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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I definitely feel like it's a game where if there is any doubt the ReSkins are getting the benefit of it
  2. It feels like the refs and announcers *really,* want this to be a tighter game
  3. I do not know why we didn't spend a time out there. It's not like we get to keep them
  4. "Howell is really good in two minute-" "HYDE! With the interception!"
  5. Can we end the Hardy experiment. Please.
  6. ok give the bills a timeout to play call
  7. that was an obvious first what were they talking about?
  8. How do you defensively hold on a rushing play?
  9. The money I put down is hoping you're right
  10. I don't think you can cover that any better
  11. Call me when they stop playing bottom tier teams.
  12. Just an observation: the O-line is holding up surprisingly well so far considering how hyped the Hogs' D-line is
  13. I mean the worst will be passed but I still expect a muddy slog of a field. FedEx has a reputation as a dump
  14. It's because Adams is a star and is butthurt about being hit.
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