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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Detailed Link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmGJJZ8dMpEfdGdNNDdoWFpGSHVxNGEyZy1CR2R4RFE
  2. For those of you interested, here are the complete Bills players rakings on the new Madden Game. George Wilson gets no respect! First Name Last Name Position Overall Mario Williams LE 97 Kyle Williams DT 90 Andy Levitre LG 90 Stevie Johnson WR 89 Fred Jackson HB 89 Nick Barnett ROLB 89 Brian Moorman P 88 Jairus Byrd FS 87 Marcell Dareus DT 86 Eric Wood C 86 Rian Lindell K 85 Terrence McGee CB 82 Ryan Fitzpatrick QB 82 George Wilson SS 81 Mark Anderson RE 81 Chris Kelsay LE 81 Chad Rinehart RG 81 C.J. Spiller HB 80 Erik Pears RT 80 Kirk Morrison LOLB 79 Dwan Edwards DT 79 Kraig Urbik RG 79 Shawne Merriman RE 78 Scott Chandler TE 78 Stephon Gilmore CB 77 Bryan Scott FS 77 Kelvin Sheppard MLB 76 Leodis McKelvin CB 75 Brad Smith WR 75 Vince Young QB 75 Corey McIntyre FB 74 Donald Jones WR 73 David Nelson WR 72 Tashard Choice HB 72 Aaron Williams CB 72 Cordy Glenn LT 72 Spencer Johnson RE 72 Alex Carrington DT 71 Derek Hagan WR 70 Da'Norris Searcy SS 70 Ruvell Martin WR 69 Arthur Moats LOLB 69 Tyler Thigpen QB 69 Kyle Moore RE 69 Lee Smith TE 69 Chris Hairston LT 69 Sam Young RT 69 Scott McKillop MLB 68 Ron Brooks CB 67 Danny Batten LE 67 Marcus Easley WR 66 Naaman Roosevelt WR 66 Johnny White HB 66 Zebrie Sanders RT 66 Torell Troup DT 66 Kellen Heard DT 65 David Clowney WR 64 Joshua Nesbitt SS 64 T.J. Graham WR 64 Justin Rogers CB 63 Nigel Bradham LOLB 63 Tank Carder MLB 63 Kevin Brock TE 62 Jarron Gilbert DT 62 Mark Asper RG 61 Keith Williams LG 61 John Potter K 60 Mike Caussin TE 59 Lionel Dotson DT 59 Prince Miller CB 57 Chris White ROLB 57 Garrison Sanborn C 57 Colin Brown C 54 Michael Jasper LG 53 Guess you can't cut and paste excel on here, sorry.
  3. I got chills when the picture of Beebe chasing down Lett came up with the note "Don't ever give up." That's awesome. Go Bills! That's in poor taste my friend.
  4. That's because the human brain mostly only reads the first and last letter of a word and makes assumptions on the rest of the letters. Check out this paragraph from a Cambridge study, I think it's pretty amazing: I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt!
  5. You do realize that we had 15 players on IR last year, and not just crap players, but a lot of quality guys. Not to mention Fitz playing with broken ribs. That's the reason we went cold after a 5-2 start, not because teams figured out Chan. Chan's been running that type of offense his whole coaching career, it was no secret the first 7 games of the season.
  6. Perhaps your name should be Bandwagon Circler. You have cleary jumped off and no one is going to miss you opening day. I'm sure you'll be jumping right back on after week 2 or 3. And guess what, we'll welcome you back with open arms, cause that's how we do.
  7. To add to this, they also have over 700, yes 700, previous complaints regarding the hot coffee and settled many of them with payouts in the thousands and still refused to change their policy. That's why the jury decided on such heavy punitive damages in the case.
  8. Thanks for the tort lesson, buddy, but I'm pretty sure I learned it in the first year of law school. As a property owner, the Cowboys do have a duty to keep guests on their property safe. They must take reasonable steps to make sure their property is safe for the guests (including checking for dangers that guests may run into while on the property). As a person would not expect to get scolded to the point of 3rd degree burns on any color bench, that duty was breached by not providing ample warning of the risks of burns in hot temperatures. Proximate cause and damages are pretty obvious here. Now, I don't know all the details of the case by any means, but, as I said originally, I believe the case has some merit and certainly should not be just whimsically thrown out without exploration.
  9. Dude, when you have burns that are so serious that they require skin graffs it is very serious and excruciatingly painful. You are just making assumptions about this without any knowledge of the case whatsoever. Sort of like the woman who spilled the McDonalds coffee on her lap years back, everyone rushed to judge her, but until you see the photos of the burns she suffered (I'm sure you can google them, but they are grotesque), you really have no idea how serious it actually was. I've sat on plenty of benches in 100 degree heat and never once contemplated that they could cause 3rd degree burns through my clothes by doing so. I think this case may have some merit.
