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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I will spell it out for you so that even a moron like yourself can understand: I am 100% against people prank calling police on others with false allegations with the intent on hurting or disrupting their person's life. I also believe that the fact that anyone with a disposable cash purchased cell phone can use the police as a weapon in an attempted murder is indicative of an even greater problem. I believe that it's "Swatting" when the victims have a voice to call it out and it's a police report read out verbatim on the evening news when it isn't. Now, I am not sure if you are that media illiterate or just pretending to be that dumb.
  2. After a...let's call it tumultuous January 2023 and beyond, I would like to take a moment at the end of the year and say the things I am optimistic about going forward. I can get down, but I think it's nice to pick out the good and be reminded of it. Terrell Bernard. If you told me that Milano would go down at the quarter pole, I would have assumed that the LB group was doomed. I had highlighted Bernard as the biggest weakness in our defense in preseason and HO BOY was I wrong. He might not have Edmund's physical gifts, but his instinct and playmaking cannot be denied. I was expecting a downgrade and they got an upgrade instead. 2023 draft hits. Kincaid and Torrence have stepped in and been productive from the start. The thing is, I think they still can get even better. Spencer Brown finally took the jump. I am not saying he's now an All-Pro, but I was legitimately worried when Knox went down. James Cook. Holy crow, I think he might now be our most explosive threat. There is a more than reasonable chance that he breaks 1000 yards rushing (already done) and 500 yards receiving. Those are early Christian McCaffery numbers! Yes, he has some fumbling issue but this is something Josh has never had in his career. Rasul Douglass looks like a steal of a trade. Ed Oliver has been a monster. After a history of big D-line signings not working out (Dareus, Mario, arguable Von) it was nice to see him really be a force. Joe Brady has been a welcome breath of fresh air and I am reminding myself that this is without even installing his own defense. He's mostly been pulling from what Dorsey installed (what Daboll installed). Again, the test of a good OC how long you adapt over time. Lots of guys have good 1/2 season stretches. But in our limited sample size, we've seen him go out of his way to attack a defenses deficiencies. The Chargers game was the first I've seen where he got punched in the mouth but didn't panic and adjusted. I am sure I missed things, but I would love to hear what other people have.
  3. It has been a roller coaster year. I was in "Fire Everyone!" mode after the Broncos game and was ready to burn it all down. Now the Bills are a win and some lucky breaks away from having locked up a playoff spot and playing for the division in the final week.
  4. ...I'm sorry, are you stating that law enforcement has been incredibly lenient with MAGA? Because I agree, but I don't think I said that. Also, because I don't think that anyone pointed it out yet, but even though the police got called THEY DIDN'T EVEN GET TO HER HOUSE Versus the nice examples above about police who had no problem busting down average American's doors. Guys, I'm beginning to suspect that we don't have a prank call Swatting problem as much as a problem that our SWAT teams can get sent out for full speed raids on random phone calls.
  5. The part where he turns to the camera and says "It's grooming time" You're right. I went for the quick punchy joke. I have no intention to see youz' whacking material. But people who actually fight child trafficking have shat all over it because it takes a real problem and makes it run by a shadowy cabal of strangers going after pretty little white elementary schoolers. It's not a scary monster who snatches you, it's commonly relatives who sell off teenagers to fuel drug habits, or runaways kicked out of their homes due to poverty or being gay who get swept up. Or people smuggled in to work as labor to undercut unions. https://screenrant.com/sound-of-freedom-movie-child-trafficking-fact-check/ https://www.newsweek.com/child-trafficking-sound-freedom-movie-1831710 I'm not saying there isn't a problem, but it's not THE GROOMERZZZZ. And the way you fight the problems is *checks data* more foreign aid and social programs. I sure the Think of the Children group will get right on that. Just like the pro-life groups get riiiiight on universal healthcare, widely broadened contraception, subsidized childcare and broader social safety nets.
  6. That movie is historical in the way that 300 is. There might be a grain of history, but then turned into a hyperstylized cartoon and then fawned over by people who like fascist iconography. Sorry Zach Synder fans, I don't think he does it on purpose. I think he's just obsessed with getting a sick visual shot to realize.
