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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely take Watkins back but I really don't see him doing it. He made some comments that he was unhappy here, and he wants to get PAID. I don't see Beane cracking open the piggy bank for him.
  2. I agree with most people that we are probably going to pick up a late rounded to go in. It sounds like Ivory's contract is front loaded and contract driven.
  3. He's a pretty good complement to Shady. My only worry is that's a decent amount of money for an older RB
  4. Wow. I had not realized the extent to which the Dolphins were over the cap. They are already over by $8M before the draft and free agency opens if Landry does indeed sign the tag. They are going to need to get rid of some decent players.
  5. I don't mind betting a couple of bucks, and putting that they were wrong in their About Me for a year. The wager being whether or not Tyrod is on the roster as of June 1st.
  6. Roscoe had a couple good years with us. I remember him on some of those returns.
  7. I wouldn't mind picking him up though. I think those things can be very useful to a creative offense, possibly using him as a hybrid running back every once in a while to keep them guessing. I think you could get something going with K. Benjamin as the #1, Zay and Holmes as 2 and 3, Austin as a situational 4th, and a rookie burner to stretch the field deep.
  8. And you are willing to bet on that?
  9. By 2019? Definitely. By the end of the 2018 season? very likely. I am still not surprised if he is with us through training camp at the least.
  10. There was a report out there that it would take our two firsts, Glenn, and a 2nd next year. If so, it's pricy but I would absolutely pull the trigger if the Bills think they have their man.
  11. I'm fine with that. My argument is I've been seeing the people going"you can't take away my guns, that's an inalienable right and a horrific government overreeach" being totally cool with people dragging their interpretation of a 6000 year old mythos (which is totally endorses daughters liquoring up their dad so he can impregnate them out of wedlock) which is to why they should be able to dictate other people's medical decisions.
  12. Funny how it was very clear I was referencing your witty Bon Mot about cutting up babies. But if you want to talk about private organizations that fund politicians to advance their agenda let's take this back to the gun control part. What sums of money has the NRA sunk into politicians so they can keep protecting their bottom line? You guns that actually kill people. Compared to the organization who prevents STDs, and gives pregnant Women Health screenings. I can see how you would be confused.
  13. , FYI it is prohibited to use tax dollars on abortions. So when you complain about it being the federal government's decision, you already won. People have to use their own money. When you talk about getting rid of Planned Parenthood funding what you are talking about is getting rid of the things that stop abortions. Like contraceptives and Medical Care. So the only reason for your little Jihad is that you don't like it, and you think you should get to impose your religion on everyone else
  14. No, no, I am very much against moving without due process. But it is interesting to hold up yet another example of him being unfit to run a High School Mock UN, never mind the nation. Hell, he probably thinks Mock UN is when he goes into the UN and makes decides to do a comedy roast.
  15. I'm going to break this apart by each separate I agree that it's a problem. But you are also neglecting the issue of scarcity and impulse. If you have to go through a black market, one with effective policing, to get what you want, and it costs more as a result, it deters a quick, spur of the moment "Imma shoot my guns". Of course, we can't get rid of all of it. There are too many in the market to stop shootings all together at this point. But if extended magazines require tens of thousands of dollars to purchase, and you have an effective, well trained and funded ATF arresting sellers who do it illegally, maybe we at least reduce the number. BTW, what is this "You people" you are referring to Well, that's fine. Except, under the current legal definition, a fetus isn't a person. it's a medical procedure. We don't FORCE people to give blood to dying patients, because we have bodiily autonomy. So yes, the federal government does fund health clinics. It also has backed insurance programs. But by your logic, I should be able to go to say, "Well, it's too bad your child has cancer, but my imaginary buddy Steve thinks that your daughter should die of it. Because I sincerely believe this, I'm sorry, the doctors aren't going to be able to treat her. She's probably a whore anyway and likely deserves it" Said like that, I should be dragged out of the hospital and beaten to a bloody pulp. But somehow when pro-lifers say, "Well, she shouldn't have been such a slut to get knocked up. Who cares if its a life threatening medical condition, a life is a life" that is somehow more legitimate.
