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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. My worry on 2025 is that three no-brainer moves (in my mind) this offseason will be extensions of Dawkins, Taron Johnson and Douglas. They will probably be backloaded. That's going to start digging into 2025 already. Some of our expected big ticket departures (Von, Knox) will have good sized dead money chunks so I don't think the Bills will be heavy bidders until '26
  2. Let me tell you something: I was in Philly for the last few years of Reid's career. "Widely ridiculed" was not the feeling on the street. There was frustration after a decade of overall high level play hadn't resulted in a championship, and gripes about Reid's time management and penchant for trying for WR screens (sound familiar to anyone?) but in general it was a bittersweet moment. I mean, maybe Philadelphia sports fans are just big softies...:P But seriously, Reid went to 4 straight conference championship games (5 total) and made the playoffs more often than not over the course of over a decade with the Eagles, went to the Chiefs and won their division all but one year. Yes, Mahomes pushed him over the finish line, but you don't get that amount of success over 25 years without being a good coach.
  3. Agree that the team is about to get a whole lot younger on D. Maybe the vets and journeymen hold off late round rookies for a season, but our cap space in 2025 isn't an immediate money pot for profligate spending I thoroughly expect that by 2025, Milano will be a grizzled veteran as one of the longest consecutive members of the defense and that makes me feel old.
  4. Delicious brisket. Possibly some wings this weekend. And note, I said current NFL. Name the current bellcow backs in the NFL. Derrick Henry? Joe Mixon? Saquon Barkley? Cook had 45 less rushing yards than Henry (not counting receiving) and ran for more than Mixon, Barkley and Pacheco. This is the model of the current NFL. Derrick Henry is probably this generation's epitome of a bellcow back, probably the highest standard of an every down rusher and he might be out of the league next year. The model right now for smashmouth football is the Niners. Right now I would say that Cook isn't Singletary 2.0, he's a poor man's CMC. Not as good, but that he had a year roughly in the same stratosphere are CMC is pretty darn good, and that we can work on a niche for that in our schemes.
  5. Same. I have no idea how it will go, but the team is definitely seeing its more senior members poached away. I would much rather see a college coach alternate between the pros and college before giving him a shot at a coordinator position.
  6. Definitely a number #1 in the current NFL. The current model seems to be "by committee" unless you have a special back, and honestly CMC and Cook fall into that category. Even they have #2 support. Solid #2 hard running options are usually cheap to pick up (see Damien Harris and Ty Johnson)
  7. It also neglects any salary cap implications. It's silly season, prepare for 6 weeks of wild speculation that comes to naught.
  8. ____ Hey, you can make the case that Tucker Carlson is uniquely qualified for the job, as he has had plenty of practice with Putin's US mouthpiece 😁 Legitimately though, it's not the end of the world to have Tucker Carlson interview Putin. I mean, everything Putin says should be taken with a grain of salt, and I've seen better interviewing skills from a guy whose schtick is getting people to eats wings, but he should have the right. He just in no way should be taken seriously as a journalist.
