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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Firm believer that he will have the best NFL career out of all the 2013 QB draftees (do like Geno a lot as well though and would be a proponent of trading up for him, but don't see KC letting that happen). As I've posted numerous times, WR/LB 1st, Jones with 2nd pick (either trading up or taking in 2nd round, whatever is necessary), and WR/LB 3rd (whichever we didn't get in 1st). Would also be very excited to have another QB in the 4th (maybe a Nassib or Dysert type). Tough to project where QBs are going at this point. Right now it seems that Smith is the only 1st round lock. I've seen Jones going anywhere from 1st round to 4th round. Combine and other workouts are going to be more important this offseason than any other in a long long time. Should be interesting.
  2. Yeah, he and Cal's Keenan Allen appear to be the top 2 WRs in the draft at this point. Many expected Williams' production to decrease this year with the loss of RGIII and Kendal Wright taking some of the coverage off of him, but he killed it this year, exceeding expectations by a mile. I think we will be drafting too high to take him in the 1st and he'll be gone by the time we pick in the 2nd. So if we can move in either direction to pick in the teens (probably early teens) to snag him up, he would be a solid pick. Come draft day he very well may be a 8-12 pick. It's going to come down to Allen, Te'o, Williams, and Jarvis Jones in my opinion in the first. Hopefully Landry Jones in the 2nd and a WR/LB (that we didn't get in the first) in the 3rd if we don't make any moves. Wouldn't be surprised for a trade up back into the 1st for Glennon though, but I'm not sold on him at all.
  3. Terrance Williams of Baylor will be one of the top WRs picked as well. No "stud" this year though by most accounts and the best WR in the country, Marqise Lee of USC is not draft eligible this year. However, he lacks the size of CJ Jr., Julio Jones, AJ Green, which may affect his draft position but the dude gets open and makes tremendous plays.
  4. Name a single elite NFL quarterback that didn't have numerous multiple loss seasons in college? Just one. No? Didn't think so. Rodgers, no; Brady, no; Brees, no; Eli, no; Peyton, no; Ryan, no. Now, unless you're considering Andy Dalton an Elite QB that we should be shooting for (with 0 losses Senior year and one loss Junior year) your aguement carries no merit whatsoever. Personally, I'd like to shoot a bit higher than Andy Dalton, but that's just me. Landy Jones will be the best NFL QB out of this class and we would be very fortunate to get him. As far as Klien goes, he does not have an NFL arm, plain and simple. He's been talked about more as a TE type player in the NFL over a QB. Just enough talent coupled with tremendous heart and leadership ability to be a great college player, but not enough talent to succed in the NFL, which sucks.
  5. You're the man. I'm done bantering with you. You're not worth my time. You're cleary a far superior intellect and my efforts are futile. Congratulations. I'll remember that next time you post another ridiculous idea that makes no sense considering the reality of a situation and take the time to try and explain why in a courteous, constructive manner. Guess you missed the post of mine you quoted hours ago when I clearly stated that I was slightly mistaken in that the team that he was traded to would have to pay at least the league minimum salary and it would come out of the Jets money, but I guess it's easy to have selective reading when you're concentrating so hard on being a D.B.. Peace.
  6. It says AT LEAST $13.9 M. And even that number seems to be completely arbitrary on the authors part assuming a trading partner would take on $5M of the salary. If you read the entire article, you'll see what I'm talking about. I don't understand why you must be so stubborn on this. Also, it is against salary cap rules to agree to any cut on GAURANTEED money. That's why it's called GAURANTEED money, because it's GAURANTEED.
  7. Not really sure if a deal must require a pick or player, but I would think that they could trade for cash, sure. I know they do it in baseball all the time.
  8. OK, believe what you want, but that's the way it is. I think you're missing the distinction between the gauranteed Salary and a normal Salary number on the cap. If his 2013 salary was not gauranteed it would only be a $9M cap hit and the new team would be responsible for a 2013 salary, but as it stands, the Jets are responsible since they gauranteed it and anything else is completely seperate (and optional to that new team if they want to restructure/redo his deal). Edit: Or maybe you're confusing the Trade with the Cut. If traded the Jets contract is still valid and the Jets would be paying his entire salary without a new deal done. If cut, the new team who signs him will have their own deal with thim that they would be paying for, but the Jets are still on the hook for the $8M salary they gauranteed him and he's getting a double dip in the cookie jar then. I'll correct myself slightly though, the new team would have to agree to pay him at least league minimum if acquired in a trade which would come out of what the Jets are paying him. Maybe this article can articulate it better than I can: http://nesn.com/2012...re-2013-season/
  9. Because the Jets are stupid and garuanteed his Salary on top of his signing bonus which is always gauranteed. It is something that is very rarely done and a pretty moronic move in this case. It was part of the extension contract agreement. The Jets will be paying the $8M salary regardless of where he plays and it will hit their cap. If another team signs him (or trades for him), they are only responsible for what they agree with him for which would be in addition to the $8M the Jets are paying him.
  10. I'm pretty sure it works as follows; when you trade a player you are hit with a cap hit equal to the amount of gauranteed (the bonus money) left on the contract. So if you signed a 5 year $10M deal with $5M gauranteed and are traded or cut after year 2, you would be hit with a $3M cap penalty. Typically the gauranteed money is split evenly over the life of the deal. 2013 will be the final season of his rookie deal with the signing a bonus of $2.5 for that final year of the rookie deal and $1.6 from the new deal which overlaps. The next three years all have $1.6M signing bonus associated with the recent contract extention. So, he's owed $8.9 in bonus (gauranteed) money remaining that would be penalized if he's cut or traded. However, as part of his extention contract, Sanchez's SALARY for 2013 is also gauranteed at over $8M. The total cap hit for a trade/cut before June 1 is $17.1M. If cut after June 1 they can spread it over 2 years for a penalty of $12.35M in 2013 and $4.8M in 2014. Any team that receives him in a trade would not be accountable for any money in 2013 since the Jets have to pay that gauranteed Salary and signing bonus money. They would most likely resign him to a new deal though (he would agree since he would have no gauranteed money after 2013 and a cut from the new team would yield zero cap penalty to that team). Confusing, yes, but there you have it. Either way I love the disaster that franchise is in! And they are currently already $20M over the cap before having to deal with him!