  7. It's almost like the police have a record of resorting to improper use of force without making sure they have the correct target. https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/essex/bloomfield/2023/04/24/bloomfield-family-claims-cops-raided-their-home-due-to-address-mix-up/70113230007/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/07/us/new-mexico-police-shooting-wrong-house/index.html https://therealnews.com/cops-illegally-raided-his-house-this-is-what-happened-when-he-fought-back https://www.vox.com/2014/10/29/7083371/swat-no-knock-raids-police-killed-civilians-dangerous-work-drugs If only there was some kind of movement that was looking to take away or limit the resources for military style equipment. Weed out the crazies ready to break down the door. Hand over things like "austistic person is having a fit and needs someone to calm him down" to social workers. Then, police funding levels could go down as the resources go to the right people and saving taxpayer burden for these cavalcade of eff-ups. I am sure these basic suggestions will in no way be seized upon as a call for anarchy. It's not called "swatting" when Karen calls the police saying the house on the corner is a drug den. It shows up on the news as "police say [facts that are often incorrect but never get corrected]
  8. Agreed and not for fantasy reasons. The linebacker area is a huge mismatch and with teams still rolling coverage to Diggs, a strong rush D I think it's time to line up Kincaid in the slot all game
  9. Agreed and not for fantasy reasons. The linebacker area is a huge mismatch and with teams still rolling coverage to Diggs, a strong rush D I think it's time to line up Kincaid in the slot all game
  10. Ok, that is the best reason I've heard. I mean, for us that means that we aren't waiting late to find out where we stand re:having a shot at the division.
  11. Ok, for some reason I thought that the Ravens vs Dolphins game was at 4:05. I am stunned that CBS didn't flex that one. Are you really going to tell me that Chiefs v Bengals without Burrow is going to be more exciting? Not that I mind too much, as it actually lets me use my Sunday Ticket for the Bills, but I find their choices odd.
  12. If you told me four months ago that we were eyeing the injury report with worry because we couldn't afford to lose Bernard because he's a cornerstone of the D I would have asked you if you had the name wrong. His leap has been tremendous and I can't wait to see him and Milano has a healthy pair again. I'm unhappily surprised to see Floyd on there. Has anyone else heard something?
  13. GONE GONE GONE Ok, technically I still have it, it's just set to expire in 10 days. And then a mysterious new email address will sign up for a trial if the Bills have to play another one. I know that's not the official clock, but I was pissed at the time because I was sure the clock had run out.
  14. Look I love Stevie. He's certainly in the top 10 most beloved in my generation, and he was a one of the few bright spots of the drought years. But let's look at some of the contenders: Jim Kelly Josh Allen Andree Reed Bruce Smith Thurman Thomas Cornelius Bennett Steve Tasker James Lofton Eric Moulds Darryl Talley Jack Kemp Frank Reich (the Comeback!) OJ (you can hate the person, love the talent) Fitz, Fast Freddie and Stevie will always have a place in my heart. But all time greats?
  15. OOOOOOOUUUCCCH. I mean, it might actually be the best chance for them to make the postseason, but even with Sean Payton being a massive upgrade over Nate Hackett, that is a telling condemnation.
  16. Huh, I thought I saw something but as I am looking through the reports I don't see anything.
  17. I think that was the tiebreaker. The word was that Jones was always targeting a Week 18 return, which is when we really need him. If Elam can't hang with the WRs the Pats are throwing out, then it's time to give up on him.
  18. From what I had heard, the target date was for his return was Week 18
  19. I actually flew into Buffalo for that game for the first in person game in my adult life, and my first postseason ever. It was freezing, and it was glorious!
  20. To my knowledge, all slots have been kept open for flex scheduling. I know that last week some of the analytics had the Bills/Miami game as the one with the highest odds of both teams having something to play for. Now, we had so many upsets last week that it could easily change. If, for example, Miami wins against Baltimore but the Bills clinch a playoff spot do the Bills care about being the 6th or 7th seed? But if Week 18 is for the AFC East and the #2 seed, I cannot fathom what other game would take priority. Texans/Colts for the #4 seed? Of course, if the Bills have not clinched, maybe they put them in the Saturday night slot.
  21. I think I remember hearing that we hadn't had a 1000 rusher in a season since Shady in 2017. Josh has never had that any time in his career. I am hoping that is the difference maker now.,
  22. Interesting. I don't think that it needs to be Cook's best day. I think this is an excellent week to just off one thing lacking from Brady's gameplan so far: the play action pass. It turns out that when you do the analytics, you don't actually need to run the ball a lot for PA to be effective. You just need enough of it for teams to *think* you're going to do it.
  23. Stick with what has worked: use Cook to run the ball and trust that he's better on balance in spite of any mistakes. Let the run open the pass. Let Josh play off script.
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