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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. At home because today is the first MLK day a job has given me off ever. Watching The Child so the grandparents get a break. I have all the makings of Buffalo style pizza going and prepped. The child's nap time wakeup has been right at game time. Crusty pizza with cup and char pepperoni and Bills football. The cycle of child abuse Bills fandom continues, even out of WNY
  2. It's a good thing the roads are cleared for the amount of alcohol poisonings they'd need to deal with!
  3. Yeah. Basically, we can do that. However, with Rousseau and Floyd already in place and needing to replace Oliver with Poona Ford in the middle the situations where it's useful are limited
  4. This must be fake. Come on, using the McKinley Mall for anything...
  5. If you tell Bills fans they can go in early if they are willing to clean the seats they will be overwhelmed with volunteers
  6. I mean I agree on both points but weve played down before. And man are the Cowboys doing that
  7. I mean our pulling/trap game has been excellent, but that does not translate to screens. We have seen RBs in the pass game though on blitz beaters.
  8. Wow. The Cowboys just have not shown up this half. I'm hoping the Bills aren't falling victim to the same malaise.
  9. DSounds like the Steelers have touched down. Let that be their only touchdown in Buffalo
  10. Legit though I have been craving Buffalo pizza like you won't believe. There really is nothing quite like it which makes trying to make it yourself a challenge. I have some dough going for tomorrow though.
  11. Yeah the Jags game still sticks in my craw.
  12. I'm fine with the delay. Actually it works out great for me personally. It's more frustrating to me because the league knew the potential for the issue and held out for the perfect option rather than being proactive. Now, of the options available a one day delay on what was already a holiday weekend is the least worst option available. But the NFL doesn't get to grouse about ratings because Hope is not strategy
  13. Hey, look on the bright side we could lose tomorrow!
  14. I would have been fine with that if the NFL had made the call earlier . If you tell us Wednesday/Thursday that's plenty of time to fly out Friday. But no, the NFL played chicken
  15. Pretty much where I am. All things considered I would have preferred a clean game at 1 pm Sunday. That isn't an option. The choice was playing through a flukey whiteout squall which is the kind of variance the Steelers would need for an upset, going to a neutral site at the last minute or waiting 28 hours. Of those options I like the last best
  16. No I'm not but overall I think the points stands: the KC game is uncomfortable. Sunday in Buffalo looks unwatchable at present
  17. Look, I don't think anyone is jumping up and down with glee over the idea that we are playing a day later and getting potentially one less day of rest. If I seem to prefer the delay it's because I don't want a flukey slip and slide in an empty stadium Schools were already off. A lot of businesses were shut down and will continue to be with the weather. Staying in the same place and moving one day, if anything, keeps away Steelers fans and makes our advantage better Compared to traveling last minute to a neutral site this seems like the least worst option
  18. No. Because cold doesn't affect road travel or TV cameras
  19. Come on people it's not that bad. I wanted a clear Sunday 1 pm home game without wonky weather but that is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN I would rather wait a day and still have normal winter instead of needing to worry about losing because of whiteout conditions
  20. I disagree in the sense that I'd rather keep the game in town. But we've seen these conditions coming down the pike for days. There were options. Now delay might be inevitable
  21. Completely agree on the NFL documentary stuff
  22. I think it might happen. It's just that the NFL is loath to move anything because they are locked in already with the networks and are primed for maximum exposure. As people pointed out, there is also a balance issue where whoever the Bills might play next are already getting a day of rest, moving to Monday would give them 2. That said, it's hard to make money when you literally can't see the field with the camera. If it's white out conditions, I am betting the game gets moved.
  23. I mean, hey, let's give credit to having a state governor tell opposing fans to not show up to a playoff game! 😄
  24. Unfortunately, I can see why the NFL might do this. Cable is shrinking as a field and at this point they've parlayed away the game rights to those it had. If TNF is on Amazon and you are sending extra games to Peacock, why maintain a broadcast crew? After that, you are keeping a full time talk show group to report on a season that is 4-6 months long (pre and postseason) and they have to carry a lot of takes until the next season starts. After that, it's rebroadcasts of old games and the NFL documentaries (which costs money to make). So sadly, I can see the NFL deciding that NFL network isn't worth the full cost. I'm just annoyed because I find the GMFB crew faaaaar better than the ESPN hosts and the work NFL films does (I believe at least one poster here left to work there is pretty good quality from what I remember. I would hate getting is dumbed down by ESPN
  25. I mean with ticket prices dropping I won't be shocked if shovelers get tickets
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