us think and we have another solid one next year and make a playoff push. Who knows, two or three good drafts and we may be a serious contender. The defense looked pretty serious when Merriman was on the field last week and hopefully that is what we'll see this year over what we did tonight, but the O-Line is in rough, rough shape. That was the worst defense in the league last year (sans Elvis and Miller). Fitzpatrick will be lucky to make it out of this season alive and Spiller has basically no hope of progressing with a line like that. If we are bad enough to get Luck, great, if not hopefully we are bad enough to get the best O-Lineman in the draft. I think Fitz would be a baller with an extra second or two in the pocket.
  5. Cam's stats last year: 2854 yds, 30/7, 66.1% comp. 1473 yds rushing, 20TDs, 5.6 avg. Pryor's stats last year: 2772 yds, 27/11, 65% comp. 754 yds rushing, 4 TDs, 5.6 avg. Both large, athletic, and fast QBs with strong arms. Obviously Cam ran the ball a lot more than Pryor did but they had the same average per carry, basically the same completion percentage and passing yards, and the TD/INTs are not really that far off. Giving Pryor's progession from 2009 to 2010 where his passer rating rose from 128.9 to 157.9 it is very conceivable that he would come even closer to Cam's numbers (or even exceed them in the passing game). Now, the Big 10 is certainly not the SEC, no question, but to say they are being compared to one another because they are "black QBs that can run" is a pretty stupid comment (only brought up by you). With a solid season this year, it is very likely that Prior could have played himself into the first round of next year's draft (same as Cam did this year). I still feel a 4th is a good safe pick to risk. Do we really need Levi Brown on the roster?
  6. Dude played in front of 100,000 in college and how can you say that Cam Newton is a much more talented NFL player when he hasn't played a single regular season game yet? Take a chance on him in the 4th. If QB doesn't work out why not try him at TE? He has the size for it. I don't know why everyone thinks he is such a bum. So he sold some items for some extra cash and tats, who cares? Do you really think there is a single elite college football player that hasn't bent the rules? If you look at how he looked in his first and second season compared to last year you would see a lot of development in decision making, accuracy, and leadership. I think it's worth taking a chance.
  7. Call it trolling, say I'm not a Bills fan, make fun of grammatical errors, whatever. It seems like the Bills front office is just as optimistic as I am about the potential of the team this year after trading Evans for a 4th round pick.
  8. Good job man, you're really smart. I'm sure those huge grammatical errors made the post indecipherable to all the readers. Good thing you showed up and cleared it up for everyone. I don't know where you get the arrogance take. I myself am a huge Bills fan or I wouldn't be here. What makes an optimistic person more of a fan than a person who takes a more realistic view? Just stating some observations and opinions. That's all. And I really, really, really hope I'm wrong!
  9. The optimism on this site is entertaining to say the least. No one can site a professional opinion that states we will be anything close to a .500 team yet yahoo's on here are calling for 7-8-9-10 wins. Apparently Bill's fans know more about football than everyone else. To say that we are going to win (1) against the Jets/Patriots and win against the Dallas, KC, and the Giants is simply laughable. We may squeek out one or two of those games, but it's just as likely that we lose one, two, three, or four against the Skins, Fins, Titans, Oakland, Tenn, and Denver. We are a 3-6 win team this year, end of story.
  10. I'm sorry but I still think these posters saying 7, 8, 9, even 10 wins this year are completely mad. I do like the direction the team is going and am optimistic for the future but to think that it's coming this year is just foolish. All those posters that praise last year and how we could have won this game or that game on top of what we did win, well, we could have also just as easily lost every game that we did win. How come that is never mentioned? My hopes, a true playoff push in 2012 and maybe a contender in 2013 or 2014. I'll sure as hell stick it out for as long as it takes though.
  11. For all the agruements of us winning 4 games last year and that we should/could have won more (Fins, Baltimore, KC, Steelers), we could have just as easily lost all 4 games that we won and should have definitely lost the Bengals game with that start.
