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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. There once was a team from Nantucket Who all said Josh will just chuck it So they went with Mac Jones Who just can't read zones Now their fans all shout "f*** it!"
  2. There is a point to be made though: the Bills have made a pointed attempt to limit Josh Allen runs. This helps his long term health. However, that does limit some of the read option/RPO plays the team had success with in the past. If teams are keeping a spy on Allen that's one less active player in coverage. I'm not saying we have Josh truck the ball up the middle 10 times a game. Murray and Cook are looking effective. But maybe 2-3 times a game to keep defenses honest Definitely in favor of continuing to hand it off. Cook and Murray are doing just fine as primary RB focus. I don't hate doing a few Josh runs to make the rest of the run/pass threat to be a thing again but we might be saving it for the Eagles/Chiefs/Cowboys stretch
  3. The offense so broken it's 3rd in the league for points per game? inconsistent? Oh hell yes
  4. Run game is working. Let's use it. I know Kincaid was out for the game, but Dorsey seems allergic to using him (and Knox for that matter) for anything more than sparingly. Kincaid has gotten free and made catches often when given the chance. I'm mystified as to how he isn't a bigger option with Davis being as lackluster as he's been
  5. Bluntly: if you don't watch in real time and look at the slow motion then yes it is DPI. But this group of refs was going "let 'em play" when the Giants receivers were lunging to trip up the Bills players well before the ball got there.
  6. Agree. People complain about the blue on blue but I think the color rush looks like a big pj onesie
  7. That's always with Collingsworth
  8. I'm sorry, what? How are the refs not calling this stuff? Lunging because you can't keep up and tackling before the ball is thrown is somehow NOT pass interference?
  9. This was probably buried in the "break in case Jim Jordan gets close to real power" cabinet
  10. I can't say a particularly disagree with anything you say. No matter how Hamas came to be in charge, I can't really dispute that they effectively control Gaza. Not only do I think that Israel has a right to defend itself, the US is hard pressed for allies in the region and I don't think it's feasible to abandon them regardless of the moral imperative. The question I grapple with is "what do you do?" Even if I were to swallow the moral horror of killing and/or forcefully relocating the population equivalent to Houston, do you actually get to peace from that? The Saudis are 5th in the world in military spending (that we sell them) and they are backing Palestine, never mind Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. Who is going to stop them if the US doesn't intervene? Will the US intervene? Should the US intervene? We have people here saying we should get out of Ukraine when that's a war they didn't pick. I think some of the "rah rah just kill em all" faction have never asked the question or don't care
  11. Cool. What is your plan for relocating a group with the population size of the state of New Mexico? Or are you just going to throw up your hands, say "well it sucks to be you" and wash your hands of killing a population of 2 million people?
  12. Ok, I feel like I need to be the A-hole and ask the dumb question: what's the end game? For Hamas, it appears to be complete control on the populace with the ouster of moderates and hope that Israel outrages enough neighbors that the fighting gets globalized. For Israel? You've spent 15 years killing Palestinians at a rate of 20 to 1. You've blockaded them, starved their economy, crippled their industry. They've lost 50% of their GDP. And what you've gotten out of it is people evicted from their homes, smuggling tunnels now providing basic food, water and medicine that have become pipelines for arms, no economic future and very little to lose. Do you want to ethnically cleanse 2 million people? Do you want to permanently hold a US style occupation surrounded by people who hate your guts and neighbors all to pleased to help them? How does this end well for Israel without giving a little, which is opposite of what people want now?
  13. I'm taking back the nice things I said about Dorsey last week
  14. Von certainly believed he was ready week 1. I like the idea of slowly working him back now
  15. Not watching pregame, but come on, the guy is an ex-Jags back. He's obviously biased
  16. I'm warming to it. Just got back from getting breakfast sandwiches Benford is out? I didn't think he was hurt that badly
  17. I put money on the Bills getting six or more sacks. I think there's a decent chance they hit that
  18. Living outside of the city, can confirm. Nearly every wing place by me starts with "hot" at Franks level, and then adds sugar if they go spicier. There's a lot of places that serve wings limp and soggy upon arrival and the only solution they have come up with is to bread their wings. I have been to a place with rave local reviews that was effectively wings breaded and seasoned like southern fried chicken, out into a bowl and a glug of sauce poured over top before serving.
  19. I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.
  20. Yep. You don't have to do it a lot, you just need to make it an alternative defenses have to consider worth stopping. Right now Cook, Allen, Murray and Harris are averaging 4.2 yards a carry or better.
  21. I think people get hung up on semantics. You don't need to be run first, you have to run it just enough that defenses have to account for the possibility.
  22. It's the most efficient play in football so long as you establish a run game. Now that we have committed to doing it under center Josh is reaping the rewards
  23. Even if not a upgrade it's crazy that we are getting equal (if not better) production from a third round pick compared to a guy compared to Kuechley, taken 16th overall in his year and given $50 million guaranteed. The Bears just threw crazy money at him. Exactly. I was in the "can we extend at a reasonable rate" camp before the Bears backed up a Brinks truck. So far that money to Ed Oliver is looking like a far better investment
  24. And Von starts? Hey I can dream It would certainly take the sting out of Groot potentially missing
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