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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. It made sense to debate a trade at the time. Now, with the emergence of Dawson Knox, it's throwing money at an aging asset. Assuming things hold I see a lot of Diggs, Davis, Beasley, Knox and Singletsry as our base set.
  2. My only difference is a stud DT-1 if we are lucky to see one fall to us Bluntly, I really think that the Bills need to fortify both guard positions, and with the players we want to retain I really think the best chance will be a few cheap journeyman and the draft. It's not what I want, getting to spend 1st round picks or shelling out for guards is a luxury we don't typically get.
  3. Wow. The Bills were better than both these teams.
  4. Honestly I'm thrilled. While I think Dorsey was the best man for the job, I was worried about how to install the run game. We clearly saw that adding just a touch more of it made the offense go. Sean McVeigh has been called many things, but vanilla on offense has never been one. If Kromer was heading up their O-line and run game I have confidence that when we run, we will run effectively.
  5. Hahahaha no. I know we are a little hard on him on this board and a little quick to replace, but there is no way that we are going to shell out that kind of dough. I would much rather just draft a guy and let Dane Jackson fight it out.
  6. I want him back, but I don't see a reason why we should not take a mid round flier on another TE. I don't know how much truth there is to the idea that we might cut Beasley as a cap casualty, but I simply do not see Sanders as a luxury we can afford and I would rather see Davis take his snaps. But that might mean a reduction in spread sets. Running 2 TE formations would also help the O-line which, let's face it, needs that help.
  7. I think best justification for the rule is in what we've seen in the "follow the leader" approach to hiring coaches. Sean McVeigh took on a team that had gotten first round draft picks year after year and did nothing under Jeff Fisher and even now needed to mortgage the future to get to the big dance dance again. And yet, everyone who shared a cup of coffee with the guy has suddenly been a hot candidate. Owners bring in GMs from successful organizations. These GMs know they are on the hot seat and without any prodding will look for the same model from where they left (see Schoen and Daboll), which is fine...but it keeps people looking for the same surface similarities and what they are comfortable with. They might not see a something new until they are forced to which is the idea behind the rule. Does it work in actuality? Can it work? Those are different questions than "should it be attempted?"
  8. I honestly think it's the best choice right now. Every hot OC gets called in as a QB whisperer so it's not like we can expect an offensive genius to walk in from the outside. I have to think that Beane and McDermott had to see this coming since the end of last season. It seems impossible for me to imagine that they didn't evaluate Dorsey a long time coming for the role and I honestly don't think they would put him in the job if they didn't think he would succeed. Now, can he manage a run game too? We will find out.
  9. I mean if they need draft picks for their rebuild I would take Saquaon Barkley off their hands for a 4th
  10. Absolutely. There was chatter that he Rousseau would not see starting snaps because of how raw he was. I think, however, it's time to let Hughes walk. Love the guy, but his fued with the refs is a problem
  11. Yeah he really came on. It's why I am preaching patience with Rousseau
  12. Just a few for me: -I am ok with Frazier moving on. Give him the boot if you have to. The breakdowns in clutch third and fourth downs were on display all year. -I don't see anything Sanders can give us that Davis isn't doing better. -Hughes can walk. Star isn't worth the contract money so kick him to the curb. -Draft a goddamn #2 CB -When are *we* getting free agents midseason on the cheap to "compete with a contender"?
  13. I hadn't been to a game since the 90s and it was nothing like I remember as a kid. It was so much louder. There was an incredible energy and people were constantly celebrating
  14. It was hilarious because right after the touchdown the scoreboard in the stadium announced there was a flag on the play. Everyone got excited because we thought the call would be overturned and people started booing when it wasn't. Then we got the "don't throw anything onto the field" announcement
  15. I am. Because I need to fly home after that It was cold enough last night that they just had to burn him
  16. I mean, he was a very able edge setter vs the run. For the Pats it might be a smart pickup. But on long term, we need our picks to take over
  17. This is the matchup I wanted. Not because I want vengeance on the Pats for decades of slapping us around (I do) but because I think we know what the Patriots are. They win by keeping a low score and running it. When Mac Jones needs to throw, he's been stopped.
  18. Am I crazy for wanting us to throw this game? I do not want KC in the divisional round
  19. I don't like the 4:15 start. The winds will be picking up. We should best the Jets regardless but I want Allen on the bench after halftime and this complicates that goal.
  20. wowwww. The Eagles get a 1st round pick from the Colts, and then Wentz does this and might get them knocked out of the playoffs.
  21. I mean, we've gotten production out of these guys. Don't get me wrong. Beasley is an excellent safety blanket for Josh, and he has a great ability to beat zone coverage. The problem is that Allen is growing to a point where he doesn't need a safety blanket as much (you always can use one!) and Beasley is getting outstripped by Davis and McKenzie. I don't hate Star. He helps us in the run defense, which is a weakness of ours. But I can't say that his presence means that an opponent's run game gets shut down and he doesn't do all that much. I am ok with cutting both, and replacing with mid-price free agents while drafting to replace. It's the pattern of teams that win long term.
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