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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Lacy has looked really really good lately. I wouldn't mind taking him in the 3rd or 4th to add some thunder to spiller's lightning. Unfortunately, I just don't think Freddie will ever regain the form of 2011. I wouldn't be shocked (or upset) if we took Milliner #8 (if he's there still) either. Gilmore and Milliner would be a nice set of CBs to run that aggressive D.
  2. Can anyone name a single school over the last 10-15 years that has had more than 1 good NFL QB come out of it? Brady - Michigan Brees - Purdue Rodgers - Cal Manning - Tennessee Lil Manning - Ole Miss Ryan - B.C. Flacco - Delaware Vick - V. Tech McNabb - Syracuse Palmer - USC Favre - Southern Miss Luck - Stanford RGIII - Baylor Big Ben - Miami U Stafford - Georgia Newton - Auburn Romo - Eastern Illinois Freeman - Kansas State Bradford - Oklahoma Wilson - Wisconsin So, exactly what school are we supposed to draft a QB from? With your logic is must be N.C. State and Glennon because Rivers and Russel Wilson played there. He must be the only one that is going to have success.
  3. Don't mistake this post as me lobbying to get him, just wanted a discussion on him. You have to realize that NO QB is going to hit every throw, especially college QBs. With that being said, I think he looks way better than Fitz. Fitz's short throws very often force a receiver to jump, stop in the route, or reach behind him, there is basically none of that here. On the medium throws, most of them were right on target (with about 4 of them dropped by receivers). Some were missed, yes, but like I said, not everyone hits every pass. I thought his footwork was very solid. Not nearly as awkward as Nassib, some off balance throws though for sure. I do agree that his throwing motion is a bit awkward, but the release is quick (maybe a little low though a la Rivers). I think that Fitz has above average speed for a QB so we may just see things differently there.
  4. http://youtu.be/Q6PI0L7-xnk While I fully expect Nassib to be our QB pick at this point, let's not forget to discuss the other possiblities. I've seen numerous mocks having us take Wilson at #8. This is really the only game I've watched closely on him and here are my thoughts based on this game only. 1. Excellent short throw accuracy - receivers are always hit in stride with the ability to get YAC. 2. Above average medium accuracy - missed a few, but hit on a lot 3. Deep ball? Not too many deep ball throws. Severely underthrew an open receiver on a very difficult throw on the run (resulting in a pick), but threw a nice TD pass down the field. 4. Receivers dropped a lot of passes (was this a trend for them during the whole season?) 5. Good footwork 6. Good pocket presence, got rid of it quick when necessary, tucked it when necessary 7. Tough - took a couple big time hits and hung in on them 8. Above average speed The most impressive throw, to me, came at 14:40. Threw from an awkward position and threw an abosolute dart 30 yards down the field between two defenders. Shows nice arm strength. It would also be nice to not see the agrument that he can't play in the cold weather. Just because he played in the south, doesn't mean he can't play in the cold.
  5. While I can understand how you got to your conclusion, I disagree. I don't think there is really any evidence that we were on the cusp of being a playoff team. We're drafting in the top 10, again; one of our best leaders (Kyle Williams) came out and said there are a lot of players on this team that don't give 100%, we severly underperformed for the talent (supposed) that we have on the team. In my opinion, Lovie Smith is just another coach who was fired that also underachieved with the talent he had on his roster. He couldn't win with a top 5 WR, top 5 RB, top 10 QB, and a top 5 D and we expect him to come here and win with a FA QB (or rookie) who will surely not be as good as Cutler (at least not right away), top 10-15 WR, a potentially top 5 back, and a D in shambles? We need someone to come in and motivate, bring accountability, and bust some heads. I think Marrone will do this. It's not really that we're rebuilding, per se, it's that we're bringing in a new philosophy. I hope he cuts guys, pisses guys off, and forces guys who don't buy in to leave. Good riddance. I agree with every move they've made so far (although am a bit scared on the OC front, but trust the judgement so far).
