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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Is that where we are lining him up? I thought When we had Branch, he was a Heavy 5 technique, lining up against the RT acting as a two gapping run stopper. Carrington is of similar size and weight, and Hughes is best when he can pin his ears back as a 9 technique rusher.
  2. Do you know what the qualifiers are? Last year I just barely didn't qualify.
  3. Yes, but I believe it was Charles who stepped in for Dareus. He might be a better fit replacing Kyle (3 gap penetrator) but that leaves Carrington in the mix. I'm worried, but at the same time, Carrington is probably doing what Branch did under Pettine. If this forces Rex to change how he plays, I'm curious now to see what happens.
  4. Decent placeholders, but we saw the dropoff last year in the Oakland game. I really wish everyone was on deck for this game.
  5. Ok. I have to hope that let's us shut down the run on what looks like a day where it will be essential.
  6. It is true that we're taking the QB out as much as possible. I will agree that having a Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers makes it easier to have ongoing success, but as in the previous examples, you can certainly build Super Bowl winning teams based on the model we are working too right now. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater to get a QB to replace Tyrod next year when we still need to fix the O-line, LBs, another receiving target, never mind working on our overpaid, underperforming and aging D-line. Do we pick up a guy and let him ride the pine? Sure. But we aren't going to the Super Bowl on a rookie 1st rounder next year if we don't fix our other problems.
  7. When you're up by multiple scores and put up 200+ yards on the ground? Seriously, how many times in the offseason did we say the following would be the formula for the season: get a QB who can game manage and worst and go on streaky runs of great play, run the ball down their throat and play lights out defense. That's how the Seahawks did it 2013, that's how the Ravens and Niners did it in 2012, that's how the Giants did it in 2011 and 2007, and it's how CarolIna is 10-0. Do you want to say we don't have the O-line, or that the defense hasn't been playing up to snuff? Fine. But this time last year I would have strangled someone for play like we've seen so far from Taylor.
  8. I was worried about Chip as a GM from the moment he wrested control of it back last winter. I kept saying that Chip Kelly the GM was killing Chip Kelly the coach. And yeah, the GM moves have looked abysmal. Without DeSean or Maclin, the Eagles receiving corps looks terrible. Chip got rid of Shady because he "cost too much" and "wasn't a North South runner" only to pick up Demarco Murray, who so far has been an absolute bust. Kiko has either been injured or a liability. Evan Mathis, Pro Bowl guard, was cut. Boykin was traded for a 5th round pick. But man, his play calling has been worse. Good coaches, when they realize something isn't working, make adaptations. People have caught up and Chip keeps trying the exact some thing.
  9. Yeah. I saw shades of Marrone. Jesus this is a train wreck. It's a slaughterfest. I have a feeling ticket prices for the Bills gane are going to plummet.
  10. yeah, they are roasting Kiko over the coals today, because he was part of a series of miscues that led to an 80+ yard run in that absolute rout.
  11. Yeah, that one pissed me off. Jesus, you want to blow the flag at the hint of contact on a pass play, or is someone breathes wrong on a starting QB, but man, if a defensive player yanks the helmet of a Buffalo Bill...man, you just have to let people play. I swear, this league is becoming the WWE.
  12. God, so many and so little time. Yeah no ****. Again. NO ****!!! I know. No one calls that. I was screaming, considering how hardass they were on the Bills. Look, I know the Pats are the better team, but the F-ups on the refs side make the loss infuriating
  13. Look, these are hot takes. Any and all constructive criticism is invited. That said.... 1) What the m*ther f*cking hell is with Hogan's deep ball not being pass interference? I mean seriously? This isn't one of those "absolute turning point" plays, but early on, you have a Patriots defender hit Hogan without turning back or making a play on the ball. If Brady had thrown that, or an star receiver been interfered with, do you think that would have been callled? Look, I like defensive play. I think the refs are too early to throw flags. But Jesus H. !@#$ing Christ, when it's on a bomb to the end zone, I would like a little bit of F*cking clarity, considering how hard you tend to hit our CB's. The CB never turns around. He never makes a play for the ball. He tackles a WR in the process of making a catch. You can argue how bad a rule it is (I do) but the ref who didn't call that deserved to have his eyes rubbed with salt, 2) If we can play a defense like that for the rest of the year, in spite of our flaws, we are ok. We crippled Brady tonight. 20 points is well under average. Which leads me to.... 3) Gorram it refs, call intentional grounding!!! Never before have I seen it exploited so flagrantly. You're going to tell me that at no time, Brady ever was out of the pocket and threw it in a place that was uncatchable? Come one. There has to be one. He hewed close, and he's good at that, but come on, you didn't get the dump offs by the the tenth time he did it? You have to be kidding me. 4) We need another receiving threat. I don't know how Clay didn't get involved. We had chances. They weren't there. More to follow.
  14. Yeah. I watched yesterday and listened to the radio this morning and heard a lot of our worries about Kiko: Great in coverage, but doesn't she'd blockers and when he makes the stop he gets dragged a bit. Would anyone here want him as a tweener for Big Nickel stuff, like a rich man's Bryan Scott? On the plus side, if you watch the tape you see the exact gameplan the Bills want to run on the Eagles. Nearly 300 yards...yeesh, it makes our Miami games look like chump change.
  15. Yeah this is the first I've heard about that. From what I understand, Kaepernick's contract has a very high cap hit, which makes it very hard to deal midseason for a guy who would have to ride the bench for a few weeks to get used to the system. In the offseason teams can better manage the cap to fit a contract like that, and the Niners can cut him for little dead money if they don't get any nibbles.
  16. Chung was practically tarred and feathered out of Philly. Woods any day of the week.
  17. Yeah, I tried to let Pats fans know what he is. We know enough. He's a good guy and good situationally but elite he is not.
  18. The trade certainly seems to be in our favor right now. Through most of the offseason, Philly fans supported Chip's GM moves. They started saying that Shady was a primmadonna, and went crazy at the "the good black players" comment. And they were sure that they would be just as good, better even, at running the ball with Murray. Now, we find out that practically every player who leaves felt the same way McCoy did. Alonso has been hurt. Practically every free agent Chip signed has underperformed. This Sunday, Sanchez of all people looked better than Bradford. Chip cut his Pro Bowl guard for not attending optional OTAs, and traded his slot corner in a decimated secondary for a 5th next year. Riley Cooper, who still has a lot of resentment directed at him, got a new contract and has played abysmally. The Eagles are struggling to stay at .500 and Chip has started copping an attitude with the media. Believe me when I say the villagers are growing restless.
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