  9. I mean, I thought the Jessie Waters show was evidence enough of that. ... Oh, you meant the Tucker thing.
  10. I'll be honest, it was actually refreshing to be asked to actually provide reasoning for my stance and give it. Usually this board does not bother. And while I will say climate change isn't the biggest reason for the current surge, it's coming: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/06/20/621782275/the-refugees-that-the-world-barely-pays-attention-to Which is why I would prefer we'd have been working on an actual solution to the problem rather than the performance theater we have been getting from politicians. (I will include Democrats in there too)
  11. I...did? I mean, was that not the quote that I directly provided? About how the right wing party didn't need to personally drag vulnerable minorities, they had their base do it...and then linked to the thread of crazy right wingers showing that they consider liberals "a disease"? I mean, it's not like the Nazis ever used language like that. Would you like me to literally spell it out for you? I mean, can we point out the rise of hate crime assaults in that are against...*checks statistics* black people and Muslims? Surely, that's what she meant, right? /s
  12. OK. You want serious: The border situation is broken. It's been broken for a long time. Stopgaps for put into place for a long time, and as climate change and the reckoning of the US' 80s War on Drugs and repeated South American coup policy have gotten worse. Rather than do anything to solve the problem, rather than do what I think is the obvious thing and develop a pathway to citizenship, to set up the infrastructure it's been used by the right wing to drum up such incessant fearmongering that nothing could be done. Instead of sending money to lawyers and judges to process cases, infrastructure on settling applicants or setting up a more robust work permit system money kept being thrown at enforcement: a "wall" that could easily be cut through with a handheld circular saw, border agents whose authority extends to an area that is about 2/3rds of our county's population, running deportations to an extent that police and prosecutors begged them to stop because witnesses stopped coming forwards, and I-shiesse-you-not, saws on bouys. So when the Democrats buckled and gave in because they would prefer our allies not run out of ammunition while shooting an invading mutual enemy, when they gave the Republican party the vast majority of what it has been bleating for the last 8 years their leader went "oh Sh!t if they give us that, we can't complain about it as much" And I am supposed to think that knuckleheads should be in charge of a charity softball game, never mind deciding who we go to war against, and what medical care we are allowed to have?
  13. This is the one, right? Now, let me look at this forum for something relevant. Hey! This sounds like the thing she was talking about right? Lefties are mentally disturbed and must be stopped
  14. Hey quick note, remember when the situation at the border was so bad that the only way to pass Ukraine and Israel aid was to package them together? And for Democrats to give up pretty much everything that Republicans wanted? How'd that go again? Right. https://apnews.com/article/congress-ukraine-aid-border-security-386dcc54b29a5491f8bd87b727a284f8 It's a problem so terrible that Biden is asleep at the wheel and Dems are out of touch and we NEED funding, but now that they could get the funding it's something the presidency can handle all on its own. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/02/06/gop-says-biden-has-all-power-he-needs-control-border-reality-far-more-complicated.html There was money for the wall in there man. Liberals were screaming about how their leaders were selling them out for a political stunt. And then Republicans were the dog that caught the car and had no idea what to do next because they realized they have nothing to run on other then SCAAARRRRRRY Brown People.
  15. To be fair, Gina Carano didn't say she was a Nazi. Just that she felt like the US was like Nazi Germany right now. I mean, she has a point: ethnic minorities, gay people, unionists and socialist have been seriously stignatized, and with a rise in hate crimes against-pfffffft sorry, couldn't keep a straight face. She actually had to the gall to compare mean tweets to mass deportation, starvation, legalization of sub-citizen classification and mass murder and was surprised when people have her schisse for it.
  16. Very rarely do I think you get a political fight with a clear and distinct side. That a functioning democracy (I'm not saying without flaws) in actively being invaded by an totalitarian regime run by a man who was a member of the Communist spy agency seems like one of them. Considering the people around here who claim that they want to d**k-slap communism out of the world, you'd think that would be an easy one. But no, the US keeping its word and proving it will actually serve as the bullwark it claims to be isn't important isn't important. Keeping Russia away from strategic geographic assets and letting it know it can't reannex the Soviet Union isn't important. No, what's important is that Glorious Leader gets his way so he can build a golf course or some schisse. Sure, Dubya can f*** off in the dessert and get the US bogged down for 20 years, but two years of sending money and weapons (which is one of our main industries) is a bridge too far. It is good that you are aware of your early onset dementia. Early treatment is critical in these stages.
  17. Do I think it's possible we can get one more good season out of him? Yes. Would I rely on it from here on out? No.
  18. I mean I would love a breakdown of how his schemes have worked.
  19. Maybe I am crazy but I remember Romo talking about how the Bills were using them in the Chiefs game. In theory, I think it makes the most sense for our current personnel, even if we go out and draft a stud WR to be our #2. In my mind, the three most dynamic weapons Josh had last year were Shakir, Kincaid and Cook. If two out of your three are RB and TE, condensed formation lets defenses pick their poison and then you can motion Kincaid or Cook to get an advantage.
  20. It's a little sad that I am actively hoping that he gets suspended, because that would wipe out his guarantees so we'd be free and clear.
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