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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Actually, yes they do. They do spring training games, specials, and visits for every team. They call it 30 clubs in 30 days and 30 games in 30 days.
  2. Very true, but I think that if was told he was the #1 QB prospect this year he would have bolted.
  3. So, free agency is just over 1 day old, the draft hasn't even happened yet and the over/under game is already being played?
  4. Murray stayed another season because he was seen (at the time of his decision at least) to not be one of the top 2 or 3 QBs in this draft class and projected in the 2-4 range. I'd be surprised if he climbed up over Johnny, Bridgewater, and Boyd next season, but you never know. I always liked him myself. AJ is so hard to tell because Alabama is so run heavy that there is really little display of his talents. From what I see, he looked darn good last year though. I'm wondering if Manziel doesn't grow a bit if his size will knock him out of the #1 slot. And yes, it would be very tough to pass on Clowney at #1. No QB this year, #1 pick next year and they go Clowney this place might just incinerate.
  5. Obviously you don't understand how cap penalties work. Mario is untradeable at this point.
  6. 97 Receptions, 1832 Yards, 12 TDs and 8 100+ yard games. I've been on board with him the as my WR choice for a couple months now. Far and away the most impressive stat lines with consistancy over multiple seasons with multiple QBs. Patterson??? 46 Catches for 778 Yards and 5 TDs. Of that 9 catches and 219 yards were in ONE game against TROY and he's only played one season. He's also had an NFL calliber QB throwing him the ball, so ne excuse there. No thank you. Hopkins is also very appealing though.
  7. You do realize that as a franchisee in the NFL the Bills have a contract with the NFL to abide by their rules, including eligibility requirements, in order to remain in good standing in the league? If we did this, they would sue us in a heartbeat, we would lose before he saw a single minute on a practice field, and the Bills would be out the #8 overall pick (at a bare minimum) and probably a bunch more picks on top of that as punishment. This is the worst idea I've heard in a long, long time....that is, except for draft Dysert in the first round.
  8. NO F'N WAY! Game log: Florida 8/85/1 Georgia 2/31/0 Alabama 1/25/0 South Carolina 3/26/0 Miss St. 2/25/1 Akron 2/20/0 Troy 9/219/1 See a pattern here? If all the DBs in the NFL were the same quality as Troy I'd say sure. But they're not. He had an NFL prospect throwing to him as well, so you can't blame it on the QB. 46 Catches for 778 Yards, and only one season of work. No thanks. I'd much rather have Terrence Williams out of Baylor 97 catches 1832 yards the year after RGIII left, not to mention 59/957 with RGIII.
  9. When Marrone did his press conference I felt like Renee Zellwegger in Jerry Maguire. "Shut up, Just shut up. You had me at hello." Love him and there is no one else that I would have rather had us hire at this point.
  10. Based on re-signing Levitre and Byrd and replacing Wilson via FA (Landry possibly). 1. Trade Down - and get Ogletree somewhere around 20 2. Early - Glennon/Wilson/Nassib - feel that only Nassib will be there 2. Late - Eddie Lacy 3. Justin Hunter 4. Nico Johnson 5. Honey Badger Don't know enough about 6-7th rounders to offer up names, but would like some more OL depth and a TE.
  11. In that ESPN piece, Robert Kraft also remembered a story that went something like this: New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft enjoys telling the story about how he met Tom Brady for the first time. It was during the 2000 mini-camp when Brady was a rookie buried at the bottom of the depth chart. He stopped Kraft one day after practice. “We’ve never met,” he said, “but I’m Tom Brady.” Kraft said, “I know who you are, you’re the quarterback from Michigan. You were our sixth round draft choice.” Kraft recalls Brady saying, “Yes, and I’m the best decision this organization has ever made.” I love that kind of attitude and cockiness, especially from the QB position. I agree completely with other posters, as much as I hate the guy (his talent, his wins, his stats, his Super Bowls, his money, his looks, his super hot and even wealthier wife) I've got to respect him. He possesses a drive in him that is very rare in a person.