  12. You guys have homer goggles on. There is no way we are winning more than 6 games this year, and anyone who is saying we may get 10 wins is absolutely out of their mind. Give me the under all day long. I would love to be wrong though.
  13. Hey, at least we're not the Raiders or the Bengals.
  14. Re-signed with Steelers. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11209/1163623-100.stm
  15. I've heard some whispers around that he may have potential as a TE. I think I'd be more interested in that aspect than him as a QB. Whoever said the 1st or 2nd round is clearly out of their mind. Throw in a 5th round bid and see what happens. The risk involved is too big for anything higher.
  16. Absolutely. I can't believe no one drafted him. ACC Defensive player of the year before cancer, not to mention a stand-up guy and someone we could all root for. I was hoping we'd take him 4th round and can't believe we passed him on the 5th, 6th, and 7th too. Crazy.
  17. Well, two things I guess. 1) Marcell was a great pick and is a beast. 2) With so many teams addressing QB early, there should be fewer teams in the Luck sweepstakes next year. These teams should not be taking QB's next year in my mind (at least the ones that would draft before or around us). Carolina, Tennessee, Jacksonville, Minn. all took QB's high in the first round. Detroit has Stafford, St. Louis has Bradford and they won't be drafting a QB. I think the sweepstakes comes down to us, Cincy (even though they got Dalton), San Fran (definitely), Arizona, Oakland, Miami, Washington, Seattle, Denver, K.C., Cleveland. Even some of those may be happy with their QB situations (Denver, K.C., Cleveland). A lot of those teams should be better than us next year. I think we have a real shot at getting him next year and I think our front office agrees so why bother drafting a QB this year?
  18. Mathews was getting thrown all over the field on that drive.
  19. I see us beating Denver, Washington, 50/50 on Cincy and 50/50 on one of the Miami games. That yields us 3 wins next year. (Assuming nothing major in the offseason).
  20. If Matthews is available in the 3rd round I'll be shocked. Don't be surprised if he rises to late 1st and definitely will not get out of the 2nd. I wouldn't mind us taking him with #2. He looked pretty good last night. His brother was thought to be small too but he's worked out pretty well.
  21. Ray Lewis, yes. Good call. I'd argue that Derrick Brooks was the best defensive player on the Bucs that year which is supported by his Defensive MVP award that year (but Sapp was pretty darn good too). But those two are both linebackers, not DE or DT's.
  22. Not to point you out personally but to all similar posters in general - I get so sick of people naming the one or two QB's that won Super Bowls that are the exception from the later rounds and listing the 1st round busts as their arguments against QB with the first pick next year. No one ever mentions the 10's or 100's of QB's picked in rounds 2 and beyond that didn't do squat. The only reason they name the 1st rounders is because they actually heard of them and can remember their names. The fact is (and I'm sure someone with way more time to actually count it up could verify) that a first round QB pick has a way better chance of getting to and winning a Superbowl than any other round. Period. Is everyone one going to do it? No, of course not. Are there going to be ones from other rounds to do so? Yes, of course there is. But lets play the percentages, please. In fact, lets draft more than one QB in the draft and increase our chances even more of finding a great one. In addition, to all those people saying that we need a DT or DE or O-line more than a QB. You're f'n nuts. Please name any single player of any of those positions that has led their teams to superbowls? Have they helped, sure, but truly led a team to one? I can't recall one. QB, on the other hand, is stacked with these types of players. Open your eyes. There is a reason we haven't been anything since the mid 90's (even counting when we had the best D in the league in the late 90's), no stud QB like Jimbo. Done, end of discussion, draft a QB please. Luck, Newton, Mallett, Gabbert, Locker (hesitantly), I don't care but get someone. Thanks for your time.
  23. Clements did well for us while he was here too. I have a little theory on Spiller though. I think they may be saving him. With the extremely short life span on a running back's career, why waste him on an obvious re-building year? Could it be that they are waiting until they have a better team around him to get him more touches? Just a thought, probably over thinking it and he stinks.
  24. Last population census was 2000. 2002 was economic census for businesses. Next census is this year.
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