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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Hey! Tom Brady has his health to think about! He has zero risk of catching any pandemic while playing in LA. That stadium is always empty
  2. I have to give it to him: right now, there is no one position where I think the Bills desperately need to sign someone. (Maybe RT) There are plenty of places to upgrade, but right now I feel comfortable with the Bills signing reasonably priced free agents and then supplementing that with people you hope are going to be studs in the draft.
  3. It's also very keeping with the building strategy that we have seen from our current brain trust: fill basic needs with moderately priced free agents and hope they outperform (Poyer and Hyde) or at the very worst not be a liability (Kroft and Star, Vontae was the worst and even that didn't break us) while we are able to take BPA and see an immediate result. That has yielded some excellent results in the past few years, so I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  4. I know a lot of people are joking, but I honestly like the move. Look, I don't consider him elite, but I remember the number of times that Levi Wallace got burned last year. Wallace was a great deal for a #2, and his RFA status makes him someone I want to hold onto, but our bargaining position just got better. Norman goes back to a system that he was best in, and we don't have to worry about drafting a CB to replace White or Wallace.
  5. I do... the problem is actually getting the signal in a way that doesn't cut out every 7 seconds
  6. The issue is that both are owned by Disney and need the same extra add on package. I mean, I could use nfl bite but I want to watch it on my TV, not casting it with tons of lag.
  7. I think Kroft is a dead man walking. Knox and Sweeny are already giving you more production
  8. Well f**k why did it have to be ABC? I'm going to need to expand my Sling account to pick it up.
  9. Does anyone have special insight on the Texans? Pretty much all I know has been hearing that if you can slow down Watson they fall apart and don't have much of a counterpunch. From that, we seem like an ideal matchup, but it would be great if someone has hit the tape.
  10. Important thing to consider too: even if dont manage to take the division from them, a loss might send the Pats* into the third seed, which puts more tread on Brady and doesn't give him a week to recover. You know I was with you in Week 4. But I don't want any suspensions on us in the playoffs. Of course I want Brady pounded into the turf, and you better believe I'm going to scream bloody murder if we get flagged. Just... study the tape on how to avoid getting suspensions ?
  11. I don't mind Gore running. But he is best suited for downhill running. I think the phrase was "Wham block", or guards pulling to open up the B gap, but Gore just doesn't have the speed to go outside the tackle.
  12. I'll admit, the game had me screaming at the TV at times at bad play calls and stupid mistakes, but it's honestly hard to ask for more. The Bills held off a playoff contender, on the road, in primetime. It seemed like every time there was a 50/50 chance it went the Steelers way, but no one panicked. Unlike Dallas, the Steelers are well coached and clearly showed up to play, and they have a style a lot like ours. Tomlin deserves credit for salvaging the season, and might have bought Big Ben another year or two.
  13. I was screaming at the TV on those first two plays after the big TD return by Tre. Overall Daboll has done a solid job, but holy jeebus, right now if Gore is doing one cut it's one cut too many. I group these together because I think this preparation has become a Hallmark of McDermott's style. We might not win every game, but we almost never look unprepared for those games
  14. Allen for sure. He sure looked the part, able to adjust protections at the line in a crowded stadium
  15. A quick summary of Trump defenses for those playing at home: -It's all hearsay, which is why we are forbidding the people who would have direct knowledge from testifying under oath. -It wasn't a quid pro quo, we just asked for a favor in return for something. -So what if it was a quid pro quo, everyone does it, which is why we disguised it. -What we really care about is getting rid of corruption, which is why got rid of the diplomat who was getting rid of corruption. By the way, why do people care about Trump awarding himself the bid for a summit? That was totally aboveboard and deserves no one looking into it. Also, lets ignore the EPA chief he appointed with a stunning track record of corruption that he refused to fire. -So what if he got rid of an ambassador! He has the absolute right to dismiss them for being Deep State Never Trumpers who he selected for their jobs. Stable genius. -We gave them the money anyway, so there is no reason to think there was any extortion. See, there it is, being released, right after reports arrived in the press that we were extorting them. I would say this is Marx brothers level material, but people here would accuse me of associating with a communist. ? Aww we missed you too. And fixed it for you, common mistake. No, it's because current events have made us laugh us out of the stunned silence at the MAGA denials. You bet! Can you believe the absolute trash the Trump fans are buying? *realized who he is talking to* *walks backward slowly*
  16. Having watched and listened to as much testimony as I could I have drawn a few conclusions so far. 1) Donald Trump absolutely used the power of his office to steer an investigation to investigate a political rival, no matter what fallout might occur. 2) The MAGA cult doesn't give a *****. 3) Because the MAGA cult doesn't give a *****, there is about a 0% chance that the Senate will remove the president. And everyone has pretty much known this. Everything the Dems are doing isn't to try to actually change minds, or get Trump out of office. It's about making the case for 2020, and everyone know it. Can we at least agree to that?
  17. Am I the only one who thinks the weather works to our favor? The Eagles receivers havent been big YAC types, and that's exactly what Brown and Beasley are. If there's gusts, anything in medium range becomes a crapshoot
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