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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. They are mostly fair, but I think they are drawing the wrong conclusions. PFF just published an article about why it's a smart play to keep Taylor and build around him. Unless someone wants to really wants to commit to tank mode, the logical choice is to keep him. Benching him was a logical way to protect their investment in a meaningless game. This is still a mostly intact roster from the 2014 season, with Darby at least equivalent to McKelvin. We have seen some good signs from Douz and Washington. Get a DC who can use the Dareus and Kyle/Washington combination, and you have a decent young LB group. Just pick up a safety in FA and draft one in the first 3 rounds and I think you are back on track. This isn't a "burn it down" place, it's a retool and restock.
  2. Yeah, this comes across as petty ax grinding. "Waaaa, they sent out Whaley, and the GM deflected questions and didn't tell the whole truth. Then they have an interview to...not one of us waaaa" Sully, for all his negativity, at least used to be balanced. He's been spending too much time with Sully.
  3. I meant in the sense that he would have to be placed as HC, when he was previously a frontrunner and then passed over. There would be no sliding him in the back door and going "isn't it great guess who is back where he used to be?!?" It would have to be a full eating of crow.
  4. I've actually heard really good things about McDermott. Philly people were banging the door for him last offseason, and they are not very happy with Piederson. The problem with Schwartz is that he's under contract currently, and he was previously passed over for HC. That makes the waters muddied, since they can't ask him back as DC because he is under contract
  5. I'm not swept away by Lynn right now. I mean, I like what he did with the offense, and I think his "audition" game is hard to judge because he was given less than a week to prep everything, and was forced to play Manuel in a meaningless game. In the end, I am forced to confront the fact that his rise is just too swift, even if I like him. You take on a lot more responsibilities at the next level, and it gets harder to concentrate on what you were good at that you there. Lynn admitted that he was editing what Roman had in place, and while I think he did a good job, we haven't given him a full season to come up with his own offense. Right now, I am leaning Coughlin, while throwing big $$$ at Lynn to help him stay on another year to see what he's got. Coughlin is excellent organizer and disciplinarian, but one who didn't mind letting McAdoo put in a new scheme, which gave Eli some of the best numbers of his career.
  6. Look at his and Tyrod's games played, TD:INT ratio, YPA and QBR over the last two years. Sammy sleeves is in offenses that air it, but otherwise look like like the same player numbers wise. Only Sammy sleeves will cost a whole lot more money.
  7. Would you think he could be coaxed into being and OC for one more year?
  8. Look, who is there? Praying that Bradford comes here? Look at his numbers over the last two seasons: shockingly close to Tyrod. Garappolo? Are the Pats going to let him go to a division rival if they think he will be any good at all? And that we won't get fleeced in the process? So you try to get one more year out of Romo, or Rivers? Well, that will cost a lot in terms of picks and salary cap for maybe a year. Anything else will be flushing bad contracts.
  9. Alright, if thus game has confirmed anything for is its that Tyrod is far and away the best QB we have on the roster. EJ will be gone. Maybe you think Cardale will be something eventually, but he absolutely needs at least another season. Unless you are willing to trade for one year of Romo, there really isn't a lot on the market. So it's trying to draft mid-first round rookie. Give a year. Bring a guy along slow.
  10. Not really. McLane is a frequent commentator. He's not a huge x and o guy, but more like Gaughan than Bucky
  11. I an actually coming around on Coughlin aa HC IF (caveat incoming) there is a transition plan in place. Coughlin is not likely to be around for another five years, never mind a decade, but he is more than willing to be a CEO type HC. I like Lynn, but going from running back coach to head coach in less than a year is a huge leap. A few seasons getting the chance to build his own system while getting a competent DC in here might make a convincing case for the future.
  12. That was my first thought. Fred was always a worker. A lot of really talented guys just have natural talent and get thrust into the starting role. Fred knows what it's like to start at the bottom.
  13. I kind of got that impression too but I was hoping for more quotes. You saw him change the typed of plays that got called, but he didn't really have time to install his own system.
  14. I remember the deal being described like this: The cost for cutting Taylor this year is not that huge. As it stands now, if we keep him he gets a big pay day, and guarantees go in, but they are spread over the next five years. If the Bills keep the current contract, and he doesn't renegotiate, the Bills take a big dead money hit in 2018 but still get back some cap space. As they proved with Mario, they are ready to pull the plug if they see diminishing returns. So the question isn't: do the Bills ask Tyrod to give away $25M in guarantees? It's "Are you willing to lessen your cap hit this year to get some more talent around you and make it harder for you to get cut, or are you betting on having such a great season in 2017 that you are indispensable in 2018."
  15. Yeah, that was my feeling as well. Besides, you spend so much time in nickel nowadays that that impact is lessened.
  16. Yeah, that's why I flipped it. They would need to offer the HC job, or hope that Schwartz gets fired. Honestly, there's a chance the Eagles might do it. Public opinion has turned heavily against Schwartz, though I think a lot of it isn't his fault.
