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Posts posted by Mark80

  1. 28 minutes ago, H2o said:

    He's not lying though. Look at Seau. He killed himself because he couldn't adjust to life after the game. I'm sure a lot of the things he talks about are legit struggles many of these athletes go through. Others have talked about the physical toll the game takes on your body, addictions to prescription drugs, money problems, and numerous other situations. It's something I think about often because my youngest son says this is what he wants to do, play football. He's extremely good at it and loves to hit people. From the beginning, starting at 8 years old, it's like a switch flips when he puts the pads on and buckles that chin strap. I'm not saying I know for certain he will make it to the NFL, but when you look at the bigger picture the question I ask myself is whether I really want him to or not. 


    He killed himself because of CTE, not because he couldn't adjust after the game but because his brain was so damaged that it was torturing his thoughts to the point he couldn't take it anymore.

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  2. Just now, GoBills808 said:

    So your 'movement' consisted of getting some sucker to buy at $170 by pumping your stock in a Buffalo Bills thread?


    In no way encouraged anyone to do anything.  In fact, i specifically said I do not recommend getting involved.  I'm just discussing the subject and offering my opinions on it same as everyone else.

  3. Just now, Chef Jim said:


    You cannot lose??  What makes you say that?  What is the true value of GME?  


    I cannot lose because I look at it as a whole event.  I already sold all my shares and bought back in with only $1k of the profits.  I've already pocketed back my investments plus additional profits.  So, I can't lose as I see it, only win less.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    I see. So the mission is to make money regardless of the debris you leave in your wake.  That's what I thought.  


    You're gonna lose.  It's probably going to plummet to double, maybe even single digits.  You're Pop Warner playing against the Chiefs.  


    Except I already cashed out last week at $170 (when they fooled me with their shutting down of robinhood, discord, WSB for a few hours and associated price crash) when I bought in for $40 as I mentioned already in this thread.  I just got back in with only $1k of the profits that I am holding.  I, sir, cannot lose here at this point.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:



    According to IHS and S3 short interest is way down as of Monday.  You sure retail isn't selling? 


    Hell no I am not sure.  But I'm still holding.  I'm wondering what the actual float numbers are to see if they changed significantly to alter the percentages or if there are ways to manipulate that data to show what they want.  No doubt that if that is the actual number and all other things are the same, then it is not a good sign.

  6. 8 hours ago, Doc said:


    To lose interest in GME so the stock falls and their short positions don't incur more massive losses.


    To add that, the real mission is to have people buy and hold their stock until the shorts expire and they are required to buy shares that no one is selling causing the price to skyrocket, literally bankrupting the short sellers.  They have continued to double down by shorting more and more.  Eventually, the shorts won't be available either and, if people hold, they are F'd.


    Has nothing to do with Pump and Dump.  Look at how few shares are actually trading.  Retail investors are holding.  Hedge funds are manipulating prices amongst themselves to try and drive it down 100 shares at a time.  Im perfectly fine holding my shares for the rest of Gamestop's existence...or mine.  But if it skyrockets into the 4 figures, we would have won and I'll get out then.


    Silver is a pump and dump, crypto currency talks are pump and dump, maybe even AMC and Blackberry, but not Gamestop IMO.

    13 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    You buying more?


    Probably not.  I'm comfortable losing 100% of what i put in.  Still super high risk / high reward, but at under $200 right now it is tempting to throw a bit more at it.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    In what way is it different and how does that change the scenario I described above?


    Because you aren't borrowing any money when you purchase a stock.  You own it, you don't owe anything you have to pay back, thus limiting your risk significantly.  I can see them being worried with an option that they wouldn't have the money to pay for them if the price crashed.  I am not an option expert and if I am wrong please inform me as I like learning.


    Basically the opposite of shorting except instead of an unlimited ceiling of risk for shorters, there is a limit on floor risk since you can't go lower than $0.  I think they are concerned with inability to cover the option losses if it crashes, no?

  8. 25 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    The explanation I got on brokerages shutting down yesterday from a close friend who works in the industry and knows his stuff:


    The real reason RobinHood shut off yesterday is because they ran out of money.  They have to post capital to the clearinghouse.  The amount of capital they have to post is a function of volatility [insert Bloomberg screen shot showing GME's volatility which is off the charts like in the 1,000%].  When you over index to this type of garbage AND you offer cheap margin to customers, you get stopped out.

