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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. That's been in the back of my mind. I was pleasantly surprised Roman didn't get any calls this offseason. Again, I am in no way advocating a tank, and sometimes brilliant Coordinators make terrible head coaches (see Schwartz, Wade Phillips) but I want to keep the man.
  2. I know I made mention of this in another thread, and I think that's what the OP ran with, but I want to clarify: I am not advocating a tank. I want us to kick butt this year. I like Rex. But, from what we have seen so far, if there is something that is going to be a let down, it's the defense. Now, that's not all on Rex. Some are injuries you don't see coming (IK and Ragland), but some of it is behavior: IK punching a teammate. Continuing offsides in practices. Dareus getting another suspension. These are things coaching accounts for. On the other hand, Roman has been doing a rather good job by most accounts. He's been hit with several problems (Seantrel's illness, Sammy injury, Karlos out of shape and suspended) but from most accounts the Offense sounds better. Taylor is progressing and taking charge. Shady came back in great shape. They are getting something out of Reggie Bush. The journeyman WRs seem to be showing something. If things do go pear shaped, I would like to see what Roman can do rather than start looking from scratch.
  3. A) I highly doubt that we go 0-6 or 1-5, even with all the craziness, which lasts about 4 games. The Ravens don't look lights out. The Jets lost several key vets. The Pats are without Brady. LA is throwing a rookie QB to the wolves. SF is looking like one of the worst teams in the league. B) If we do, well, it's fortunate the we have Greg Roman to put in charge.
  4. Yeah. With all the crazy stuff happening with player abuse, and how every time that there was a whiff of it people went crazy, I'm wondering how we hear about drug suspensions with a few weeks (like Lane Johnson, and even then we had leaks about Marcel) so I wonder how that slipped through the cracks.
  5. I...I just...Jesus. Look, this came out of the blue. Doesn't stuff like this make the news? This isn't like "oh, you failed a drug test", a Domestic incident of an NFL player is a TMZ gold mine. We heard about Kromer. I don't see how this is the first we heard about something like this.
  6. I remember hearing that he hurt himself bench pressing over 400 lbs. He looks jacked!
  7. Bright side is seeing what Coleman can do. To be blunt, Robey has been a dissapointment to me the last two years. And people now deep sending big, posession receivers and tight ends at him and talented or not, six+ inches of height difference matters.
  8. I've been listening to Philly radio, and this is their greatest fear: the year they are hosting the draft, to have Cleveland go up with two top five picks to rebuild the franchise while they look on and watch.
  9. The Eagles O line situation has been bad. Their WRs have looked worse. This is going to be a long year for them, most likely.
  10. Especially with the kind of scheme we saw with Pettine, which it looks like we are going back to. On the blitzes Kyle, Dareus and Hughes will all be single gapping. You need someone to make sure they don't get doubled. Even of he isn't lights out, just tying people up should help immensely.
  11. Manny being back is the best news I've heard all week. This is plenty of time to shake the rust off.
  12. Pretty sure I did I didn't mention specifically what he's doing, but from the breakdowns of the scheme I've seen he plays 1 or 2 gaps depending on the situation. He can do 2, but I want to see him 1 gap more.
  13. Come on, no pun names about New Era "The Lid" which we'll blow right off? "Tip of the cap"?
  14. Look, if we can get 2013's front 7, last year's secondary, and last year's offense, we look like a contender. I think we might have 70%-100% of the front 7, an improved secondary with Williams likely back and Corey White coming along, and the offense looks the same if not better. *shrug* I'm Kool-Aid half full I guess
  15. True. But we're talking about getting back our interior pressure, replacing a gap clogger, and still having a speed rusher in Hughes. That, in and of itself ought to help. Now, I think getting Shaq back will help, but I'm not sure of the vets we've brought in to replace our draft picks will affect it all that much.
  16. You sure? I think Washington and a healthy Kyle Williams will help. Pressure is a numbers game. We had more sacks in 2013 than 2014, when we had Alan Branch plugging up two gaps. Washington looks like he can do that, and we know what Dareus can do. If you are leaving Hughes and Kyle Williams single covered, someone is having a bad day.
  17. I seriously see Manny as a three Down back. Seriously though, as nice as it would be to have Ragland in to have more blitzing/hitting ability, the coverage ILB is pretty much the last person you want to pull off on nickel and dime sets.
  18. Yay? That said, as much as I want Ragland and Shaq back right now, Manny flew under the radar and it sounds like Zach and Preston are looking good
  19. I think we do in a close one. Thursday night games tend to be sloppy, so I think it becomes an aerial dogfight. When it comes down to it, I trust Darby and Gilmore against Fitz, Marshal and Deck a whole lot more than I would any DB not named Revis. Revis was still good last year, but Sammy was still beating him routinely. Cromartie might be overrated, but he's skill better than the likes of Buster Skrine and Dee Milliner
  20. Is it me, or does Cardale have kind of a weird throwing motion?
  21. My one concern is this: with such a big hit in year 2 how do we afford to keep Gilmore? I know we have a lot of dead money coming in but that is all going to be gobbled up really fast. Are they just giving up on him?
  22. Very nice, at least from the outside, in the post-Osweiler contracts. If there are team options, I like the flexibility. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a franchise QB.
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