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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Zach Ertz and Coby Fleener were 2nd round picks. They wound up being Luck and Foles release valve those years. I understand the skepticism, but Walford looks like the best fit out there for the Hybrid player Clay is. Maybe Gresham to replace Chandler?
  2. While we have evertone still here... Clive Walford? I looked up his info and it says that he's been used in H-back, in-line, slot and is a solid run blocker. Sounds a lot like Clay to me.
  3. Well, now that Stills is in Miami, and so likely is Clay... Hey, his contact is better than what we'd have paid Clay, and would give us a rebuilt line. *Then* we go out and get a TE in the draft.
  4. That's counting the money they already had tied up for Clay, and Cameron. Plus, they can cut Wallace after June 1 and save 6.9 as opposed to 2.5 and hold off on signing their first until after then, right?
  5. Cap hit for Cameron comessage out to be only 4.5M. Which means they *still* have 9.2M with Clay unaccounted for. Still...next year is going to be a baaaaaad time for the Phins. So many contracts come up when Suh and Cameron's deals hit their money years. Maybe if we structure similarly and guarantee a lot of money next year.
  6. Chip trades his all Pro RB for a promising defensive prospect because the RB is at the age where they start to drop off and he costs too much money. Fair enough. Chip aquires an older RB with a worse injury history, more wear and tear and pays him more money than his first player. GENIUS
  7. In all fairness, he had a dissapointing start after being a high draft pick. Then he moved to safety and got better coaching from Henderson. I like to remember thus while thinking about Kujo and Richardson and holding out hope Roman can turn it around for them.
  8. Does anyone think he might be our run down 5 tech DE?
  9. DO IT! He's a perfect fit. I'd say a third, or a second for their third and forth plus Mathis.
  10. All the people jumping to the conclusion that there's no chance of us getting Clay.
  11. Why is everyone freaking out? That's what free agency is. If I'm a young guy who isn't getting the blockbuster contract there are concerns more than just immediate money. Especially if you take a big money first year or two and underperform you get a rep like Mike Wallace. I'd want to know what the coaches have to say first.
  12. You are aware that Shady's $40M deal divided over five years equals $8M a year, right?
  13. Hey, as long as the Jets don't get a competent QB somewhere in there...
  14. A little pricey up front, up if Roman really, really, REALLY thinks that he is the guy, I would be onboard. Miami may be ducking the cap reaper this year, but oh dear crap is it going to bite them in the ass in '16 and '17, especially if they decide to go all in with a meh QB.
  15. I am biased, as I am dating one, but I find that Eagles fans tend to share our "I'm optimistic!"/"Well maybe it won't be so bad..."/"Hey, only we get to talk how bad our team is!"/"DOOOOOOOMEEEED" cycle, so I can't hate them. That and they hate the Cowboys. Man, f*ck the Cowboys.
  16. Suh has a base contract of $23.5M in year two. The Dolphins are getting him ridiculously low this year, but if the Bills front load a multi-year deal, maybe $8.5/year with a good chunk guaranteed for two years, and then maybe 2-5M for three years would work out well down the pipe. Clay is pretty young, so if the FO is sure about him...
  17. Well, the Bills enter talks with a transition tag player. Said player's team announces a big money signing that has cap ramifications. The Bills allegedly are to go all in for Clay. Right after this, they release their starting TE for cap space. I'm not saying they get Clay, I'm saying that they are probably pretty sure they will.
  18. What I read between the lines from this is that the Bills are positive they are getting Clay.
  19. Hey, Gailey knew how to get every bit out of Fitz and Spiller. I wouldn't be shocked to see a reunion.
  20. Early reports also indicate that the Bills will need to spend more than the Dolphins get Clay, and that they will need to score more points than the other team to win games.
  21. It's a nice change to have Bills fans to not be the most despair ridden group I know.
  22. To his credit Murray is better than Shady at going North-South. But I agree with you that every bad thing that's supposedly wrong with the Shady trade is even more so with Murray: He's a year older, coming off a year when Dallas rode him half to death, has a worse injury history and will likely have competition to sign when Shady had GONE ON RECORD that he'd be willing to take a pay cut for the Eagles. Not just a restructure a cut. As someone mentioned in another thread it looks like Chip the GM is killing Chip the genius HC.
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