  10. I know he's not a football player, but I think LeBron has to be considered (as much as I hate him). He's huge and has ungodly speed. I'm sure he'd be a quick learn too. He is the biggest athletic freak of nature in the world in my opinion.
  11. Mario almost took the handoff on one of those early running plays and Merriman blew up another one in the backfield that they had to hold him on. For a first pre-season game where you really aren't scheming at all, I think they looked fantastic.
  12. I know the OP was joking around, but are the rest of you serious? Pre-season, didn't even run the ball once, it means nothing!
  13. Since when does an offensive performance in pre-season mean anything? The FACT is that Fitz looked great in the beginning of last year before he broke his ribs and our WR/OLine/Freddy were cut down by injuries. Your pessimism is pretty annoying, but I'm sure you'll jump right back on the wagon without hesitation when this TEAM is successful. Your use of "we" is actually insulting. You're nothing but a troll, please leave this site to knowledgeable Bills fans.
  14. Seems like a perfect launching pad to getting the Bills a new stadium though, doesn't it?
  15. I know they are not consecutive but they are close enough...AFC Championship Gameday, Superbowl Gameday, Day after the Superbowl. The question is, what year?
  16. Man, I love this thread, everything it represents, and the first few days it was open. Its a good memory in my life and hopefully will carry much more meaning with it being one of the final pieces of a SB title.
  17. We've beaten the Jets with Rex/Sanchez 1 time and that was the first game we played them in 2009 and it was in OT. Obviously, I think we're a much improved team this year and it's great to see them in disarray, but they still have a pretty good D and I certainly wouldn't count my chickens before they are hatched. Week 1 is going to be a tough game.
  18. I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm making a lot of assumptions in this post and fully expect to get hammered for this and I apologize if anyone takes offense, but here goes. I don't understand why everyone gets so bent out of shape over things like this. The fact of the matter is that this kid lived a priveleged life and chose to become a drug user and drug dealer. He would actually travel to rough parts of Philly (from the lush Villanova area) to sell drugs to the poor because he got a thrill out of it and liked being the rich/important drug dealer in the poor neighborhood (via a coversation with his probation officer stated in court hearings). I'm sorry, but this kid had a pretty plush life and threw it away and I'm supposed to feel bad for him? Maybe he really cleaned up his life and was truly turning it around, and in that case, yeah, it would suck if some medical issue killed him after he straightened out. But most likely, it was not. Plenty of good people with good families setting good examples die every day and no one gives two craps, but because this kid is the son of an NFL coach I'm supposed to feel extra sorry for him? Sorry, I don't. As far as Andy Reid goes, he has had both of his sons in trouble with drug related issues and addictions, but instead of quitting coaching and mentoring his boys who clearly needed help, he chose to keep coaching instead. Whaveter his reason for doing so was, obviously, not worth it in the long run. Coaches at the NFL level invariably spend ungodly hours at the facility and away from their families and I have to believe that his absence in this kids life must have at least a little to do with this situation. When you chose coaching over family (especially when your children have obvious issues) I don't really feel sorry for you when something like this happens. Again, I made a lot of assumptions in this post and could be completely off base in my comments, but on its face I'm not going to feel bad for Andy or his kid here. You reap what you sow.
  19. I'm pretty sure that WR is still the position of most concern for a majority of the posters on here.
  20. That's only one example, and really not even a good one. They were only the Boston Patriots for 10 years and it didn't involve any change in Nickname or logo. You might as well have just posted the baseball changes of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays to the Tampa Rays and the Florida Marlins to the Miami Marlins. Really only minute changes for relatively young teams. Some posters in this thread are talking of changing the nickname of "Bills" for a 50 year staple of the AFL/NFL, that's completely different in my mind especially considering the current value of an NFL team compared to the value of a team in 1970.
  21. The Bills in Western NY will always be the Buffalo Bills. If they move, it's going to be to LA or Toronto, in either case they are giving up on Western NY and most of us would give up on them. To suggest that a name change would encourage more regionalization is way off base in my mind. Anyone who knows anything about branding understands that brand value can account for upwards of 50% of a companys/brands worth (up to 70% for ones like Coke and McDonalds). You're not going to start over with a new name unless the potential benefits of doing so were extrememly high (as could be the case in a LA or Toronto move). To re-brand in Western NY would just break down the 50 years of brand loyalty and recognition that you have built. It would be a disaster in my opinion. I mean, how many times in the last 75 years have you seen this done in sports (not counting the Tennesse Oilers changing to the Titans a year after relocation)? It's only done with significant relocations.
  22. "Beals on three." Love this dude.
  23. Sorry, but I would love to see the "lights out" dance about 10-15 times this year.
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