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Posts posted by Mark80

  1. 1 hour ago, maryland-bills-fan said:

    Of course they already have their QB, so that 3rd pick is a luxury. Let's say they flip it for (sic) two #14 picks.  Well you can't do that, but say they flip one of those #14 picks for a #23 and a #53.  Then they would have:



    #14   overall,    1st round 14th pick

    #18    overall,   1st round 18th pick

    #23   overall     1st round 23rd pick

    #36   overall,    2nd round 3rd pick

    #50   overall,   2nd round 18th pick

    #55  overall,    2nd round 23rd pick


    #67  overall    3rd round pick.

    Uh...what in the world makes you think they are satisfied with their QB situation?  Tua did not look good at all last year despite what the pundits were saying as he was putting up under 100 yards passing in 33% of his starts.  Also, not to be that guy, but looks like you don't know what "sic" means.  It is used when you are quoting something and you leave an error in the quote (like spelling for example) to keep the quote accurate.  Its like, yeah, I know this is wrong but this is how the source had it and I am just copying what they did, I'm not the idiot, they are sort of thing.


    Edit - "Don't" know! 

  2. And not a mention of it on ESPNs front page.  Its cool though, officials admitting an ejection was wrong in a basketball game is probably more deserving of the top headline. 


    RIP to a true legend and incredible human being.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 hours ago, eball said:

    A common thread among these frequently uttered takes is the notion that players/coaches/GMs "are who they are" and are therefore incapable of growth, learning, and development.  It's a fatally flawed and pessimistic way of looking at humanity.


    Time to unite as Bills Mafia behind this amazing team and organization, and recognize that many/most “hot takes” are just that.


    Cheers and GO BILLS!!!




    This is the thing right here.  They identify players who they believe will take ownership in making themselves better.  Ones that have the drive to do so (which is definitely not all of them ... Dareus?  Mike Williams? ) and they provide them with the tools and training to facilitate that.  Players come here and get better, consistently.  We are getting high value out of late round picks, consistently.  This is a sustainable track.  We are set up for a great, long term run here.  Buckle up folks.

    • Agree 1
  4. On 1/14/2021 at 10:03 AM, Ravens2021 said:


    He literally threw outside the numbers all game against the Titans...lol. Did you not watch the game?


    Hum....how did that work out for him yesterday?  Again, Lamar cannot pass the ball at even close to any sort of elite level.  Cannot throw outside the numbers (even missed dudes who were WIDE open).  Contain him in the run game, protect middle of the field = 3 PTS allowed.  Enjoy the off-season scrub.

  5. I have a decent arm.  Was always the QB in pick up games, college intramurals, played baseball, etc.  Whatever.  Got to go on the field in Orchard Park some years back and throw some balls around with a buddy.  Said, lets see how far I can throw this thing.  20 yards, no problem, 30, ok....got to 40 and it took everything I had to get that one to the goal line.  This freak can do it with absolutely no effort whatsoever.  Crazy.

    • Like (+1) 2
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  6. 8 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    Sometimes you just have to stop and reflect on where the Bills are as a team.


    - We just won our first Monday Night Football game in what.....over a decade?  CHECK

    - We did it by going BACK to Arizona where we lost a heart breaker to Arizona CHECK

    - We have beaten the patriots for the first time in god I dont even know how many years CHECK

    - In an excellent position to win our division CHECK

    - Franchise QB in place CHECK

    - Offense setting records CHECk

    - Have a legit number 1 receiver CHECK

    - We are literally in a position where we can beat anybody and it wouldnt be an upset


    Not only are the bills good....but they set up in a way where they can be good for a number of years......Josh Allen panned out


    The defense is not as dominant as it has been previous years....but they appear to be hitting their stride as we get closer to playoffs



    Its a good time to be a bills fan



    I don't know about this.  It may not be shocking, but if we beat the Chiefs down the road it would be an upset. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    As good as Allen plays on the field, his intangibles and what he does off the field are even better. Have you ever heard anything lile that about Allen? People rave about his leadership skills...Murray it seems like only is a good leader when times are good but disappears when the team actually NEEDS his leadership ability during tough times. Not a good sign.


    This sounds pretty Jay Cutler like. Murray has all the talent in the world but he isn't going to do much if he doesn't learn how to be a better leader.


    Quote from Bart Scott:


    “This isn’t a one-off,” said Scott. “If you listen to some of his other interviews after they’ve lost, especially last year after a tough season, he doesn’t come off to me as a leader of men.”


    Scott added, “I think he’s all about me because he doesn’t put the onus on himself. He puts it on ‘We have to do something better’ when the team struggles.


    “That tells me he’s a finger pointer and not a thumb pointer. Listen, I said it first — Kyler Murray is not a leader of men and if this team hits adversity, they lose Fitzgerald, they ever have an injury to Hopkins, he’s going to come apart at the seams. He’s going to be one of those guys that goes out and spazzes out on a reporter. He’s going to be one of those guys. I know what I know and I know what I’m watching.”




