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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I can live with that. We moved up and swapped a late third for a fourth
  2. I'll take it! I had him highlighted as my next target at wr. I don't mind that we traded up for him.
  3. I think I figured put why I'm disgruntled. I don't mind having White. He looks like a good fit for the system. It fills a hole, and he should be able to compete immediately and likely win the starting job. The problem is, that's what you say about the second and third round pick. We made a conscious choice to move out of the range of high impact players for a good player. I'm not saying it's the wrong choice, it's just that White looks like a second round pick that we took at the back of the first.
  4. I take offense to the idea of Philly fans being like Jerry Sullivan! Jerry throws stones, we only throw snowballs!!! Yeah, he couldn't let that go
  5. Yeah, I get why you are upset. I know you've been stumping for Mahones, and now we traded away so someone could take him.
  6. Egggh. I'm not a huge fan of the trade either, but at the point where we were picking, I think we were already missing out on premier talent: Corey Davis went at five, and Williams at seven, so those were my receivers. I don't know if Lattimore is that much better than White. Still, Foster was on the board, as was OJ Howard. Most of the guys I thought would slide to the 2nd round because of character concerns (Conley, Peppers, Foster) all went.
  7. I would say that the third this year helps a lot. Of course, I was going to suggest taking a CB in the 3rd...
  8. Definitely true. Which is why an obvious talent has slid this far. If it's a second, I am taking that risk though.
  9. I'll say this: if Foster slides to day 2, and the Bills spend the 5th from Gilly to get him, this looks like an elite defense
  10. I actually don't mind cycling CBs. It is a premier position, and the cost is skyrocketing. I will not be shocked if we pick up another. And he does seem like a nice fit. And we picked up some excellent picks in the process. So why do I want to put a gun in my mouth?
  11. Ugh. I mean, it's solid, but this is one of the deepest CB drafts. of all time. I mean...was this moving back for? I don't see it.
  12. John Ross Undersized + unable to beat press coverage +injury history = all of my warning belL's going off. Especially when there should be Williams, Davis or Howard there.
  13. To me, this makes it a no at 10. I am all for reforming the NFL weed policy, but we are already dealing with that issue. I would take a chance in the second round
  14. This has to be in my mind. It was a huge story at the time and I remember people bring shocked that he went undrafted. Then, the whole thing blows over and the Cowboys get an embarassment of riches on their O-line.
  15. I feel like Melissa McCarthy about to do one of her Spicer sketches. I want us to have more picks so we have more options in the draft. This gets us that. One of the potential things we might do in the draft is, if we see a player in the 4th that we like but are sure that he won't be there in the 5th, we can use a bundle of 5th round picks to get him. Whaley mentioned in previous years that there were players that we were interested in during the mid rounds but couldn't find a partner to trade up. Using the (outdated and not perfect) draft pick point chart, the two 5ths we got for peddling Cassel and for tagging Gilly translate to a late 4th. One of those with our 11th is a mid to early. All three give us a high 4th or late 3rd. Does that make sense?
  16. Thank god, that other thread can die. I'll miss him, but man I want more picks. Maybe trade the Pats and Dallas fifths for a fourth.
  17. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. I am blanking on her name too, but I'm happy she got to move on to something so good. I also really liked McFadden's, because at the time I was living in Manayunk and mostly getting around using the regional rail and MFL and it was convenient. Even when I first moved, it was close enough that I could get there off the bridge fast. I agree that I'm not as much of a fan of the new place, and while the PATCO is close, driving to the station kind of sucks. I have a Charlie Brown's by me which has NFL Sunday Ticket, I might try getting in there next season.
  18. Well, we hit 100. Any actual info on whether we are matching or taking the pick? We only have an hour and a half left.
  19. I'll repeat with what I said about Foster: If he drops to the mid-upper 30's, I have no issue at all with using the 5th we got from the Cowboys for Cassel and the potential 5th from the Pats for Gilly to move up a few spots for him. And wouldn't that shut up a lot of people? Who am I kidding, it would make them worse.
  20. I have been against Foster at 10 even before the drug thing came out. But if we were to bundle the 5th from Dallas with the (potential) 5th for Gilly to move up into the mid 30's for Foster it would be a coup.
  21. I'm living on the Jersey side now, and things look crazy enough without a trip down that Thursday. Maybe Friday if I can swing it. Sadly, as far as I know the DPBBB aren't doing anything. Out of curiosity, does anyone else hang out there during the season? I went a lot in previous years, but I've been saving for my wedding so I didn't go out as much in 2016.
  22. yeah, I've been hearing very good things about the class. I am ok with Darby at #1, especially with safety help. Decent expected starters to win out #2-5 sounds fine by me.
  23. OK, I can definitely agree with that. You can never have too many quality DBs on the roster. How many cornerbacks do you need to cover the Patriots? Three. One to cover the receiver Brady is throwing to, one to nudge the one he's not at the 5.1 yard mark for a holding call, and one to draw a Personal Foul by giving the first guy a high five.
  24. Is it? I mean, I know we need bodies and depth, but Darby was pretty darn good in 2015 when not dumped on an island. And I haven't given up on Seymour. In the deepest DB draft maybe ever I'm a little confused at what Benoit is coming out with.
  25. The failed drug test is a red flag, for one. I had to laugh at that. That sounds like a horrible idea. I do think he's undervaluing Lawson. Hughes is likely going to be the big sack generator, but there is immense value to being able to seal off the run, especially when you have Dareus and Kyle as interior penetrators.
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