  6. The Bills former coaches are loaded with NFL re-treads. Jauran, Chan, Wade are all guys that had some success as an NFL coach, were eventually fired, and were mainly unsuccessful as the Bills HC (except for Wade, arguably). We went from having the worst HC in the league, yes the worst (as far as decision making, play calling, motivation, game management) to a guy that is, by most accounts, the exact opposite of all those traits and you see no improvement? Just because you've never heard of him? Not to mention the NFL playoffs are still going on and there has been no free agency, draft, or workouts and your making judgements already? What is with people like you? Perhaps you're the one stuck in the "status quo." I just don't get it.
  7. 4th worst defense in the ACC, the terrible ACC, that year. And that's not even taking into account that they obviously don't have to play their own offense like most the other teams do, which was the 2nd best after Georgia Tech. So are you saying 8th out of 12 in a bad conference is not bad or are you saying the ACC is a good conference, or are you just talking out of your arse?
  8. I think it would serve you well to look at the competition of play in those games. First two season played in the Big East. 2010 terrible numbers vs. LSU and NC State out of conference. 2011 played OK vs LSU but only 2/2 Td/int and comptelely tore up a terrible Clemson D in the bowl game. 2012 started off the charts vs. mostly terrible defenses then struggled against the better Big 12 teams (except Texas was part of the hot start). Pretty much shut down by Kansas St., Iowa St. and Syracuse.
  9. Did you guys even pay attention to the second half of the season? Nothing to prove? I'd say he has a ton to prove at this point. He's looked very pedestrian lately, defenses adjusted to him and he has had no answer. I'd be shocked if he was the first QB drafted at this point and would say it's 50/50 whether he's going in the first or not right now.
  10. Best thread on here in a while! Here's the best video of her that I know of. Probably not safe for work! http://coedmagazine.com/2012/06/26/kate-upton-gq-video-just-kate-being-kate/#photo=1
  11. My thoughts on this game: Positives 1. Very accurate on the short throws. Hitting in stride, should have had more completions quite a few drops. 2. Can definitely put some zip on the ball when necessary. 3. No overthrown deep balls. Receivers had a chance to make a play on basically all the throws 20+ yards down the field. 4. Showed ability to put some touch on the ball when necessary. 5. Some ability to throw in the run. Negatives 1. Thought he was more of a running threat, he looked to have average speed. 2. Two additional passes (end zone pass that he underthrew, and touch pass that the safety misplayed) probably would have been intercepted the NFL. Possibly trying touch passes too much and you'll pay for that with NFL DBs. 3. Indecisive, especially in beginning of the video, clutching the ball numerous times before getting rid of it. Overall, he looked OK to me. Defintely not my first choice, but wouldn't be pissed if we got him either.
  12. If we hired Lovie Smith we would have had a coach that had one of the most talented defenses in the league in the last decade and had one of the most talented offenses this year (and ever since they got Cutler) and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH THEM! One Super Bowl loss with all that talent and not even the playoffs this year. These coaches got fired for a reason, just like teams let backup QBs go for a reason, they are not SB cailbre talent. Plain and simple. Much happier about this decision than Smith or any Arizona coach.
  13. Thought this was going to be a thread started on the first drive saying that we should trade for him. I was ready for a good laugh. What a let down.
  14. I'll preface this by saying I am a ND fan, not die hard, but I root for them over all other college programs in football. ND should have lost 3 games this season; Pittsburgh, Stanford, and I believe they would have lost to USC had Barkely been playing. They took a schedule that looked very tough in the beginning of the season and squeeked by undefeated. Heck, even Purdue, BYU, and Michigan were all withing one score of beating them. None of those teams (except Stanford) were impressive this season at all. In reality there are probably a number of teams from the SEC, Pac 10, or Big 12 that could have ran that schedule (with more convincing results). However, there is something to be said about the fact that they did win all of those games. I'll be curious to see how Monday turns out. I have a feeling that Alabama is going to absolutely dominate the game, should they prove me wrong and win (or play with them all game), I will be much more impressed with Kelly than I am at this point.