  16. I feel for you man. I might seem like a lefty loon to some of the people on here, but I was legit looking for a better, more conservative option. Most conservatives I know in person are real people, and they tend to have specific complaints, and while we disagree at the end of the day I know where they are coming from. Some of the Trumpers though man...
  17. ...quality D-line play? Look, I'm a fan of the process. I think that the McBeane duo is moving things in the right direction, but I think we did take a step back in our D-line. Maybe it was inevitable. Maybe this way, we get something out of it. But look at that Eagles D-line. I remember hearing the calls about how Fletcher Cox, their big DT had slacked off once he got paid, and wasn't worth the money...no one is complaining now. Interior defensive pressure counts. And we, quite simply, moved from a player who is more qualified properly motivated, to a player who is less qualified when properly motivated. If there really was no getting through to Dareus, it was necessary, but you can't tell me with a straight face that Adolphus Washington has a ceiling above Dareus
  18. That is a great line I honestly think guard play is underappreciated.
  19. Wow. I had first hopped into this thread to post about the Georgia school shooting. This thread, and some of the people in it are special. Special Jack, "Full Retard" special, but special. Outside Person: "Wow, these shootings have been happening a lot. Maybe we should look at having stricter access to high capacity magazines and guns that can be easily be used for mass shootings. "Special Jack:" Well, it's tragic, but you can't legislate your morality over our intrinsic freedoms, even if there is a higher cost." Outside Person: "I don't think the government has a place to say what I do with my medical care, especially when it comes to birth control and whether I produce a human life" "Special Jack:" How dare you! My specific reading of a 6000 year old document which advocates daughters screwing their fathers tells me that a clump of fertilized cells is a complete human life! Therefore, we are going to ban everything associated with this process, even if it doesn't actually do what I my sincerely held personal beliefs say it does! How can you support those baby part farms!!! Come at me. Yeah. That's why it's a stupid idea.
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/28/georgia-teacher-in-custody-after-reports-shots-fired-at-high-school.amp.html How is that "arm the teachers" plan going?
  21. Republican Marching Orders: Prevent abortion at any cost! Except for letting people have birth control on their insurance. Or having birth control taught or explained to them. Or provide them medical help during pregnancy. Or give maternity leave. Or offer child care. Then defund schools. Then complain about how the kids today never get ahead, because they're so needy. Remember, the rights of the individual are paramount, unless they are doing something we don't like!
  22. Fair enough. Honestly, I am fine with corporate welfare bills being gutted too. I had been under the impression that they were being cut out of general ones. Mea Culpa That said, come on, you're really telling me that a governor deciding to yank millions of dollars from one specific company for not giving an extra discount is the same thing as enforcing protections that mean that NO company gets to choose not to serve customers for an arbitrary reason. The way it would be similar would be if Delta said "Hey, if you're a member of the NRA you don't get to fly on our airline. I'm sorry, that's what the voice in my head told me, but I sincerely believe in it" You are aware that people under 18 often don't have full legal rights, and might need to have adults file paperwork for them? This "George Soros is operating a secret training program of paid actors" conspiracy lunacy would be hilarious if people didn't take it seriously. You mean the people dedicated to providing affordable medical care, STD prevention and supports bodily agency supports not having bullets put in their bodies? Shocking
  23. ...you...do, understand the difference right? Georgia politician advocating to change tax incentives of all corporations in state: Not necessarily smart, but a policy decision Georgia politician advocating to change tax incentives for one particular corporation because of a business decision they don't like: Abuse of power A business choosing not to make a particular product for whatever reason (liability, ROI, overhead): A natural and sensible business decision A business choosing not to make a product for one customer that is makes for every other due to a personal belief: Discriminatory These are not subtle differences.
  24. I would assume either way if we keep Tyrod or draft a rookie. As a note, while Carson Wentz looks like a special talent, a big part of the doubts last year was because he was passing 38 times a game on average, which was stupid high for a rookie, while they tended to abandon the run game. This year, they went back to pounding the rock with Blount, Clement and traded for Ajaiyi. It really opened up the play action, and was amazing for Wentz's development.
  25. Yeah. When I saw the "missing team meetings part" I realized this was going to be a no go. I just really would like to see D-line nailed down, because Dareus being done made a difference, and with potentially losing Kyle, I would rather be proactive.
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