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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I really like Draft Teks mock which has us taking Te'o in the 1st and Jones in the 2nd. That would make me one happy camper.
  2. Some of you are, not surprisingly, confusing criticizm and frustration with the people who find it necessary to week after week proclaim their abandonment of this team on these forums over and over and over again. People who just spew out crap to get a rise out of others, and I'm tired of it. I've been a daily visitor of this site for years and have found it harder than ever to find a reason to keep visiting with all the moronic postings these days. Please do me and many others a favor, instead of coming here and making a big scene about how you're no longer going to be a Bills fan, take the high road and just leave. That's all I'm trying to say.
  3. I'm just curious if anyone is taking note, or making a list of all of these fair-weather fans who are "fed up" with the Bills and just can't stand supporting them anymore. It's funny how you see the same people write the same posts over and over and over again. If you're done, then stop coming back, please. I'm so sick of it. I'm sure you'll all coming running back after we win the next 4 games and have a chance to make the playoffs by beating the Jets. Far fetched? Not as much as you may think. Take a look at our schedule compared to the reeling Steelers, the Colts, and the Bengals. Two of those teams could easily go 8-8 and 9-7 just may get it done. I just know that regardless of how it goes, I'll be watching every game cheering for MY team no matter what. Go Bills.
  4. So where's the "very bad comment" and how are the Bills a "overwhelming UNDERDOG"? Because people from ESPN picked the Colts? Don't you know that all those fools do is look at a team and pick a winner based off their record (unless you're the Eagles or Cowboys, then they pick you regardless of record). Please learn who to write a proper heading for a Topic. I swear this forum is worse and worse every single day.
  5. Some of you guys are crazy! Geno Smith is not falling in the draft. Just because his defense is terrible, doesn't mean his arm strength, accuracy, and speed diminished. He's still a top 5 pick. Aaron Murray is going to surprise no one. Everyone expects him to be at least a 2nd round pick, maybe even a first if he comes out this year. How is that a surprise? Landry Jones has been great this year. Buffalo Barbarian and I have been saying this every few weeks in these threads but everyone wants to remember last year instead of focusing on his tremendous arm and development this year. Barkley is a great QB. We would be lucky if his injury has him fall to us. Can't blame the man for fumbles, drops, and a terrible coach. Tyler Bray is not good, neither is Glennon. Bray will never be good, Glennon has a chance to develop but is a project. Zac Dysert lost to UB. Enough said.
  6. I like Jones. But I'd rather have Smith or Barkley over him at this point. Jones and Murray are very close to each other at #3 and #4 in my mind.
  7. I wonder at what point (if not already) people start discussing Bruce Arians as the hot coaching prospect. Can't argue with what he's done with the Colts as an interim head coach.
  8. Haven't seen Manuel play yet, but I'd say behind Smith, Barkley, Murray, and Jones. I still like what Jones has to offer and he's looked pretty good this season, way better than last year to me. Not sold on Bray or Glennon though, not one bit.
  9. Do you not watch college football? Barkley and Smith are LEGIT franchise NFL QBs. Any draft with two franchise QBs in it is not "underwhelming." Also, Wilson, Bray, Jones, Murray. I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of them turned out to be pretty good ballers as well. I can see Chiefs for sure, Jaguars, Jets, Raiders, Eagles, Cardinals, all looking for QBs early in the draft. Hopefully Nix sticks to his word again when he said that we are now in the position to go out and get that QB and we move up to 1 or 2 and finally get this situation dealt with. If we had a QB that could throw a deep ball and a defensive co-ordinator that didn't call the same plays all game, never blitzed, and decided to cover A. Johnson with Aaron Williams, we'd be in the play off hunt for sure this year.
  10. It gets harder and harder to find any reason to come visit this forum every day.
  11. Uhhh, this is almost 2 months old. I mean, the guy has Logan Thomas going in the first round but no Geno Smith even listed at that point. Worthless post.
  12. Don't you know that you must have at least 500 posts in order for your opinion to count for anything on these boards? Duh.
  13. Yes, I am. Have you watched him this year? He's looked fantastic. Back to the highly touted form of two years ago. I was skeptical at first too, until I watched him, he's back and looking great. Wilson has taken a hit based on team performance. Could climb back in though, no doubt.
  14. Seriously, are we done with this non-sense yet? Not a single quality game vs a good opponent in the last two seasons: 2012: Alabama 13/27 184, 0 TDs 2 Int Miss St 13/24 148 2 TDs 1 Int Georgia 24/45 281 2 Tds 3 Int Florida 22/44 257 2 Tds 2 Int 2011 Kentucky 15/38 215 1 TD 2 Int Vandy 16/33 189 2 TD 2 Int Georgia 18/33 251 0 TD 0 Int Florida 26/48 288 3 TD 2 Int Please, let's keep the first round pick discussion to Barkley, Jones, and Smith (who may be playing himself out of the first round the last two weeks as well) only and get rid of this Bray crap once and for all. Thanks.