  15. Posters on the board are so funny. Just because a guy plays 3-4 OLB in college means he must be only good at 3-4 in the NFL? Just because a guy is a USC quartaback he must be as bad as Sanchez and Leinart? Just because a guy had a decent year at Miami OH, he's the next coming of Roethlisberger? Do you guys actually think that Von Miller wouldn't be a great NFL 4/3 OLB? It seems that only 10-20% of the people here actually watch any college games at all. The rest are lemmings to ESPN analyst and unwarranted comparisons to other players. Jones is a phenom talent that has the talent to play 3-4 or 4-3 OLB. Just because he's been asked to rush the passer in college, doesn't mean he can't cover the pass in the NFL. A slight learning curver, sure but he has tremendous speed and makes plays all over the field. We would be very lucky to have him, no doubt. However, I'll grant the knoweldgable posters concern over the neck issues, worrisome indeed.
  16. Exactly, it's a wash between those 3 and Brees isn't that far behind.
  17. Finally someone with a bit of sense discussing draft options. That is, until I read that bit regarding Klein. His skills will not transfer to the NFL and he'll be a 4th rounder at best (and probably not even drafted with expectations of playing QB at all). Too bad though, serious leadership skills and heart, just not the arm. While I'd be shocked to see Te'o go #1, I would also be shocked to see him make it to #8. Jones, on the other hand, very well may be there and we should jump all over it if he is. Hopefully his previous neck issues scare some teams off. If Eifert is stil there in the second round then that would be a fantastic selection for us if Murray comes out and is gone (I suspect both will be true). Other than that, I'm a huge proponent of getting Murray or Jones one way or another in this years draft. I feel that both are severly underrated at this point and all other QBs (namely Smith, Wilson, Glennon, Dysert) are severely overrated while Barkely is rated accurately but won't be a good fit with our culture or climate and I don't know enough about Boyd to reneder a fair decision on him as of yet.
  18. Assuming Boyd and Murray come out, here is the order of how I believe the most prominent QBs will be drafted: 1. Smith 2. Murray 3. Wilson 4. Barkley 5. Glennon 6. Jones 7. Boyd 8. Bray 9. Dysert 10. Nassib 11. Manuel Here's how succesful I believe they would be in the NFL 1. Murray 2. Jones 3. Boyd 4. Barkley 5. Wilson 6. Smith 7. Glennon 8. Nassib 9. Dysert 10. Bray 11. Manuel Murray, Jones, and Boyd will be the only ones to have any significant impact. The rest will either never become a starter or be unsuccessful. Just my opinion.
  19. Why does poster after poster find it necessary to compare QBs to their alma mater counterparts? Just because the guy went to the same school as Roethlisberger, does not make him Big Ben. Just because Barkley went to USC does not mean that he is the same QB as Leinert, Sanchez, Palmer, etc. Big Ben threw for 4,500 yards and 37 TDs his final year at Miami on route to a 13-1 record his final (Jr.) year. Dysert has thrown for 3,500 and 25 TDs (while throwing more INTs) in his SR season with a 4-8 record including a loss to UB. I don't care who else is on your team, if you're a QB in the MAC and only win 4 games as a SR you are not an NFL quality QB. Can we start using our heads a little please.
  20. Don't buy that at all. He's thrown a ton of fantastic deep balls and tight space balls this season. He was dropping dimes to Lee all year long. I'd say his issues are more short/mid range accuracy and some questionable decision making. I'd rather have a hard working, blue collar type guy here than Barkely. But make no mistake, the kid has a ton of talent.
  21. They may say that they really like playing for Chan/Nix, but it doesn't show on the field (for many players at least). Quite simply, the team gave up in the Seattle game and looked terrible vs Miami as well. They can love him all they want, if he can't get it done on the field and motivate/coach his players up, he should be gone.
  22. I just don't see any team taking more than one QB in Rounds 1-3. Not that I wouldn't be for it. Quite simply, the more QBs selected the better chance of finding that "franchise" guy. I just don't know of any occasion when it's been done and don't think any GM would have the balls to do it. However, trading down for a 1st and 2nd would be a great move in this draft for sure.
  23. Vick, Cowher, Reid, Fewell??? Funniest thing I've read in a long time. Nice Trolling.
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