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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. You're crazy. He absolutely dominated that game. The most dominating college DLine performance that I have seen in a long time.
  2. It's quite simple really, she should have to serve AT LEAST as much time in prison as he did for wrongfully accusing him. It's not like it was accidental mistaken identity, she admitted she was never raped.
  3. I hate to say it, but that is a lot of "ifs".
  4. Unless there are injuries McKelvin won't be on the field for D. We'll see better play out of him because he'll only be on Special Teams, where he belongs.
  5. Couldn't you really say that about just about any pick? I mean, in the top 6 you have players like Vince Young, Reggie Bush, A.J. Hawk, Jemarcus Russel, Gaines Adams, Levi Brown, Glenn Dorsey, Vernon Gholston, Jason Smith, Tyson Jackson, Aaron Curry, etc...none of which ever panned out as expected in my opinion. A lot of busts and a lot of pretty much average players.
  6. I'd hate to say it but if they really like him a lot, he could be the pick and bye bye Freddie. In Buddy I trust.
  7. Man, I hope not. Hopefully in the 2nd or 3rd. I want Floyd (or Blackmon if he happens to be there) bad. Unless we're able to trade down some spots, pick up another 3rd or 4th, and then I'd be OK with someone like Adams, Reiff, or Martin with the first.
  8. AFter seeing numerous postings on here about people watching videos of players on YouTube, I feel that the obvious has to be brought up. Watching these videos does not give you nearly the whole picture of any player. These videos only consist of clips of usually good and bad plays only. You're not going to get the true picture of a player unless you are watching them on every play in every game. Now, to most (if not all) of us, this is all we have to work with, and that's fine. But to say that you love (or hate) someone based on a small cluster of plays that you find on there doesn't seem justified to me. Personally, I'll be happy with whoever we pick because I'm sure our personnel team is watching every play of every game and I have all the confidence in the world at Buddy's analysis. Just a thought. Now, re-sign Bell, draft Floyd, then OLB, then CB, then OL depth. In Buddy we trust.
  9. On the NFL Network ticker yesterday it said that the Browns would trade down but only as far as #8.
  10. If we draft Floyd and he ends up being a #1 and Stevie a #2 I would be one happy camper. That would mean we'd have two pretty darn good recievers.
  11. This just in...the lions drafted like crap for a decade. There, just saved you 30 minutes typing all that crap. Who cares? See also the Browns, the Raiders, the Jags, the Dolphins, the Vikings, and probably 5 other teams (including the Bills pre Buddy).
  12. Let's not get crazy quite yet. The fact is we made Mario the highest paid player in the league on D and we gave Mark one hell of a contract. Once we start getting players to come here below their value, then you can say that it's a place that players want to come. Otherwise, I kind of think that the money gets them interested, then they realize it's no where near as bad a place as they thought, and then they come. I would say that right now we're a place that players don't mind coming to anymore (which is still more than can be said of the last 10 years or so).
  13. The President makes $400k/year for the rest of his life. Sorry, didn't see the post above mine. However, it should be noted that they can't make extra money from "special interest" or "lobbyist", that would basically amount to bribery. All those people can do is contribute to their campaign funds (which, in reality, isn't that much different).
  14. Wouldn't it be a little more prudent to wait until after the draft to put season record predictions out there?
  15. I'm still on the "The Bill Collectors" from another thread. We've been given up sacks on credit to the AFCE the last 5/10 years, time to pay up the debt, with interest.
  16. How about tackle totals of 132, 116, 147, 133, 142, 157, 146, 128, 133, 142, 136, and 166 in the last 12 years?
  17. How is this funny, insightful, creative, or even worthy of a read? I read the first two, then blah blah blah, and that's it. I have no time or appreciation for such crap. And to think, I'd get a slap on the wrist for calling a troll like this an idiot. Yeah, I know it's scarcasim, but I'm tired of this B.S. and just want some good Bills talk when I come to this site, not this crap. Why do people give this guy the satisfaction of "thumbs up" or "nice post" or "good job OP"? People like this just piss me off. Go troll somewhere else. Yeah, scarcasim, wahoo, good for you, you're so thoughtful and creative....blah, blah, blah. But I'll be banned for telling this guy to fuk off and that he's an idiot troll.
  18. I haven't watched too much today, but watched all day yesterday and I didn't see that at all. Everyone that I saw said that it was a great move for the Bills and provided us with legitimacy in the league.
  19. Too bad the NFL won't allow it, I think the single digit jersey numbers for DL and LB in college FB are pretty sweet.
  20. I'm on board with The Bill Collectors. Time for the QBs to pay up that debt.
  21. I lived in Pittsburgh and unless something drastic has happened in the last 3 years since I moved (and I don't think it did), that place is kind of a dump. Now, the downtown area is pretty nice, but as soon as you're in the rest of the city it's pretty crappy. Lot's of abandoned industry, the waterfront outside of downtown is non-existent. Also, to live anywhere decent (besides downtown), you have to drive about 30 mins outside the city and with all those f'n hills and bridges the traffic sucks. PNC Park is gorgeous though! And their hockey and football teams are ones to envy.
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