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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. We got killed on field position early. Time to flip the script and have one of our 2nd half comebacks.
  2. It makes sense that Shady is on a pitch count. Hopefully we draw up some good plays to get him to the second level.
  3. Without Watkins to prevent teams from doubling Harvin and when you're down to your 4th string RB carrying the load, you're going to have down games. That said, yeah, if EJ plays lights out it certainly makes the case to rest Taylor another week vs Jax.
  4. I *highly* doubt that they make the decision over one game, especially with the numbers Taylor put up in Weeks 1-4.
  5. Well Harvin is likely to sit. I think that jives with what we've been hearing.
  6. If that's the case I wouldn't be shocked of EJ is up today. Tyrod's chemistry is best with Harvin, and EJ is best with Goodwin and Woods, and decent with Sammy.
  7. I am a little stunned at a small section of Titans fans who think this stole the game away from them. Tyrod already had the first, the rest was gravy. The call on Graham on the other hand...
  8. Good pickup on the center. Hopefully Dareus comes to rock out. I do agree that, for the most part, on this board we try to research the other teams we face and take more than a cursory glance.
  9. I'm on the side that they have a right to be confident. They have looked good on both sides of the ball, and Dalton is having a career season. Eifert is finally playing as expected and Green and Sanu are legit. Still, this is our house and Shady returning tells me the Bills know how serious this game is. For the Bengals, this is an out of division game when they have a huge lead within it. For the Bills it's scratching and clawing to get as many wins as they can to not get left behind.
  10. To me, the number a drinks that he had, and when he had them doesn't bother me. What does is the fact that rehab failed so quickly. I was never a huge fan of his last year, and I wasn't the one calling for Johnny time this offseason. I do worry that he's off the wagon so soon when there was a legit chance he might start.
  11. Huh...it's almost like sticking with young, developmental QB who has all the physical tools through rough patches and not yanking him the moment he makes a mistake means that he can improve...weird. Though it should be noted that he is also the beneficiary of playing a blowout prevent defense vs NE, Dolphins, Colts and Bucs...
  12. Look, at this point, if Rapaport says it looks confirmed it's a pretty good sign that the trainers feel he's good to go.
  13. We might have been more willing to give an extra week to he sure (like with Sammy) but the short answer is that we don't really have any other dynamic playmakers at RB. If Shady says he's ready to go, I would presume that the training staff would have given him the green light. I'm ready to see him back.
  14. That would make sense. Maybe give him the Spiller treatment and let Herron take the big load.
  15. Yeah. If I'm Rex, this is a smokescreen and you rest him for the next few weeks. There were reports on that ankle as well. I was more worried about the reports that he'd be out 4-6 weeks before coming back a little dinged.
  16. He'd definitely need to be a Free Safety, staying deep and following up on coverages. The question, to me, is what do you feel worse about: Graham and Duke or Graham and Leo?
  17. Yeah, I am a bit worried about Karlos not being back. But if Shady is practicing all week, even if limited I hope he plays, even if it's for those screen passes he tears up the field on. And Tyrod is looking decent too.
  18. Crazy idea here, but as safety becomes more interchangeable, would we want to shift Graham to SS aND have Leo work back as the FS as he gets back up to speed?
  19. And now it looks like the current plan is for Tyrod to play Sunday. So....DOOOOOOOOMED???
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