I think it's pretty good, though I think he's looking too much at last season's game as a standard. The Bills I saw last Sunday were a vastly different team than last year.
I think he missed three big points.
1) Last year we sent A-train against them on the run. This year we'll have the Marshawn/Jackson combo instead.
2) Trent vs. Lossman: I know, I was a Lossman fan once too. But after the three four and outs to start Trent looked pretty good, considering the time he had spent recovering during preseason. Lossman was eratic at best, even if he was awesome in top form.
3) Offensive Coordination: This one is a no brainer. Turk may be new, but if the balanced, varied offensive attack we ran against the Seahawks was any indication the Jags can't expect us to run it to the left on every third down like SOME people liked to do. (Damn you SF!)