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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I think they have to pay him. They are in the same boat as the Bills in terms of salary cap, but with even more long term vets likely on the chopping block. One of the easiest ways for them to make cap space is to sign him to a long term deal and kick the can down the road on the cap hit (like we do with Josh). And ultimately, what are their options? Do they wait for the unicorn of a better QB hitting free agency? Do they trade for a guy...like the Brown and Broncos (who were supposed to be stacked outside of QB and see how that has worked out)? With Tua they are good enough that they will need to pick outside of the top 10 for a while unless they start stockpiling picks like the Bills did and even then the draft is always a crap shoot. I will call the Dolphins frauds like I call the Cowboys frauds, and there is a reason why the 'Boys have been spinning their wheels: they have a bit above average QB, but who demands to be paid as if he is a top 5. I predict the Dolphins will overpay on Tua and then run into a wall in a few years when they realize that it's hard to pay Tua AND Hill AND Waddle
  2. Thanks, this is the point I wanted to circle to. To answer the OPs question: Yes, the front 7 of the Patriots is much better at stopping the run than the Patriots. For one, the Patriots now know the pain or turning out a strong D while being hamstrung by a QB. They lost a trio of terrible games where the defense held the opposition to 10 or fewer points. They have the single best rushing YPC D in the league this year. Two, the way the Cowboys are built defensively is based on the idea that they are going to be a top #5 offense every year. They are set up to run up leads, and then send in elite pass rushers and play light boxes to neutralize the pass game. No one is supposed to be crazy enough to load up 6 OL, 1 TE, 2 RB formations and smash them in the face. The defense stopping Dak early snowballed and Quinn never adjusted. Getting those crazy run yards on Dallas is not something I expect we are going to see again anytime soon because few teams (especially in the AFC playoffs) run schemes so light. But saying that the O-line fell apart because of Sunday just doesn't make sense to me.
  3. Anyone have a line of the weather forecast? I know we are a ways out.
  4. I was honestly worried at the start of the year. I thought that he might be the weakest link in the defense, and I am happily surprised and relieved to see him play at such a high level. Now I'm thinking about what it would look like to go back to a 4-3 base when you have a Dodson-Bernard-Milano group I am not an Edmunds hater (I was hoping to sign him back at the time), but it's hard NOT to compare a new starter to the person he is taking over. Not here to drag Edmunds, but Bernard has been playing at easily Pro Bowl level, arguably All Pro and is doing so on a draft contract as a 3rd round pick.
  5. I would argue that Brady is running a very similar offense to what Dorsey did. When it came to analytics, the Bills had crazy good numbers for offense. Where I'd argue Brady has been better is situational awareness. I have been seeing fewer runs on second and long and shotgun QB draws. I am seeing a willingness to attack a defenses' weaknesses. I don't think it's been perfect, and I certainly have my quibbles (more play action, where the hell is Kincaid, what was up with Josh last game). But, in general, I will have few complaints about a handoff to Murray on 3rd and 1, even it doesn't work out.
  6. I'm going to say that on paper, I think this should be a decent bet for a win: the injuries that Miami has sustained are particularly of importance vs the style of the Bills play. The Bills defense, when playing the way it wants to, is about limiting big plays with zone coverage while getting pressure with 4 rushers. Their O-line is in bad shape with injuries and if Waddle is still out the Bills don't need to worry about Waddle taking the top off the defense while we try to contain Hill. My biggest worry is about the offense. What the heck is going on? The Chargers game I could chalk up to flukey turnovers, but Josh was just bad vs the Pats. I am just hoping that was his one bad game for a month and he turns it back on soon. I will be eyeing the Dolphins injury report with great interest.
  7. He's been playing out of this world. I hope we keep him long term. I think support was generally positive for the move at the time. But the Packers certainly didn't think he'd hit this form. They certainly could use him right now.
  8. If anyone wants to complain about how the Bills look nowhere near top form I recommend you look at the Dolphins last four games
  9. I have no idea what's going to happen, but I think some "Death or Glory" mentality in the run up won't hurt. Sure, in theory the Bills could be in the playoffs by game time but I want them prepping as if the season is on the line. Because it could be
  10. My only quibble is there is a good chance we know we are in by game time it's not the playoffs. And if everything is on the line, our playoffs started vs the Chiefs
  11. Ugly win > 13 second game But Brady really needs to figure out the passing game stat
  12. But I heard that we have all turnstyles at our O-line! /s I think it has to happen. I like Morse fine, but he'll be 32, in the last year of his contract and offering an $8.5 M cap savings if we cut him. Center is part of my big 3 needs for the offseason shopping (#2 WR and then C and S)
  13. Considering his age and contract, I would be loath to rush him back and further aggravate the injury. I would much rather see him heal fully and see what we can do about maybe running a Bernard-Milano-Dodson combo with a likely exit of Hyde and possible loss of Rapp.
  14. I believe that's what I said. When they restructured they most most of it into void years, the harshest of which is 2026. Unless they want to extend him, the Jets will be paying $35 million to NOT have him on the team
  15. I fully suspect that the terminally injured Dolphins players will be loaded up with every painkiller known to man for the Bills game. And while I would love to give the Bills every chance to win Week 18, it matters that the 'Phins lose to Ravens to give us a shot.
  16. Short answer: No. Not going to happen. Not in 2024. In fact, if they were doing that getting two 1sts would be too low in my opinion With Diggs' contact, we would be looking at $4 million LOSS in cap space iand the loss of a 1000 yard receiving player and a player who is arguably a top 10 WR in the NFL even in a down year. To a couple of firsts seems too low for me, especially with our cap so low and our WR situation so bare to begin with. Unless there is more than speculation, I highly doubt it. It's incredible! In the sense that it is not at all credible.
  17. Unless Rodgers comes in and wins MVP next season his contract is going to utterly wreck the Jets in years to come In 2025 his contract is in its last year and has a $51 million cap hit. Usually when that happens and a player underperforms you can cut him...but when he took a discount this year the cap hit was pushed to 2026 and beyond. Basically they have one year to win it all before they take a looooot of medicine
  18. Don't you know, the Jets just forced him back. Yes, that was a line he used. 🤣
  19. Welp no shot at the 5 seed then. It's glory #2 or the hard way (#6 or #7)
  20. I am happy that you received a basic lesson in literacy. Now I use "prank" because some people are under the impression that calling the police is some kind of game. I don't necessarily think that those individuals necessarily have an intent to kill or severely hurt their targets, but are just grossly irresponsible I think that anyone blindly firing a gun or drunkenly setting office rockets. A lack of lethal intent does not excuse reckless endangerment. What you seem to fail to grasp as my main issue, is that in this example, police response is a deadly weapon. So when Karen is upset because she sees children playing cops and robbers in a public park and the cops shoot a kid with a toy gun, or someone complains about a neighbor being too loud and embellishes slightly and people get hurt. At what point do we consider police running around like lunatics to be a problem? And what does it say when it's a rich conservative who gets called on that they show the discretion that they do not afford others? I hope you rub all two brain cells together on those ones.
  21. Agree 100% on Benford. While I am disappointed in Elam (though not 100% ready to give up quite yet) the idea that McDermott has gotten that level of play out of 6th and 7th round and undrafted players in incredible. My only quibble on Dodson is that I think Bernard has been even better. I can't wait to see this LB group with a healthy Milano.
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