    I could tell he was a "me first" type of guy just by his actions of baseball vs football.  When he was drafted by the A's in the first round (7th I believe, maybe?) he guaranteed them that he wasn't going to be playing football professionally.  The A's then let him play for a season after they had already signed him after the baseball draft and he does fantastic and then changes his tune.  Went from I guarantee I'm playing baseball to, oh, now I'm having a good football season I will completely shift gears and screw over the A's (who just lost that pick with no compensation since he actually signed a contract) because he saw greener pastures in the NFL.  B.S. move in my opinion (yes, I am an A's fan, full disclosure).  Show's me that he is 100% for himself and not a "team" mentality.


    Plus, he just comes off as awkward to me in general.  Not sure what it is.  In all the interviews I see of him I just get a bad vibe from him every time.

    • Like (+1) 5
  8. 12 hours ago, Muppy said:

    The customer is always right.                                 

    Blondes gave more fun


    The phrase originally was "The customer is always right in matters of taste."  Meaning if they want a neon pink toyota camry, well, that's their taste so sure.  Somewhere down the line the last part got dropped and some people felt they had the right to now act like complete a** holes to businesses.

  9. Advice - Be prepared to lose a lot of money.  If you go in planning to make money you are going to be disappointed.  So, buy things you think are cool and are going to want to keep, not things you think are going to be worth whatever down the line so you can sell them for a profit.  That is a game for distributors and folks that have been doing this far longer than you!

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, A Firm Tree Does Not Fear said:



    5-11 last season and likely to finish no better than 8-8 this season. not real success as of yet but not as bad as the others mentioned in the OP.


    It is when you consider the team last year was so talent deprived that many thought they would go 0-16.  And this years team is surprising most as well.  I'm sure not many would have put them over 5 wins for the entire season. This guy is going to be a problem for us for a long time to come I'm afraid.  'Bout to be like the late 80s/early 90s rivalry again.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. On 11/11/2020 at 3:42 PM, BillsFan4 said:

    Yes I got the Xbox series X yesterday. The PS5 is supposed to ship by tomorrow. I’m still hopeful it’ll arrive tomorrow, but worst case I should have it in a few days. 

    Loving the series x so far. It’s a huge step up from my Xbox one s. The graphic detail in open worlds is stunning. Especially with the ray tracing. Playing Assassins Creed Valhalla and it’s gorgeous. 

    Load times are excellent too. You can boot up a game and be playing in about 1/2 the time (or less). Fast travel is so much faster too. I can’t wait till we get some true next gen games.


    Can you just download your xbox one digital games to the Series X and play them with all your saved files?

  12. On 10/24/2020 at 10:20 PM, Talley56 said:

    The cutting off, swearing, fake IDs at 15, bars open until 4 all seem kind of standard for everywhere.  But the rest, yeah, does sound exclusive to Buffalo.


    Very few places have bars open this late.

  13. 23 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    Oh boy we're crowning Josh Allen again. Can't the man play a good game without crowning him? 


    We all know what happens now. He lays an egg in Arizona. 

    Or, perhaps it is just possible that the rest of us are seeing the big picture and how he has played at an MVP level for every game this season that he wasn't wearing a shoulder brace because he was playing through a dislocated shoulder for us (and we still went 2-2 in those games).

    • Like (+1) 4
  14. 39 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    On that note, and not to defend ESPN, but the PRICE of highlights is astronomical compared to when they were starting out and in the glory years.


    The NFL launched its own network and wants to drive viewership to it. Therefore, they charge ESPN millions of dollars for just the few highlights they get, and keep most of the deep highlights for themselves.


    It's to the point that if you re-watch a show like PtI on streaming, they cut any/all of the highlights from the stream because it costs so much to show them.


    Yeah, I figured that contractual obligations limit the amount of highlight time they can show and your thought is right along that line of though as well and probably more accurate.  There has to be a way to lower the cost per minute when you buy more minutes and when you buy less popular sports.

  15. I would go back to a similar style of programming they did when they were at their peak. 


    1.  Less Talk Shows - there used to be basically only one talk show, Up Close.  That was it. The weekends also had the Sports Reporters.  Now, they are running talk shows all day on multiple networks.  They all need their own sets, own on air and off air staff, and all the other expenses that come from doing a show....and they are mostly terrible.  Just put the 2am SportsCenter on Repeat on the morning.  Save a ton and be better programming.

    2.  On the note of SportsCenter - More freakin highlights.  They used to play highlights of basically every game in every major sport.  At a minimum they would show the score.  Now, they talk about the same 1 or 2 teams per sport every f'n day all f'n year long.  I want to see action, not the same crap day after day after day.  Highlights, Stats, next game, highlights stats, next game, etc. Maybe a few player / coach interviews thrown in there.  Get rid of the freaking pundits talking for 75% of the show.

    3.  More weird sports - Why cant they show some of the more obscure sports in the mid-afternoon?  How much would it really cost to show it?  Strongman, lumberjack games, scotland games, ping pong, badmitton, so much out there and there are amazing athletes doing stuff we never see.

    4.  Get out of politics.  Enough already.  I am there for sports and sports alone.

    5.  Stop force feeding me the WNBA and NCAAW.  They are terrible, no one cares, it is so freaking boring.   You give me these highlights but I can't get an NHL game, or F1 coverage, or decent soccer coverage???

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