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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Not just for the Bills. If he keeps pace on average since his breakout from the Patriots, or even just average 40 yards a game for the rest of the way that puts him top 10 all time for a rookie tight end season.
  2. I think it's Beane being cut between a rock and a hard place: -He cannot cut Von Miller to remove temptation. It is mathematically impossible -If he suspends Miller the team is paying Miller a lot NOT to contribute. If the team looks the same or better, it's a terrible deal he signed. If the Bills look worse, he's the one who took a weapon off the field for McDermott My only guess is that Beane is hoping that Miller comes back and kills it, and then trusts that Bills fans will enjoy winning more than they want to reckon with Miller's off the field actions. It's not a great look, but none of this is a great look
  3. I'm not going to fry you. The truth of it is, the Bills cannot cut Von Miller this year and function as a football team under the current salary cap rules. They would not be able to call up practice squad players and be stuck at their roster for the rest of the season. The NFL knows this. If they wanted to take a stand, it would let everyone do the right thing. But they won't. So it falls to a GM who has to choose between literally not being able to field players for another month or lettings things ride and a coach on the hot seat who needs every bit of help he can get. This is the point of the exempt list. And if the commissioner is too gutless to use it, then what is the point?
  4. Look, I am not here to disqualify that the Eagles got lucky on a lot of calls this year. This wasn't one of them. Greenclaw hip dropped tackled the WR out of bounds and started shoving when the sideline people started breaking them up. If the Bills did that vs KC the team would be forced to forfeit.
  5. Look, I like Knox. He's a fun player, from all accounts a nice guy and fun to watch when he's playing well. This has not been a good year. It was not a good year when he was healthy. He missed time in a stretch where we lot a lot of bad games.
  6. I mean, I think you can get money for that in some places
  7. Is that the only one he's reeled in all year? It feels like it. Let's hope that wrist is good to go.
  8. To be fair, I don't know if there is a ton of choice in the matter and running it back might be the best of bad options. The Bills are currently ~$30 million over the expected cap for next year. While that in and of itself is not hard to get out of, I highly doubt they are going to be bidding on high priced free agents. With the Von Miller situation looming with a lot of uncertainty while his deal could be reworked, how much money do we want to backend on a player in the twilight of his career? Dawson Knox (while I enjoy the player) has not lived up to his contract so far but it can't even be looked at until 2025. Is Stephon Diggs really as unhappy as the media and his brother keep spouting, because if so he's not going to get locked in for longer to make cap room. I currently place 0% on probablility that Tre White is back and 100% speed Week 1 of 2024. That's a lot to saddle on a fresh young Head Coach, and I don't know any retreads that don't have the same or worse warts than McDermott? And if Joe Brady looks like the real thing, how do we cut bait on McDermott and keep him around?
  9. For the most part I agree with the individual points. But 2024 is going to be rough. Our salary cap is stretched near breaking even if we pull every lever available. We are either going to be rolling with an unknown as HC and losing a promising OC, bringing back a troubled OC, or throwing a QB coach in over his head as HC. Our core is aging and while decent we have yet to see superstar play at DE. 2025...with Kincaid, Bernard, Cook, Torrance and Oliver pulling their weight I think we are going to get another pass of a young core in Josh's prime.
  10. "The Bills Organization has been questioned about Miller's whereabouts, responding that the last known sighting was Thanksgiving Day 2022"
  11. The worst part is that the Bills literally can't afford to cut him straightaway. The man has been a non-factor this year. It's time to move on.
  12. I mean if he is going to force himself into the field that's good for us. I've seen six month minimums cited for non contact sports. If he pushes it in less than 3 he is going to seriously injure himself and it's all his fault
  13. With the money that gets thrown at #2 WRs the Bills just can't afford and should not attempt to bring him back
  14. The comment I have heard from people who know more football than I do is this: That was an option route, meaning that it comes down to split second decision making from the QB and WR. However, part of Gabe Davis' job in that role is to realize that the Eagles are in Cover 0. They are coming in an all out blitz. Once he beats his man, he has to know that no one is ahead of him to clean up. Even if he and Josh aren't on the same page the moment that the ball is loose, if Davis turns and looks when he beats his man (as he is supposed to) with the touch Josh put on that he has the time to work back and make a play. You can argue the wisdom of trusting Davis in such a spot, but that is a big execution flaw when the coverage was so beat.
  15. I know that we are rightfully Doom and Gloom today, but I want to give a tip of the cap to Joe Brady. He did a darned good job planning and calling for the game. 500 yards of offense, 4 TD with 2 field goals missed. Josh looks day and night better. While I want to see if DCs catch on in the rest of the season, so far this is the lone bright spot in my mind. That we hung around with Dorsey for so long with things not working is reason enough for me to say the McDermott era needs to wrap up, and it is paradoxical that keeping McDermott is our best chance at keeping Brady.
  16. That's insane. They have too many concussions if they actually believe that. They even point out that intentional grounding was worse than the sack and fumble recovery. it makes no sense if you think about it for two seconds.
  17. I love the optimism. And it's possible. KC is looking beatable. The Eagles, Chiefs, Cowboys was always "realistically two out of three". Brady has Josh on fire again. But there are still lingering issues even if we do and make a run
  18. Davis is a free agent. Let him go. He was a nice #4 piece who is exposed as a #2
  19. In other news, studies show that water is wet, the pope may be Catholic and bears do in fact sh*t in the woods. As opposed to McDermott who sh*ts away leads.
  20. I want to give Brady a legitimate shot. My only worry about making him HC is that's a ton to throw on the guy who was the QB coach 2 weeks ago. It's hard to gripe when the offense put up 500 yards, 34 points and Allen looks like his old self. If he can adapt through the end of year I would like to see what he can do with a full off-season to install. Right now that is literally the only the only justification I can think of to run it back next year
  21. How good Brady has looked as a playcaller in the last two games is the only compelling reason I can think of to give this coaching staff another shot. The Eagles D is also pretty dang good and the Bills put up 31 in regulation in the pouring rain with the refs screwing them over. It's a severe indictment that it took this long to hand over duties from Dorsey
  22. Who is ready to hand the team over to Joe Brady? Because I can't fault him too much But seriously, can we check those refs bank accounts?
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