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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I'm not 100% on Duke, but there are far larger problems looming.
  2. I agree that Maxx is likely gone before we get him. But I do think you can get at least one decent starter on O-line in the third. Plus a good TE can help you block, which is why I personally would like to see Walford. I was looking at some Pistol formation diagrams, and they usually call for a Y-receiver. Clay is probably top 5 as an H-back and this could cause some truly terrifying combinations if EJ or Tyrod win the job because of their mobility.
  3. 1) If he gets anywhere close to 50 I wouldn't think twice about giving up our 5th for him. 2) Might make Walford an option at 50.
  4. I'll paraphrase what's in my signature: If Sammy is a vital contributor who sends us to the playoffs and beyond, then yes. If not, and missing out on a starting OL player that Roman is likely going to need dooms us then no.
  5. "Don't do it Doug! Whatever you do, don't take a QB at 50 or higher." There, talk done.
  6. Was that the time they ran it up the middle on 1st and 2nd down?
  7. As long as you call a deep pass once in a while. Right Doug? *cough *
  8. I'm not shocked with hearing Rex rave about Goodwin. I remember Goodwin working Cromartie a few years ago, forcing him to play off and nuking his way to 6-8 yard gains. Cromartie then played press...and Goodwin just outran him for a deep TD.
  9. I thought he drafted to be more of a third down specialist pass rusher? Hey, I'm not complaining. It's one more body they have to draft. They have a decent WR group now, but I take solace at their lack of LB and CB other than Grimes.
  10. Well, it wasn't as if he was a major impact player last year and their D-line is good enough anyway. But it's nice to see someone else bust on a Maybin like pick.
  11. I hope you're right. If everyone seems at least decent I'd much rather see our resources sunk into the O-line to help whoever is behind center.
  12. If it happens any earlier than our third round pick I may scream.
  13. I would have said so as well. That said, I would have sent a 1st for Foles a year ago, maybe a second now. Kelly traded Foles AND a 2nd for Bradford. Even looking at his best, Bradford has been only marginally better than EJ. I would still take him, but for a first... I personally think Kelly got rooked. We'll see.
  14. I heard it the other day on Philly radio. In this, I see all win for Buffalo. The Bills don't play the Browns this year. Tenn remains a tire fire. The Eagles trade their first this year and next, already without a 2nd, to get Mariota, which leaves a rookie QB with a WR group that makes me long for Donald Jones and Nelson. Name the down side.
  15. As usual CBF, you are typically on point. Best special teams coach I've ever seen. I would take him back in a hot second, even after Crossman did a surprisingly able job last year. I do miss the man. I know that he and Rex have irreconcilable differences in philosophy, and while I am happy with Rex, had we promoted him to HC and brought in Roman I would likely be equally happy.
  16. I was really impressed with him stepping up last year. I'll admit, I was thinking that he was an insurance policy in case Spikes was a dud, or if he played so well he could command a huge contract. But Brown has a run stopping ability that is similar, minus the personal fouls, plus coverage ability. A strong rookie season is likely why we aren't seeing Spikes brought back.
  17. To be fair, I think he is a phenomenal offensive coordinator. He is really talented at drawing up schemes. But I can't help but think that Chip the GM can't get out of the way of Chip the coach.
  18. Rex is very flexible. I watched a lot of Eagles games, and Chip is very good. He rolls up a lot of points against bad and average defenses. But against top 5 defenses like the Seahawks and the 49ers they averaged less than 18 points a game. One of the fair knocks is that Chip has a hard time slowing it down and high tempo three and outs are killers. Edit: I double checked the 49ers game. All of their points were a blocked punt for a touchdown, a pick six and a punt return touchdown. The offense scored zero points.
  19. Kind of in a similar vein, this is how I see us matching up to the Eagles. Even if you buy that Bradford can have a healthy, productive season, they've lost their most dynamic offensive weapons on the outside. I'm seeing little reason not to put 8 men in the box for standard formations and we have the CB depth to play man if they go to the spread.
  20. Me too Dome teams from Texas playing in Buffalo in December.
  21. Thoughts on the matter... Pros: -Overall, the opponents have a weaker victory strength from last year. The AFC South has been pretty bad the past few years, and the NFC East, while having some good teams, aren't in the same tier as the Pats, Broncos, Packers and Seahawks. The Giants were only good last year in the eyes of homeriffic NYC based ESPN and NFL network writers and the 'Skins still look like a tire fire. -I don't mind the home opener. We were going to have to play the Colts at some point, and preparation favors the defense. Rex gets months of breaking down what the Pats did to Luck in the AFC Champ game. While the Colts are good, they are the the division winner I would be the most willing to face. They did well, but did it rolling up the Jags and Titans twice a year, and playing the weaker NFC East. It's a tough game, but the Bills should have a realistic shock with the fans bringing it for the home opener. -If the Bills are still in the hunt in December, they are in decent shape. They play their NFC teams, play the two Texas teams at home in cold weather, and close out the season with home field advantage against the Jets. Cons: -Seriously, do the Pats need any more of an advantage to start the season? They open with the Steelers without Bell, and then get a 10 day rest before taking on their biggest division rival. -The 3 division games over 16 games is BS, and is stringing along three NFC teams in a row. Would it really be that hard to mix it up a little? But as a mixed blessing, the only team the Bills really get screwed on are the Jets. They get a bye for Miami, and then return the favor to NE by getting a 10 day rest. -What is up with the massive roadtrip?Three straight road games is brutal, especially with it capping off at Arrowhead. -Again, no home PT game. In summation, the middle of the schedule sucks, but everything up until the away Jets game things aren't so bad and they finish strong. You consider the Colts and Cowboys juggernauts?
  22. He still would be a good fit for what Pettine ran to years ago. Whether or not what Rex is trying to do this year is close enough to overlap,but he would be a 5-tech that could complete the D-line,and I bet he comes cheap.
  23. Good interview. The Kiko thing...look, I love the guy, and will root for him when not against the Bills but I get it. But what really strikes a chord for me is that a lot of this team is the Island of Misfit Toys. Rex is a fantastic defensive coordinator who had his best players cut away. Roman is the run game mastermind who got abandoned when his boss got into a feud with the owner. McCoy was a franchise RB who got traded because he didn't give a smile and a yessir to the new Kommendant on his team.This is a team of new starts, fresh starts, and I am eager to see what happens.
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