  15. Bills Sabres Athletics I can barely remember the A's win over the Giants in the battle of the bay, but would hardly call myself a hardcore fan at that point. So, in short, no for hardcore teams I love. Teams I like though, Ohio State, UNC, Bulls, all yes but not as satisifying as it would be for the other 3.
  16. I don't know how much work he really needs. He's looked fantastic this season and looks like he put in a ton of work in the off season. He's back to the form that made him a highly touted prospect a couple seasons ago. I see him, Geno, and Barkley all going top 10 and we need to get one of them.
  17. Careful, there are plenty of Benz's and Jaguars out there that have less quality than some Acura's (and even some Toyotas). Don't just get caught up in the name (i.e. Vick, ROMO, etc.). However, get a Bentley and you're set. Get a Bugatti, Koenigsegg, McLaren and you're winning Superbowls.
  18. What a lame list. Maurice Jones-Drew, Andre Johnson, Eli Manning, Matt Forte, Wes Welker, Justin Smith, Haloti Ngata? All these players are considered superstars, how are they possibly underrated? Should they be considered super-duper-pooper stars?
  19. I'm curious as to what posters think of the upcoming QB class and possible suitors for them. I see Barkley, Smith, and Jones as first rounders for sure and have seen a lot of talk about Bray as well. I'm not that convinced on Bray though. His performance against solid competition has been lackluster while he has only shined against poor/mediocre teams over his career. To me, that puts doubts in my mind over NFL success. Admittedly, I haven't watched him play and am basing that opinion on only his stat lines. I have, however, gone out of my way to watch numerous games of the other 3 and am very impressed with all of them. I really think Jones has recovered from a subpar performance last year and looks like the highly touted prospect of old. Obviously, like most, if not all of you, I want the Bills to address the QB situation early in the draft THIS YEAR, and I figure we'll pick in the middle of the pack...again. So who else is going to be looking for a QB and who will be drafting ahead of us? I only see one sure thing at this poing, the Chiefs but everyone else either A. Just drafted a QB high; B. Has an expensive QB starter already; C. May not be picking ahead of us. These teams include: Jets - I think they will give up on Sanchez if they can. Cleveland - Can they really draft QB first round two years in a row? Tennessee - Give up Locker already? Jags - I would definitely give up on Gabbert, he looks terrible. Oakland - Palmer is old and expensive, I could definitely see them drafting a QB. Philly - Vick has looked terrible, but probably pick after us. Minn. - Just picked Ponder, looks decent. Tampa - could be ready to move on from Freeman. Arizona - They could be one that snags one from us. St. Louis - Bradford certainly has not looked elite. What do you guys think?
  20. Start Brad Smith??? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's pretty funny. While Fitz is certainly not ever going to be an elite quarterback by any means, he's by far the best that we've got at this point. You say he can't beat the Pats? Well, he did beat the Pats last season. He had them beat this year except for a goaline fumble at the end of the half by Spiller and then a non-existent Defense in the second half. He also had them off to a 21-0 lead last season as well before the D collapsed, again. Fitz is what he is, the coaches just need to call better plays. I mean, how many times are they going to throw long on 3rd and short instead of using our strength in running the dang ball? The obvious wildcat disaster, the fact that they didn't even attempt to get a first down at the end of the game once it was second and long, the horrific defensive schemes in the Jets, Pats, SF games where they didn't blitz a single linebacker in any game. Put Fitz in a position where he is down big and needs to throw downfield into coverage defenses and he's going to struggle. Keep the game close, run the ball, call conservative 5-20 yard pass plays, get him to scramble some, and he is just fine. We should be petitioning for a coaching change over a QB change.
  21. Tyler Bray has had great games...against NC State, Akron, and Georgia State. Talk to me when he has great games against quality SEC defenses because against Florida and Georgia, he wasn't nearly as impressive. If your talking QBs in the first round, Smith and Barkley are the prize.
  22. I'm just sick of reading week after week the same people post that they are fed up with this team. You're all just full of crap. If you were really so fed up I wouldn't have to read the same old posts over and over and over again. Move on, like another team, stop watching football, whatever, I don't care, stop posting the same thing every single week. Yes, the Bills have looked terrible in two games this year, yes they have stunk for over 10 years, yes it's going to, most likely, continue. Either get over it or move on. Your act is very, very tired.
  23. I left when Thigpen came in to drink more beers and cook burgers in the parking lot. However, I gave plenty of stading ovations when we scored the 5 touchdowns, had the sacks, stopped them on third down, Fitz dove head first when he obviously should have slid and on and on and on and on. I think they got the point of how thrilled the crowd was during the first 3 quarters of very loud support.
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