  17. Honestly, I would want Lynn as HC and Schwartz as DC, but I want both and Schwartz HC and Lynn OC is more likely. At the moment, public opinion has turned on Schwartz in Philly, but early on the Eagles offense looked great. However, as time wore down it became apparent that he had Leodis McKelvin and Nigel Bradham as leaders of their position groups. When people who watch the tape looked at games I heard a lot of "The man simply can't blitz more, he has to keep 4 men rushing all the time because without the other 7 in pass protection they are doomed" I honestly think we are best suited for Schwartz's Wide 9 defense again. This is the front 7 going purely off what we have on roster right now. Hughes-Dareus-Kyle-Shaq (Hughes is back as a 9 tech, Shaq works as a 7 tech, Darues goes back to 1 or 2i techniuqe, Kyle stays where he is best) Preston-Ragland-Zach in standard Preston-Zach in nickel (Preston is OK in coverage, better in run support. Zach had a great season on the weak side. I am projecting Ragland in the middle as the 2 gapping run killer) Meanwhile, our offense was quietly decent this year, in spite of disaster. We are 7th in scoring and 1st in rushing totals and YPA. If you don't have THE GUY, it's the best setup you can hope for (though I want another WR)
  18. Just putting it out there. I am hearing a couple of rumors about who we might keep and who we be interested in on the board but I wanted to see where people's heads were at about who they wanted. Honestly, I would want Lynn as HC and Schwartz as DC, but I want both and Schwartz HC and Lynn OC is more likely. At the moment, public opinion has turned on Schwartz in Philly, but early on the Eagles offense looked great. However, as time wore down it became apparent that he had Leodis McKelvin and Nigel Bradham as leaders of their position groups. When people who watch the tape looked at games I heard a lot of "The man simply can't blitz more, he has to keep 4 men rushing all the time because without the other 7 in pass protection they are doomed" I honestly think we are best suited for Schwartz's Wide 9 defense again. This is the front 7 going purely off what we have on roster right now. Hughes-Dareus-Kyle-Shaq (Hughes is back as a 9 tech, Shaq works as a 7 tech, Darues goes back to 1 or 2i techniuqe, Kyle stays where he is best) Preston-Ragland-Zach in standard Preston-Zach in nickel (Preston is OK in coverage, better in run support. Zach had a great season on the weak side. I am projecting Ragland in the middle as the 2 gapping run killer) Meanwhile, our offense was quietly decent this year, in spite of disaster. We are 7th in scoring and 1st in rushing totals and YPA. If you don't have THE GUY, it's the best setup you can hope for (though I want another WR) Who do you guys want? Never mind. I missed the earlier thread. Mods, please feel free to close this.
  19. Amen! Preach! Right now, we don't know our HC or OC for next year. It is a meaningless game Sunday. This prevents Tyrod's guarantee kicking in. We have seen enough, good and bad to know his relative strengths and weaknesses. He is good enough to win with help. He is not enough to carry the team consistently. This is a sensible conservative move.
  20. The playoffs, possibly. Ok, snappy answer out of the way. I did actually enjoy watching the game. But looking to the future, I absolutely see problems. The defense is worse than it was 3 years ago when Pettine was running the show, and that is supposed to be our HCs specialty. So many things were self inflicted: countless broken tackles that led to huge plays. clock mismanagement. Timeout mismanagement. Yeah, the refs screwed us on two non PI calls, but they absolutely did not cause us to be late lining up for the next play to knock off five yards and make Carp's job harder. These are coaching issues, all of them.
  21. True. You could argue that was the signature of Rex in NY. That he would send the house, that he would cook up blitzes that seemed unimaginable. And then I cut to Week 2 against the Jets. I am watching that game and I am screaming at the TV "send a blitz up the middle! Up the middle! UP THE MIDDLE!!!!"
  22. It is bad at the best of times. When you are in overtime, it is extra bad. When you are in overtime, and a tie disqualifies you from the playoffs, it is unspeakably bad. When you are in overtime, and a tie disqualifies from the playoffs, and you are up against a team that has had massive success running the ball, it is "pull your hair out, WTF are they doing bad" When you are in overtime, and a tie disqualifies from the playoffs, and you are up against a team that has had massive success running the ball, and if you do not get a 3 and out at that moment, and you hang your hat on being a defensive coach, it is "I am walking into a snowy field with a gun and a single bullet" bad.
  23. Thank you for providing the numbers. I am sorry, but that is indefensible. (Pun originally unintended, but it totally works) That is abysmal. Again, say what you will about the long term viability of TT at QB or Lynn at OC, but when you have three separate games of allowing one player to pick up 200+ yards rushing, looking at it blind you would say "Fire the DC. Immediately." When you hang your hat on defense, that is more than abysmal. That is team killing.
  24. He had a fantastic year in 2014. But man, I have seen nothing of the man we gave a big contact to since. Missed extra points. Missed game winning field goals. Kickers have been fired for worse track records.
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