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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Honestly I'm getting more excited by the offense, what with all the injuries on defense. But Shady is looking great, the WRs are looking better and Tyrod is showing some good stuff.
  2. I know it's been mentioned in other threads, but Spikes looks lean. For all the talk about "liability in coverage" if his role in to just plow the gaps with Lawson and P Brown in coverage (they are decent, not great) and Z. Brown coming in for nickel I'm ok with it as a shirt term solution at least.
  3. Yeah. Nothing but dead money. You can say it was a bust pick, but since the contract was fully guaranteed there's little reason to lament keeping EJ until the end of this year.
  4. I'm imagining something kind of like Bradford's deal, possibly to replace this year's: a big up front payday, with most guaranteed money the first year, little guarantees but big potential the second. That way, Tyrod gets his cash now. The team gets a year to evaluate. If he doesn't live up, there is little dead cap. If he is too good to lose, you have an effective team option with the chance to broker a long term deal.
  5. I'm less sure. Goodwin, while I have really liked him, has never played a full season healthy. This year he's lost body mass while training for the Olympics, which is going to make injury more likely. Salas they seem to like, but the competition is looking surprisingly strong this year.
  6. Fantastic to hear! It's everything I was hoping Tyrod would show this offseason, and it sounds like our WR corps is much improved. I'm happy to hear they are using Ragland on the blitz, and that he seems to be not missing a beat.
  7. Yes that is worrisome. It sounds like the first that I've heard about the camp so far so I'm not getting too down yet but it is something worth watching.
  8. I know you said it is coming but I would love to hear more about Ragland. He takes over such an important spot and I thought it was one very dearly in need of upgrade. He said that he looks good?
  9. It's phenomenal to hear such good things about the WRs. I was honestly pretty worried going in, but Lewis and Little sound like diamonds on the rough and Woods soubds back on track
  10. Flippant jokes (which come to easy) aside, Goodwin told reporters that he already felt beat up after slimming down for the Olympic trials. Combine that with a long injury history, a deep crop of competition for the 2-4th WR spot and Listenbee a recent draft pick for returns, this might be the last we see of him.
  11. I'm not shocked. Goodwin was in there early so they are probably rotating in the potential #4 guys. Though, perhaps the people who have been at camp can tell me this: is it looking like a lot of 3 WR sets?
  12. New guy has a point. And, to be sure, that's not saying that Brady won't steamroll us this year. His play style is such that he doesn't need a big arm to hurt you. But three years ago Peyton Manning was a passing attack machine. In 2014 His production dipped, but he was still potent. In 2015, the team won in spite of his play, not because of it. Brady is one year removed.
  13. It's sad to hear about Dunne.He was a solid reporter, and I can't imagine justifying keeping Bucky Gleason over him. That man must have photographs of someone in a bed with "a dead woman, or a live boy"
  14. I'm still curious to see what they do to make cap space. I suppose the easiest is to pay Revis most of his fully guaranteed season salary as a signing bonus, but that makes an aging CB very hard to cut.
  15. A little. The knock was the he didn't have phenomenal pocket presence and he wasn't a running QB like Mariota for Chip's perfect offense QB. Which made it mystifying that he went for Bradford, who is a statue. It seems like a moot point though. Jets have Fitz, and Vic is saying it's not likely in Buffalo. Of course with Vic's "sources" I sometimes predict opposite.
  16. This is where I'm curious. When you factor in the 1.2M more that will get slapped on when the 53 man roster comes into effect, plus the fact that you want to keep some cash around to sign players for when injuries happen, how to the Jets get $7M or so? The only way I see it is cutting some veteran players or rolling new cintact which overload them even more nextensive year. Which suits me just fine
  17. The thing is, what Foles is good at is directly opposite what Fitz does and Chan likes. Fitz gunslings it over the middle and Chan likes his empty backfield sets. Foles throws deep. I don't think it's a good fit for the Jets.
  18. Look, I've been in the camp which has said that cutting EJ makes no sense to cut because it gives them nothing. Well, it's a little, and that dead money does roll over. Foles may be a system QB, but where he thrived was with the deep pass down the sideline (like Tyrod), with McCoy opening up things on the ground (like Tyrod) but struggled over the middle (Tyrod is getting better, but not at the start). He is a better fit for the offense as it is now than EJ. I don't hate EJ. But EJ never had a run like Foles did.
  19. Last offseason, before the Eagles traded him, I was banging down the door that we might be able to get him this offseason. I despaired when the Rams signed him long term. The difference a year makes. Not to say I wouldn't take a sniff. I watched him a bit in Andy Reid's last year in Philly and liked what I saw. He had a nice deep sideline pass (like Tyrod) and had some wheels to get out of trouble. When he had DeSean Jackson to throw to down the sideline and Shady to help on the ground and Chip's ideas were still fresh he tore it up. The next year, teams had enough film on Chip that they could see some tendencies. Jackson was cut for...reasons, and Maclin wasn't quite the same. Foles struggled a bit, but they were still 6-2 and only lost to the Cardinals (11-5 playoff team) and the Niners (NFC Championship game). Then, he gets a broken collarbone, and somehow incurs the wrath of The Visor, and gets shipped off to St. Louis, with an owner looking to tear the place down in what had been the 28th ranked offense the year before. If anything, it's a bargaining chip for keeping Tyrod. But I bet he goes to Denver.
  20. And I live there! Bwahaha, I let the corruption run through me! It's Fox, what do you expect, accuracy in journalism?
  21. To be fair, the NFLPA is right that it's a broken system. But it's one they agreed too. Screw Brady!
  22. Of similar vein, I would like defensive holding to no longer be an instant 1st down. I can't remember how many times I saw teams on third and long spread it out and just air it in the hopes that the backup CB tugs a bit at the 5.1 yard mark for an instant third down.
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