  11. To all the people on here saying that we'll never get a well known/good coach to come here; were you saying the same thing about Mario Williams last year too?
  12. Absolutely. I love when ESPN airs their feel good stories. E:60 seems to have quite a lot of them (and is probably the best show they have going). Sportscenter seems to be playing more of them than they used to, but it is certainly still dominated by gossip and negative stories.
  13. 8 thouches by our best offensive player in a game that was decided by less than one score and you're applauding his use? Not to mention the potential playoff implications of the game. Come on, man! As other repsonders have pointed out, keeping the guy "fresh" for the last 3 games that have become virtually meaningless meaningless is not good coaching or roster management at all, it's simply moronic.
  14. Here's my take on an elite QB...would i sacrifice something moderately important for him to join the Bills, say my pinky toe. 1. Tom Brady - Yes 2. Aaron Rodgers - Hell yes 3. Peyton - Come on now, Seriously? 4. Drew Brees - Absolutely 5. Andrew Luck - No doubt 6. RGIII - Of Course 7. Eli - Mr. Clutch? Ah, yeah! No one else is is worth my worthless toe, but Ben is close.
  15. I think the sad part is that it's not that much worse than the Gotye song that it's a parody of, but maybe it's just me.
  16. I stand corrected. I know there is some sort of fallout with Salvatore's and Russell though, however, I try not to pry into my friends family matters so I'm not exactly sure what it is. I'm pretty sure it is related to the ex-Wife in some way though (possibly concerning his remarraige or girlfriend or something along those lines).
  17. Not to mention that Russ has nothing to do with Salvatore's anymore and created Russell's Steaks and the Hotel out of spite for the current Salvatore's owners (which I'm pretty sure is his ex-Wife that owns it, not his son). My good friend (Russ's grandson) runs Russell's, it's awesome. He also owns the new place YOLO down the street a bit with his brother, it's also a very nice Martini bar type place.
  18. Sorry, but any time a running game has 41 carries for 214 yards and moving the sticks at will it is never a good game for any MLB. With that many runs any good MLB would have had at least 12 tackles and certainly more than just 2 solo ones.
  19. Poz has to be one of the most overhyped players in the league. The announcers were all about him on Sunday, but except for the pick that Fitz threw right to him, he did nothing all game, just like he did nothing for us for years. Just because the guy has a cool name, looks tough, and makes a few tackles, doesn't mean he's a great NFL linebacker. Good riddance. Byrd, on the other hand is a straight up baller who makes plays all over the field and can win games for you with crazy picks and even some hits once in a while. Get it done!
  20. Our whole defense looked horrible for most of the games that Williams was active, not just one CB. While a move to safety may be interesting to consider, I certainly wouldn't give up on him completely at this point. CBs take time to adjust to the NFL. Just because Gilmore looks to have special potential early, let's not forget that he is the exception, not the rule. Look no further than McKelvin. Looked terrible, benched deep on the depth chart, injuries force him to play and all of the sudden he looks quite adequate at CB in his 5th season.
  21. Win out and we will make the playoffs. Sadly, I think I'm one of the only ones on this board that thinks it will actually happy and have, accordingly, been called "delusional" on numerous occasions. Maybe, but at least I'm still excited to watch tomorrow's game while most of you will be going to Home Depot and Bed Bath and Beyond.
  22. If any of these analyst really knew what they heck they were talking about, they'd be a GM, Head Scout, or something along those lines, not a reporter.
  23. Are you serious? It's a CFL team for crying out loud.
  24. The thing about watching footage is that it is often just highlights of the exceptional plays and doesn't give you a true picture of the player. I watch a ton of college football and watched numerous Arkansas games last year and this year. As I said, he was better last year, yes, but most of his great performances were against lackluster defenses. Also, he clearly regressed this year. Wouldn't you rather have the prospect that has shown marked improvement in his most recent season (Jones comes to mind) over a guy that played one season (with pretty good results) and then regressed a ton the following season? Couldn't the same arguement that we read all the time concerning Fitz and Gailey be used for Wilson where defenses figured out how to stop him and he couldn't adjust? That's what comes to my mind. There is no agruement on his arm strength, he's surely go that, he just doesn't have "it" to me. And besides, wasn't Jevon Snead considered a first round (top 10ish) prospect going into his senior season as well after one pretty good SEC season? He struggled mightly his Senior year, wasn't drafted and never made an NFL team.
  25. There are at least 4 QBs I'd want over Wilson. Smith, Barkley, Murray (if he comes out), and Jones. Bet on Smith being gone before we get a chance to take him, but the other 3 should be in play. I'd much rather have Te'o in the first and Jones in the second. If Te'o is gone, I'd be very happy with Barkley or Murray with our first pick. Wilson has not done anything in his entire career that would place him as a first round pick. 21/13 TD/INT ratio this season and very unimpressive stats against any team with any Defense whatsoever (I mean, 5 of those TDs were against Kentucky). Last year was a bit better, but most of his really good games were against non-conference "gimme" games and the weaker SEC teams. I would hate this pick as a long term solution at QB.
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