    That is completely backwards.  The most a short seller can make is the amount of the Strike Price - $0, theoretically.  Its actually even less upside because you need to buy back shares before delisting or bankruptcy.  Their downside risk is unlimited as price per share is uncapped.  


    Also, don't believe everything you read on twitter and check out the explanation I just posted for RH suspending certain trades.  Remember RobinHood offers margin accounts and there are a ton of people playing a dangerous game with borrowed money.  


    Restricting purchase of options is WAY different than restricting purchases of stock.  I wouldn't have been upset if it was just the options, but it was flat out buying the stocks as well that was shut down which is complete and utter BS.  If you are buying Robinhood's excuse that you mentioned and I saw their CEO give and don't think they were concerned with their eventual IPO and the backings of the Hedge funds around that and getting them mad, then I don't know what to tell you. To me, if I smell a rat, it's usually a F'n rat.   They colluded with the Shorters to help them get out of it as much as  possible.  No doubt in my mind.  And their business is toast after this clears because of it.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    Hedge Funds look at financials and health of a company to make decisions, not mass bait and switch.  We have an issue in the market where stock prices are not matching the true health of company.  People are going to lose thousands when companies end up closing up.  The dumb Robinhood 20 years old literally think that the increased stock price means the company is making more.  Gamestop going up does nothing to help their crap financials, and their obsolete business plan.  


    The biggest question I have is how these small amount of idiots messing with Wall Street like they are so cool and hip will feel when their Grandparents, Aunt, Uncles and parents lose their 401k when Wall Street really shows how to alter a market.  Wall Street controls the market and always will control the market, good or bad.  


    You, sir, are out of touch and ill informed.  When this all started over a year ago there was plenty of due diligence documented as to why the company was worth more than then the sub $5 price it was selling at when it started.  People stared getting on board for a long play.  Hedgies will say their store revenues dropped, completely ignoring the closing of stores in over saturated markets which is a huge waste of money.  Store revenue per store was actually up during Covid crisis, nonetheless.  Shorters felt they could short because it is brick and mortar, its dying, etc. instead of seeing the big picture.  So, they shorted and shorted and shorted hoping to force bankruptcy.


    Then, a few months ago they bring on board the Chewy CEO who basically took on and beat Amazon in the pet supply ecommerce space.  By all accounts this man is an ecommerce genius.  This also drove long term interest...yet the shorts continue to short the company.  More and more common folk jumped in.


    Eventually, word got out at how screwed the shorters were and the stock price took off, not because of the fundamentals, but because of the potential squeeze.  This is about taking advantage of those short sellers who left themselves out to dry when they tried to destroy another company (and, in turn, its employees).


    GameStop trading has less than 0.01% impact on the whole market.  It will not have any impact whatsoever on the market as a whole.  No one is going to lose 401ks over this unless they specifically put the money into the stock specifically.  Lets be real and stop with the uniformed scare tactics.  Any market impact will be minimal and short term.


    But hey, keep calling these retail investors "idiots" it has really worked out well so far for the professionals who are losing Billions daily on their genius play.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. For the record...I couldn't resist getting back in yesterday after I was fooled by the clear concerted effort to manipulate the price down by the Shorters and sold original shares at $175 like an idiot.  Took the profits from that sale and got back in at $240/share.  We Won't be Fooled Again!  Its over $1k per share or bust on these ones!  Now, it's a matter of principle.

  11. ....and I got out at 175.  bought @40, sold @175.  Missed the big $400+ but still not a bad couple weeks!  Be prepared for Robinhood to get destroyed over this.  I'm taking all my money out as soon as possible. Also be prepared for it to go to over $1k tomorrow since I sold my shares!

  12. 5 minutes ago, sherpa said:


    Did you really mean this?

    You can buy GME or anything else anywhere else.

    Robinhood restriction has infinitely little to do with the ability to buy this or other issues. 


    Sorry, that language was a bit aggressive and misleading.  I added an edit.

  13. Robinhood now not allowing you to buy GME and many others.  They are now restricting free individuals to do as they please to protect hedge fund managers under the disguise of protecting the people.  This is the kind of deck that is stacked against every normal person in this country.  Such a shame.  Hope it still doesn't work but gets people more determined and Robinhood goes by by after this.


    What this means in layman's terms is that the only people who can buy stock now are major players ... aka ... the hedges that are shorted.  If people hold they are still in big big trouble.  LET ME EDIT THIS, THE BIG PLAYERS HAVE A MUCH EASIER WAY TO BUY THAN RETAIL BUYERS NOW SINCE ROBINHOOD HAD A TON OF THESE ACCOUNTS NOW THEY HAVE TO OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS ELSEWHERE AND GET FUNDS INTO WHICH IS TIME CONSUMING IN A TIME CRITICAL PLAY.


