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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I honestly think WR is a sneaky need for us. Sammy has turned out better than I hoped, but he really needs someone to stretch the field with. Unless we can get Harvin to take less money, I don't think we have that guy, and Woods doesn't have the same chemistry with Tyrod that he did with EJ. 1st or second round sounds just about right to me.
  2. Yeah. Mario is going into a 19 million dollar cap hit next year. He definitely doesn't seem to be worth the money in this system. Whether it's because he's not a good fit for the system, or whether he's dogging it, when it comes to trying to keep Gilmore, Glenn and Incognito that money certainly could go to good use.
  3. It is nice to hear an honest and grounded evaluation of Taylor. Honestly, if I'm Whaley this seems like the blueprint for next season. I'm of similar mind too. No one blows me out of the water like Winston and Mariota did last year. And even then, let's look at the growing pains they faced this year. I'm not against picking up a developmental guy, but Tyrod has earned the right to be the unquestioned starter.
  4. You read my mind. I was thinking this today as I was getting ready for work. Harvin definitely did not play to the level of being worth 9 mil for next year. He isn't worth the 6 mil that will go on the books if we cut him. But the honest truth is that the FA market for receivers is thin this year, and we desperately need a boundary receiver who can take pressure off Watkins and Woods doesn't seem up for the task. We have a lot of holes to fill at LB aND quite possibly O-line. Crossing off one thing you need at a reasonable expense would be a good thing.
  5. Damn. I was kind of hoping we would be able to snag him to replace Thurmond.
  6. I don't know if you watched the Snow Bowl a few years ago, but that was the gane of 7 Eagles touchdowns, played on a snow filled field. Shady ran just fine
  7. I would note that those have been his only significant returns of the year. Other than that he's really been shut down.
  8. Listened to Fairburn on 94.1 this morning. I'm not sure if I heard it on here, but the Eagles were one of the places Tyrod hunted for a chance at a starting job, and Chip turned him down because he had planned for Bradford. Another team to pass on Tyrod...
  9. The sad thing is that Tyrod is a more mobile version of Foles, with whom they had a lot of success.
  10. At least he stands behind Demarco Murray and all the money he sunk into him. Just as much as Shady!!!
  11. Their front seven is legit, especially Cox, Curry and Barwin. They look about equal, except they haven't been crazily overpaid. Everything else is for the Bills. I'm expecting a high scoring game Sunday. Both teams have bad linebackers that mean that you can break big runs. The Eagles don't have a great secondary, but that's hard to exploit when Sammy is is your only real target. The Bills have struggled against certain *cough* notrightfullyblowndeadareyoukiddingmerefs *cough* high tempo plays, so that might be a problem.
  12. And we don't? To be fair, most Philly fans are pissed about the Murray situation, but less so at him, though he has taken plenty of flack. They saw how effective he can be last year, and in previous years. But Murray is a bruiser who got run into the ground last year, operating out of a standard drop back, power I formation set. I remember hearing about how Shady was going to be a bad fit because of Roman's system, but Roman has adjusted pretty well and Shady looks like he might break 1000 yards. Chop kept doing the exact same thing with Murray that he did with Shady: direct handoff from the shotgun/pistol on an off tackle run or end around.
  13. I know they are. My friend who is a Ravens fan keeps asking if they can have him back.
  14. Sadly, I have to agree. We know he can be a great player, but he really hasn't brought it this year. That's a hell of a lot of cap space and money we have tied up in him, and we're really not getting that much out this year, and we really could use the cap space.
  15. It is worth noting that these are some of the best run defenses in the league. Again, our offense is based on a strong run to set up the pass. Taylor is not mind blowing, and has his warts, but do you remember when we were begging for Cutler or Bradford to come in? We have a lot of problems, and things to fix. And man, I would love a Brady or Rodgers. But even with limiations, he's a whole lot better than what we've seen for a while. P.S. I have a buddy who is Ravens fan. He's been asking if they can have Tyrod back FWIW
  16. Yeah, I personally doubt it. But seriously, if Cleveland is looking to move past Pettine, I would take him as a DC in a heartbeat over Thurman.
  17. I want to hear that talk, only with a Bills fan. "Oh, you feel like you got shafted my the refs, huh....gosh, I wish I know what it felt like to have a play called dead, and then have the refs decide how many yards your opponent should have earned and then tack on 15 more. Or to have a touchdown scored on a play that ought to have been whistled dead. Or have an obvious completion called back. Or to have the last second chance for victory snatched away because the refs erroneously decided to run out the clock. God, you have it so hard at 9-1."
  18. I need to know who KC sucked off to get these ball placements...
  19. Jesus Sammy is putting on a clinic. Remind me how Peters is better than Darby again? But goddammit Carp, how can you be automatic on 40-45 yards but continue to miss extra points?
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