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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. If you would have just read a few posts later you would have seen that I clearly welcomed him back and he recognized his transgressions. Just poking a little fun at the man. However, to you, and everyone else on here for that matter, that uses the "how dare you have an opinion when you've only wrote ___ # of posts." Not all of us have hours upon hours during the day to read and respond to everything that's posted on here. Some of us just like to read what's going on in Bills world and not post or respond at all, some of us like to respond once in a while, and some of us respond a lot. Who cares? Does it really mean that you're a bigger fan or you have more of a right to an opinion because you have more posts than I do? Let it be man, just enjoy some conversation/debate/fanfare. And if you are gonna come with something, please try a little harder than your bride bachelorette party thingy. What does that even mean? These posts/replies are almost as bad as the grammar police that often pop up.
  2. Actually, it's Ithaca College, but I didn't go there. I went to a different university that's also located in Ithaca.
  3. Ok, so of the 14 responses that she quoted there, yours was the only one that was cool? I'm really glad she kept in that one appropriate response to show the other 13 how it should have been done. Thanks. Also, she did not portray herself as a victim at all. She clearly wrote that most responses gave her some jabs and that those were expected and, in fact, welcomed. However, the idiot few (yours being one) wrote things like this...
  4. That's funny. You basically called me an idiot by not calling me an idiot! Awesome. I don't know what to tell you guys, maybe it is an age thing. I'm 30, went to a darn good univeristy in Ithaca, and have never heard the expression outside of Bills talk. I really can't be the only one. And my western experience...Unforgiven, Tombstone, Dances with Wolves, Open Range, Young Guns and remakes of 3:10 to Yuma and True Grit. No wagon circling in those!
  5. You made the paper...congratulations??? You and everyone else who wrote in similar fashion should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm glad she made point to say that it was the minority of feedback that was of this tone and not indicative of all of Bills Nation. Personal shots about her being a woman, not being attractive, threatening her, seriously? Personally, as a Bills fan, those responses were embarrassing.
  6. We've all heard the fantastic line coined by Berman "Nobody Circles the Wagons like the Buffalo Bills." But I wonder, does everyone really know what is referring to? I didn't. I always thought it sounded cool, thought maybe it had something to do with people jumping on the bandwagon when we started being good, but was never really sure. So I took it upon myself to do some googling and was pleasently surprised to find out what it really means and I thought I'd share it since I couldn't find it brought up before. The saying refers to the way the settlers/frontier people would defend themselves back in the days of the old west. When they were threatened by someone/something (most often Natives) they would arrange their wagons in a circle to form wall of sorts. They would keep inside the circle using it for protection and defense. Using this tactic they were able to defeat foes that seemingly would have walked right over them in a fight. So, using this in a football sense it really refers to three things. First, a victory that came after being down by a lot (i.e. the Houston Oilers playoff victory). Second, a victory against a heavily favored opponent that no one expected them to defeat. And finally, a season of success when no one thought the team would be good. So far this season seems to be the ultimate circling of the wagons. We have made two impressive 2nd half comebacks from significant deficits, we have also beat a team where hardly anyone expected us to emerge with a victory, and we are 3-0 when most (including myself) felt this was going to be another long, tough season with the possiblity of getting a #1 overall pick. I'm elated at where we stand now and can't wait for Sunday's again. Just thought I'd share.
  7. I'm certainly not saying that you are not welcome back. But I haven't lived in Buffalo since 98. I've lived in Pittsburgh, North Carolina, Ohio, and now Indiana and I have never once considered rooting for the Steelers (lived there for one SB win), the Panthers (lived there during their SB run), the Colts (lived here for a SB win and loss), the Bears, the Browns or Bengals over the Bills no matter what. So, while it is understandable, forgivable and you are welcomed back with open arms; it's still a bandwagon move.
  8. Cirque du Soleil dons Bills uniforms for Halloween.
  9. Meanwhile, Cowherd is tearing us apart. Saying we're a .500 team at best, that our wins haven't been that good and we've only beat a KC team where Cassel was injured and couldn't throw and 2 home games that we should have lost. What a dlck. I usually don't like Rome that much, but I'll be listening to him for the rest of the day today.
  10. Man, if you're not excited now, when will you be? The season is about 20% complete, I think the discussion is warranted.
  11. I agree. With the rookie QB and their power RB most likely out with a suspension I definitely see the DL and Merriman wreaking some havoc on them. 5 or 6 sacks.
  12. Saw a fantasy football team named "Wilfork for Food." Thought that was pretty classic.
  13. 1. Bill flipping out on the sideline after Freddy's catch down to the one. Not only was it a great play by Freddy but Bill flipping out like that was icing on the cake. Despite was I've read on here, I believe what he was really aruguing about was that he wanted it to be a touchdown and didn't want a review. You can read his lips says "we want the touchdown." Ref basically wags his finger in his face and says, "ta ta ta, that's not up to you buddy." It was fantastic. 2. Florence's pick 6. 3. Lindell's kick...it was so short that it was virtually a lock, if it was longer and he made it it would be #1.
  14. The Bills haven't had much luck at 1, 4, Sunday Night, Monday Night, Saturday, or any other time the last 5-6 years.
  15. Can't believe they'll have a great shot of replacing Manning with Andrew Luck. Crazy. I think it's between them, the fish, Seahawks, and KC at this point. They all look terrible.
  16. Definitely see either the Pats or Jets losing next week, hopefully both. We should win easily, but definitely cannot take anything for granted. With Vick supposedly out week 5, a 5-0 start is very possible. The Giants will be a tough one. There is no reason we won't be 4-2, could easitly be 5-1 and may be 6-0. I would have never thought we'd be so relevant this year. Awesome.
  17. I think that if a defender was running down the field with their head up looking for where the ball was, they are likely to get absolutely laid out by one of the blockers. That was a pretty neat little trick, surprised that it's never been tried before (at least I've never seen it).
  18. I like this. In the tunnel until 0:13, then they come storming out.
  19. Exactly. It's not the odds that you will be hit, it's the odds that a person would be hit. Quite different numbers.
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