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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Hmm, I would like the pickup. While I would love a stud LB pickup in the draft outside of Miles Jack and Jaylon Smith I don't know anyone who would be an instant upgrade. Cover LB is essential. Getting a vet starter is not a bad thing, even if he might not stick.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong: that stays on their cap for this year even if they trade him? The money in and of itself isn't huge, but that is a lot of dead money.
  3. Actually, I'm ok with it. Hear me out: Currently, the kicking teams have every incentive to kick it out the back of the end zone. If you are kicking it 8 yards deep into the end zone, even with a dangerous returner odds are you wind up somewhere +/- 5 yards of the 20, so why not do it? Why risk trying to pin the opponent deep when they could take it and run back a big return. Look no further than the Bills: it makes more sense to keep Gay on the roster to kick it deep than lose the spot and have Carp try to shank it.
  4. With a little bit of digging, he was drafted in the third round by Washington and has bounced around the league ever since. Great size and speeds but hands that would make Greg Little blush.
  5. I feel bad for asking, but "who?" Still, 6'2 with a 4.43 time gives a bit of insurance for an outside guy. Any word about why he never stuck?
  6. Here's the thing: the Jets have even less cap space than we do. They can't afford to pay him Chase Daniels money at this point. That has to be insulting. Come on, give us Geno!!!
  7. You're not the only one who wants him back. Like you said, we should obviously draft a replacement but I would prefer that we have Harvin. We wouldn't miss a beat on offense, and we can focus on fixing the defense.
  8. Plus only their first four picks count against the cap. All the others are below the current cutoff of the top 51
  9. Yeah, that was insane. Word is that he can catch too and is good on deeper routes. He has some of the extra height Clay lacks, so he might be the Y Tight end to complement Clay at F.
  10. That's where I am. As long as we also get someone who can stretch the field it would be a decent replacement.
  11. I think we'd draft a NT. I don't get the freak out over drafting one. They tend to be undervalued so I'm sure that they could get a starter in rounds 2-4. They also might want to get someone to be a 5 tech and use Dareus at a 1 technique NT like Ngata. I would much rather see a stud linebacker.
  12. That's it for my money. When tugging a jersey on 3rd and 30 gives you an instant first down, it rewards you to throw, even if you couldn't have made the pass anyway. Why not throw that jump ball? Odds are disproportionate that the defense will get called for PI if both players fight for it. We saw the Phantom PI calls constantly last year.
  13. You call the D-line last year successful? Look, I'm not going to absolve Rex and the scheme of all blame, but seriously, Mario calling it in and Kyle being out did not help.
  14. I am not confused that people are freaking out here at TBD. What surprises me is who is freaking out and it's the Rex haters. Isnt the most logical explanation for the firing that Rex realizes that he needs to change the scheme from last year because it wasn't effective? and that as they prepare to install changes Rex is realizing his previous DL line coach isn't fitting the mold? You would think they'd be happy.
  15. Yeah, I am entirety ok with this. They also converted 25 million into a signing bonus for another underperforming player, so that they take cap hits of 19, 26 and 28 million the next three years. Also ok.
  16. I think he wants to let it die because it's a lose of the case: drunk witnesses who don't want to be named, intoxicated officers who might have to admit to DUI under oath, a lengthy uphill battle against a high priced defense attorney. For what, very likely, would be a class B misdemeanor. The boys in blue might want blood, but they don't make the decision to file charges.
  17. Look, at this point, it's been a month since the initial incident. There was a great deal of public scrutiny, the FOP president coming in and giving interviews on Philly sports radio. That was weeks ago. Since then, Bradford has been signed back, Kiko, Maxwell and Murray have been traded, the Flyers are a few points out of the playoffs, and the Phillies have opened spring training. The Phillies have opened spring training. That is the level to which the importance of the fight has dropped to the public. The DA could very easily sweep this under the rug and walk away.
  18. My point exactly. Osweiler, Bradford and Cousins have all gotten insane money offers. I would take Fitz over any, and his agent is doing him a disservice if he doesn't take advantage of the deal. His best situation may very well be the Jets. But they really can't afford top dollar without serious cuts.
  19. Losing him doesn't make us worse either. Bad system fit. It makes sense that he and Leo would go to Schwartz. Good fit there.
  20. Pretty much my hope. Even if we don't sign anyone else, what do we need that isn't doable in the first few rounds of the draft? At this point, a guy to replace Bradham (who won't be missed), maybe a new DL (if you don't want to rotate in Brandt as a 5 tech) and maybe a OT to challenge Henderson? #2 WR and depth picks are probably doable in the late rounds.
  21. Hmm, I might take that back then. Hopefully you free up a little more by locking up Glenn and Gilmore long term, but at this point we just have room for the rookies.
  22. You know, depending on how the contract is structured I'm pretty sure we might have enough left to get a day 2 or 3 free agent like we did with Graham and Lawson.
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