    This is an epic event and I'm so happy to be part of it even if only for a minimal amount.  The movie is gonna be great.

    9 hours ago, I am the egg man said:

    I want to move everything into low risk for reasons I can't talk about here. My wife agrees with our advisor, who says give it a bit more time.


    I had pretty nothing 25 yrs. ago entering my third marriage, neither did she. To lose what we have now would suck. 


    I have no faith in.....


    Best decision you can make for this is a market index mutual fund.  I like S&P personally but any are fine.  Your money goes with the market.  Expect 8-12% gains most years.  Don't even have to do anything to it, they maintain it for you.

  14. 20 minutes ago, T&C said:

    Just throwing it out there, markets are closed.


    Dow -659

    S&P -102

    Nasdaq -355


    Horrible day overall.


    Another number I like ... is this in part caused by these shorters liquidating assets to get the cash they are going to need?  Or, a part I don't like ...  is this common folk liquidating assets to buy more of this or AMC or BB or whatever they are hoping will be the next GME?  The market itself will be back in no time if this, in fact, having an impact in some way.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    So theorizing that this stock can still triple and hit 4 figures is a caution to the people on this board to stay away?  Because that sounds like encouraging people to buy.


    This whole strategy is based on the amount of short interest. Bidding up the price is designed to force shorts to cover or get margin called thus forcing them to buy shares to cover their positions.  If no one is selling then the shorts have to sweeten the deal further bidding up prices, forcing more margin calls, bidding up prices, forcing more margin calls, etc.  Shying away from GME now because of the amount of short interest makes little sense.  The huge short interest and plan to squeeze them out is where these wild figures like $5,000 are coming from.  No one "investing" in GME right now is doing so because they believe in the fundamentals.  


    Indeed.  I wouldn't recommend now because the potential for loss at $350 is just so much greater than it is if you got in at below $50.  The stock isn't worthless.  I would propose it was undervalued before this all happened and should be in the 10-15 range most likely when all is said and done.  Going from 50 to 10 is a whole lot different than going from 350 to 10.  I can still believe its going to 4 figures (or close to) and recommend not to buy as it is by no means any sort of certainty and the risk is too high at this buy-in price point IMO.  Fundamentals are in no way part of this play.  Its all about the squeeze 100% and that may never actually come.  When I mentioned the numbers I was referring to the short numbers.  But, if trends continue tomorrow and Friday, it COULD be up to $1000 by EOD Friday.  COULD not will, COULD.

  16. 1 minute ago, Back2Buff said:

    Seeing how everyone of what I invest is in tied to my SSN, I will not be participating in Market Manipulation or pumping/dumping.  


    Also, do these dumb people realize this can back fire tremendously.  Piss off Wall Street, and they have the resources to pull billions out of market and tank everyone's 401k.  All fun and games till the big guy starts swinging.  


    Funniest argument to date. What do you think Hedge Funds with Billions upon Billions of assets under their control do?  Every single move they make is market manipulation.  Every press release about what they are buying and selling.  But hey, lets get upset when normal people spot a weakness of these jerks and expose it $1k at a time.  So funny.

  17. 54 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    That is whats happening and that couldn't be farther from any principle besides pure greed.  Post like OPs and thousands of others are designed only to convince other people to drive up the price high enough to make a better exit.  The stock market is still a zero sum game. Short sellers and hedge funds are not the only ones who will be on the hook when the music stops.


    Every stock with significant short interest is now a target in this scheme. 


    Absolutely not true at all.  I would not recommend anyone buy this stock at this point.  Its too late IMO.  I would also encourage people to hold at this point because the actual numbers of the situation point to there still being way too many shorts out there.  Still, today, this very morning there was 139%!!! 


    But, if you have some better information I would welcome it as to why this is over.  Personally, I don't trust for a second what the people who are losing Billions are trying to say or their bought and paid for media pundits or their hackers who shut down reddit and discord at the same time as the dip was happening this afternoon in an attempt to create that panic sell.  Unfortunately for them, none of their tricks and lies are working yet.


    When VW was short squeezed in 2008 there were 7% of their shares shorted.  139% right now for GME, 139!

  18. 1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:

    What do you think is motivating the people who saw an opportunity to engineer a short squeeze by bidding up the price of GME to levels that are completely irrational?  Altruism?


