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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Someone needed to be sacrificed to the football gods. Of course it won't be the HC and his gutless 4th down call..
  2. It's out there. It was a mutual love fest between the two QBs this week.
  3. Heard this on GMFB. If Josh wants to duplicate Brady’s longevity, he will be playing into 2041.
  4. Judon missed practice again today. Peters too. That's a win
  5. This gif is going to be around for a long, long time,,
  6. Williams and Stills are getting closer to getting in the game.
  7. This falls squarely on the coach. He rushed the playing of Tua and then pulled him twice. You could not have scripted it more poorly, especially with Fitz out and Tua getting blown out to end the season.
  8. The most plausible explanation I could make up for the delayed call in NY, was the replay official was having an in-game Lamar moment. The ref was under the hood, but NY was still on the can. The ref had to wait a good five minutes for the replay official to finish his business.
  9. Them missing Judon would be big. I think we need to have a few tackles block down on Peters during a sweep play.
  10. I'm not going to start a new thread for this, I'm just going to drop it here in the middle of a cleveland thread.. Mayfield vs Mahomes, Oklahoma vs Texas Tech, final score 66-59, passing stats: Mahomes: 52-88, 745 yards, 5 TDs; Mayfield: 27-36, 545 yards, 7 TDs. Oklahoma also had 263 yards rushing from Joe Mixon, Mahomes also ran for 85 yards and a 2 TDs.. Check out this stat sheet for some of the wildest numbers I have ever seen in a stat sheet. https://www.google.com/search?q=66-59+oklahoma+texas+tech&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS808US808&oq=66-59+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j6j0i457.5004j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#sie=m;/g/11f541gfd7;6;/m/012hfxch;tb1;fp;1;; Damn...
  11. A whole lot better than DNP. Hammy for Edmunds.. Hmmm.. No Mckenzie and Davis good...
  12. First time I read this I missed that little word "a". This paragraph takes on a whole different meaning when you read it: "I have little confidence"and "I have a little confidence". It's what makes English such a joy to learn. My bad...
  13. I was chatting up my son last night and made the following observations (which I fully recognize can be construed as homerism): 1. Every week, I think this is the week that there is going to be some dip in Josh's game.. This is the week he's a little off. But each week he throws one incredible throw after the next. He's on fire and dropping dimes. 2. We can get so enamored by the aura of the Ravens that we can lose focus on the fact they lost 6 games. So they are not infallible. 3. A controlled passing game can be just as effective as a controlled running game. If this team can go on 10 play, 5m drives, they can be the ones wearing down the Ravens DLine. 4. Why do we expect the Ravens will play a perfect game and we won't? 5. Josh Patrick Allen is a gamer. He is a consummate pro. And he doesn't like to lose at anything, not even rock, paper, scissors. As the week goes on, I am feeling better about this match up. It will be a slug fest no doubt. But I saw what Mahomes did to their overpaid secondary and I don't see why an arsenal of Diggs, Beasley, Davis, McKenzie, Brown, Knox, Singletary and Dawkins can't replicate that performance. What my eyes tell me is that Buffalo has a very special QB in the making. He has "it". We see "it". The world is being treated to "it". What better way to climb to the top of the QB mountain than on the path of Rivers, Jackson, Mahomes and Rodgers/Brady/Brees.
  14. I could be wrong about the timing, but it was AFTER this game or the next, where the Ravens of 2020 returned to the Ravens of 2019. I think they tried to make them into a conventional offense where Jackson dropped back more with the first intention to throw, vice run. They went into a dip. When they came out, they began running more than passing. So I don't know if this tape helps much,
  15. Be curious what you thought about the 4th down pass. Everyone I have talked to so far would have kicked the FG. Your concerns about them disappearing were not founded. The Colts played an entire 60m game. A few bad breaks, a bad replay challenge, and a few missed passes was what separated your team from the W.
  16. My vote was aspirational. He stays in the hood. My real vote would have been the no brainer selection of the Chargers.
  17. My wife has rekindled her interest in watching me watch the Bills. Apparently I am quite the show. 🙂 I'm pacing all game, cheerleading, groaning, hooting and hollering.. So when Buffalo was up by 14 points in the fourth and was really limiting them, I was explaining to her strategy between plays. It went something like, okay, now just make them eat clock as they drive down to score. 4-5 minutes drives and this game is over with a capital O. And then, 1:50 something seconds later I was back to groaning... nooooooo... and then the subsequent drive was again lickety-split.. Game on. My phone is blowing up with text messages as non-Bills friends are coming out of the woodwork to ask what the hell was going on.. 2019 is creeping in to my thoughts as Buffalo wastes a brilliant and only good RB run of the day by ending up in 3rd and 33. Rivers is all of sudden dissecting them. You could see the genuine concern in Josh's eyes as he watched helplessly from the sideline. Like many have expressed on here, I was wiped out when it was over. I didn't know what to feel. Elated sure, but concerned too. What was that? How did a brilliant third quarter go so quickly down the tubes? Whatever happened in those frenetic final 10 minutes of the game, be it personnel, communications, strategy, whatever, please fix it. That left a really bad impression on many and almost ruined a perfectly sunny day at the Ralph.. I'm sure the Ravens are busy dissecting the tape. Go Bills!!!
  18. Nope. I can already see his next pivot. Baker > Josh. It started a bit today. I know it's play acting, but Brandon Marshall always looks like he wants to punch him in their segments. 🙂
  19. That is standard operating procedure for all fans in all Bills games. That and stomping on the bench seats..
  20. Yep.. That was the worst they have had it all season. Punts would just die inside the 10. Roberts gets nailed on the 10 after their TD. Have to go on a 96 yard drive to flip the field and the momentum. I said in another thread, the Ravens have an exceptional kicking team. This may just be the game within the game.
  21. They haven't had all their lineman on the field at the same time much this year. They do now. I think that has kept their numbers down. Make no mistake, they are coming after Josh. They will likely get there. This is the battle Buffalo must win if they want to win the game. I have already ceded the loss of the Bills Dline to their OLine.
  22. Cleveland gave up 47 completions on 68 passes last night for 500 yards. Me thinks Patrick Mahomes is smiling this morning..
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