  12. Carson was well on his way to having a very nice NFL career until he got injured in 2008.
  13. A lot of talk about how we could have drafted A.J. Green and Dalton instead of Dareus and Williams; well, what about AJ Green and Kaepernick? Yikes.
  14. I'd be asking why someone like David Shaw (Stanford) or Charlie Strong (Louisville) didn't even get really mentioned anywhere or interviewed anywhere that I'm aware of for a HC position. To me, there is a much better case for those two than there is for someone who just got fired and had years of underachievement, like Lovie Smith.
  15. Completely agree. In the earlier post in the thread I also discussed his stats and performances. As one who is always put off by the arguments of "I hate this QB because he went to USC and I hate USC QBs" etc., I completely understand what you're saying. That was not my sole argument against him but I do think it holds a lot of water.
  16. I kind of get the feeling that Buddy is not going to be the end all say so in this draft. If he is, you're right, no way he takes him. If he's not, who knows what kind of players we'll be drafting? I like the idea of him as well though, from the 3rd on with combine results pending.
  17. Way to take it to an unrealistic extreme. There's a saying out there, the greatest predictor of future success is past occurences and, to my knowledge at least, there has not been a single successful MAC QB from a losing team that has had any legitimate success in the NFL. An elite NFL QB needs to be a leader, a motivator, an example setter. If he's on a crappy team then he needs to motivate them to get to the gym more, practice harder, execute better. He needs to pump them up for the game (and during the game) to get them to play at the highest level possible. If you don't posses the skill set and/or leadership skills to create a winner in the MAC, I'm not going to put an NFL franchise on your shoulders. Could he be the first? Sure, why not. However, with his record, stats, and competition faced, I just don't see it happening. Let's not get enamored simply by arm strength or some mobility. Those are just a couple of pieces of the franchise QB puzzle.
  18. Can you reference a single losing MAC QB that had any success in the NFL? I sure as heck can't. While this may be true of Ohio State, you are referencing a top 10 college football team. I'm more talking about the losses to Bowling Green (12 points scored), UB, Kent State, Central Michigan (16 points scored), and Ball State. I'm not looking for an average NFL QB, I'm looking for a guy that's going to lead us to the promise land and if you put any of the current guys in the league that could (even during their college days) they would not be 3-5 in the MAC, no way. Plus, look at what he did do against the good teams he played (Ohio State, Boise State, Cincy) all either OK outings and a pretty poor effort vs. Boise State. Take away one game against possibly the worst team in the nation, the 1-11 (0-8 MAC) Akron team, and his TD/INT is 19/12 and less than 3,000 yards. No way is that NFL quality. While I'm not completely opposed to the guy, by any means, I just feel that a 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd is wasted on way too big of a question mark and would much rather he be the 2nd QB we drafted if at all.
  19. The only reason he broke any of Big Ben's records (which was basically only yards) was because he played 4 seasons vs. Ben's 3. Even so, Ben still had more TD passes, and a QB rating almost 20 points higher. Oh, and Big Bens last season they went 13-1, Dysert (as a senior) went 4-8. I'm sorry, but there is no way that a QB who goes 4-8 in the MAC, regardless of the talent on the rest of the team, is going to be a successful NFL QB. Any comparison to Big Ben is idiotic.
  20. While I agree that Lacy certainly has first round talent, the recent trend is RBs fall below the first round. Mocks I've seen have him going in the 3rd and 4th mostly. That could definitely change with the Championship game performance where he looked way quicker than he's looked all season in battling a foot (maybe it was ankle) injury. With that being said, we have more dire needs in the 1st and 2nd, that's why it is my opinion that I would only be happy to get him in the 3rd or 4th. UNCs Bernard, Wisc Ball, Mich State Bell, Clemson Ellington, Standford Taylor, and South Carolina Lattimore (who was better than all before his nasty injury) are all seen as 2-4 round projections at this point along with Lacy.
  21. I'm on the Dwayne Bowe train. We need a bigger, play maker type receiver.
  22. Me too, but Milliner wouldn't upset me at all. Jones has more talent, but the neck condition is scarry for a #8 pick.
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