    Its all fun and games for now but a bunch of retail investors are going to get wiped out buying into GME and AMC.  Like any pump and dump, your gains are predicated on selling to a greater fool.  When GME starts plummeting there will be a race to the exits and you'll need people willing to scoop up shares.  The people with big enough positions to actually move the needle in GME know when the music is going to stop, the rest of this army of HODLers are useful idiots to them.


    I feel a large part of the group wants to see those hedge funds go bankrupt and if they make money on it too, great.  At least that's where I am.  I also believe that there is a HUGE difference between the greed of someone who has billions of dollars already and someone trying to change $1k into $10k, you know?  How much is enough for these hedge fund managers?  How many companies and their employees do they have to screw over for insane profits which is what short sellers basically do?


    Absolutely people are going to get hurt here, no doubt.  But that is their own fault IMO. They need to understand the high risk / high reward paradigm and only put in what they can lose.  Unfortunately, many will put in way more than they can lose and will lose it.  No doubt.


    But, with over 140% shares shorted, if you want to sell you should be able to when its time I think because the short sellers will have no choice but to by them when it expires so they buyers should be there....I hope.

    56 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:

    But all it will take is one whale holder to cash out and it will all come crashing down around them. I have suspected from the start that this was all Deep*****ingValue playing the other WSB users. He will be the first to bail, and make all the money. Rightfully so, since this was all his idea anyways.


    What will be really interesting will be if the SEC steps in and changes rules to re-rig the system in favor of the big guys again.


    But man... Melvin received a $2.75BILLION cash bailout on Monday, and poof, it is GONE today. Melvin is not planning on filing bankruptcy next week.




    Yesterday he was still holding after $17M in gains.  Dude has had the stock since early 2019.  He is now an all-time legend and if I see him sell I'm out too.

  19. 33 minutes ago, T&C said:



    AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc., the theater chain that has been ravaged by the pandemic, posted a quarterly loss this month exceeding $900 million.

    It appears, however, that AMC has become the next battleground in the fight between smaller, retail investors, and Wall Street.

    Shares of AMC spiked 260% when trading began Wednesday and #SaveAMC is trending on Twitter.

    This is different and I'm not buying into it.  AMC is not shorted over 100% of their stock like Gamestop is/was.  This is growing because people want the next GME without the factors leading up to what GME did.  They are taking a stock that has long term potential because of them skirting bankruptcy and the inevitable opening back up of the theaters.  I'm not touching this one.  Gamestop has potential to get in 4 figures if people just hold their shares and wait until the shorts are called in.  Just my opinion, I am certainly no financial advisor!  Again, stuff like this you should only put in what you are comfortable losing!  I have all mutual funds except GME and Blackberry which I got at around $10.

  20. Thoughts on this insane ride with GameStop stock?  I am personally in at around $40/share.  I am fine losing everything I put into it.  I don't gamble with life savings, I gamble with what I can easily lose and not blink an eye over.  I absolutely love everything about this.  I love how a bunch of "idiot retail" investors can screw over some of the greediest people on the planet.  Then they cry about it saying we are manipulating the market like they do on a daily basis.  But, everything this is based off of is public knowledge.  They put themselves in this position with their greed and not hedging their bets.  Now, they are putting out bold faced lies into the media (looking at you CNBC) to stem  their bleeding and its not working and its fantastic.  Who else is in on this?



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  21. On 1/19/2021 at 6:55 PM, Teddy KGB said:

    Not Artie Bucco or Janis 

    I agree that Janis and Tony's mom were almost unbearable to watch at some points, but I have to ask myself...these characters are supposed to annoy me and get under my skin, so if they are successful at doing it, is their acting really that bad?  For Janis I still say yes!

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  22. 10 minutes ago, maryland-bills-fan said:

    Please !!!  Go back to your high school English teacher and correct your sentence  " Its like, yeah, I know this is wrong but this is how the source had it and I am just copying what they did, I'm not the idiot, they are sort of thing.".   Then you will be fully qualified to be a language nazi on a football fan site.


    It does seem to be down this year. We have no running game. I would be surprised if there are more than 3 RB's taken in the first two rounds this year- and not because of the run on them last year.


    My lord, relax.  You used a completely wrong word in your post that made absolutely zero sense.  I tried to politely let you know so you don't continue to look like an idiot the rest of your life.  Thin skinned much?  Also, there is a comma after "Then" in that sentence and your take is garbage.  Bye, Felicia!

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