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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Sorry, I've been doing chores while watching 1st team offense looks very, very good. Philly is expected to have a robust offense, and they've been shut down. 0/6 third down conversions. But Tyrod looks bad. Really bad. And I'm a fan of his, so that pains me to say it.
  2. Ok, let's start with the biggest one then: I will concede, we should give time for proper investigation. Full rights of the accused to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. But the man currently accused of driving the car was photographed holding a shield with a white supremacist "vanguard". He was at least comfortable associating with them at their rally. The car itself, behaved in a way to cause maximum damage on unarmed persons: speeding up to hit, and then *backing up* to do additional damage. So either the person did that intentionally, or had such a reckless disregard for human life as to be a menace to society. If it is on purpose, I don't see how his cause wouldn't have motivated him to do it. If it was reckless disregard, you don't mealy mouth about how it's not your responsibility that he was linked to you. That's what most moderates of any faith used for terrorism (Christian, Muslim, he'll even Buddhists have violent sects) do. It's what Sanders did. I guess that makes difference between George Washington and Robert E Lee doesn't it? /s You're right though. And then there would he calls for Muslim leaders to denounce it, which most do. Oh, there are always wackos, but that's on all sides. What I wouldn't hear is how talking about how violent the side who got run over were.
  3. I have one for you: Because they're cowards and bullies. I've seen some of the live streams from the night before, and the first hand accounts of students who found themselves with a torch mob in their homes. The mob congratulated itself for siezing the campus, which being a college at night in the summer, was underpopulated. So the White Supremacists, armed with torches and outnumbering their foe (about 50 to one, according to the account) had no problem with violence then while they beat the tar out of them until the cops broke it up. Meanwhile, Richard Spencer showed up. But it turns out he had a glitch megaphone, so he couldn't get the media presence he wanted. So he slipped away with his bodyguards, leaving his followers behind. The next day, with prior notice and the hard light of day, suddenly there was violence on "many sides, many sides". The men who brought rifles are now so scared that one of them decided to drive a car through a group of people with signs, and then back over them. So all evidence shows that the second they see a hint of resistance from people they bully, like most cowards and bullies, they wet themselves and ask why they're the ones in trouble.
  4. The be fair, the city initially rejected the permit because they said they didn't think they could keep it safe. So the "Unite the Right" group sued the city to get it back. http://www.richmond.com/news/virginia/charlottesville-sued-over-permit-decision-for-unite-the-right-rally/article_250db95e-7cac-5a57-a6d5-78b8ba044937.html In fact, the ACLU supported them in their cause. So you don't get to complain, after the fact, that you were too hemmed in. By the by, it turns out a number of those counter protesters *did* have a permit, according to that article.
  5. I would say look at signing him here. The man is solid when not injured
  6. Apparently McDermott had to yell at them a bit to get people to liven up, and then scuffles broke out. Why am I not shocked?
  7. *shrug* That's what I got from npr. They usually have decent sources. I don't think I missed the swastika flags though. No matter how you want to slice it, those are some Nazis.
  8. ... Dude, they were chanting "Jew will not replace us." You may find SJW's annoying. I once had one tell me she couldn't understand how I could have friends with different political views. But this is some pretty straight Nazi BS. This has been around a loooooong time, well before this generation of sjw cropped up. Exactly
  9. He's been harsher on Jeff Sessions, a guy he appointed and is angry at because the man made a choice that everyone else said "yep, it's a bad look to have the guy you can hire and fire on a whim to be in charge of investigating you, even if there is no fire"
  10. This is one of the few things I agree with the man on. My wife to be works in the medical field, and has to be extremely careful when it comes to treating people with chronic pain. The problem is, say a law abiding citizen goes in for surgery, or is in an accident. They are legally proscribed opioid for their pain, but the dosage isn't right or runs out too soon. The strict prescription restrictions mean you can't get more. The closest and cheapest replacement, if you are already will to go outside the law, is heroin.
  11. The thing is, I kept hearing about property damage and looting at a protest undoes it's work. In fact, last night I heard plenty of quips about a lack of property damage. So if that logic is in play, how do you not damn the whole side when they start running through a public place with literal torches and literally committing vehicular homicide? How is that even close to equivalent?
  12. Had we gotten a few firsts, aka what capital it to draft him maybe I would entertain that. But no, we sent over a solid, (not spectacular) player for a reject and a 2nd round pick. Gild the turd if you like, but it still reeks in the August heat
  13. On record: No. You traded 2 very promising young players for average at best talent and a 2nd and 3rd round pick. I have seen tanking in the NFL and it is called the Browns. Not only that, if there is going to be a vet cap dump, it's going to be NEXT year. That is two years of floundering for maybe the shot at a magic bullet.
  14. Look, I've seen a bunch of threads closed down. But I am seriously worried. And this is a seasoned Kool Aid drinker talking. Let's not mince words. Gaines and Matthews are a downgrade from Darby and Watkins. Whether or not you think the picks we got in the meanwhile are worth it, let's not kid ourselves, this is a downgrade at both spots. If I was looking at this year and going "ok, we are dumping a lot of vet salary and leveraging our assets to get picks and start anew" I could face that. But the thing is, we can't dump vet salary until next year. Our biggest cap hits will be Clay, Dareus, Hughes, Glenn, Ritchie, TT and Shady, and the times it's anywhere near affordable to cut them loose is 2018. When we have 6 picks in the first 3 rounds. And if there is a purge, that's a lot of capital to take a QB in the top 5. Which, you know, might work out. But I have spoken ill of tanking before. No one is thinking the Browns will do anything. The 'Skins did not prosper by betting the farm on RGIII. All of the 1st and 2nd overall QB picks in the past few years have failed to even get their teams into the playoffs, never mind a championship. Might we get the golden ticket? Maybe. But if this team is a purging of known talent, with an almost certainty of pain this year, for a possible benefit that might, might, yield results in 2019...I don't think i can take that.
  15. I agree with the "if we had Sammy" logic. If we hadn't picked up Boldin, I would have said that it sucked to lose Darby but we had a strong WR group with a nice combo of Watkins-Jones-Matthews. Now...Boldin-Jones-Matthews...with Boldin and Matthews with nothing in 2018 gives be a heart attack
  16. Please don't. To me, this is a separate issue other than the trades themselves
  17. To be fair, he has been a consistent performer for them. Until this off-season he was the best receiver they had. Then they signed Alshon and Torrey Smith and a former 1st round pick finally showed signs of life. So he is disposable
  18. Alright, now that I don't have to be sober and with a moment to calm down... You can look at my signature and know that I was a pessimist on the trade up for Watkins. I hated what we gave up to get him. In hindsight, we could have stood par and gotten OBJ but the Browns didn't do much with the picks so I figured it a wash. But this...it feels like such a waste
  19. I honestly have enjoyed what I've seen from him. I think I might have been ok with it if we hadn't sent Sammy packing but this is a horrible swap
  20. My worry is the fact that 2018 is the year to shed the big salaries. That's when we get big chunks of cap space for cutting Shady, Clay, Taylor and Dareus (post June 1st). If we are trading pieces to get draft picks in 18, it's because a purge is coming then. So that's two years down the tubes I had to laugh at this
  21. I'm with you. I'm usually downing the Kool Aid, but even I'm having trouble swallowing this.
  22. Scheme fit? We better not be trying for a pass longer than 8 yards, with 0 YAC. Zay, Boldin and Matthews are all slot guys. I know Taylor's OVER THE MIDDLE problems have been over stated but this looks like the exact wrong mix to help him.
  23. I usually hate Rodak, but holy hell, we absolutely look worse
  24. People in Philly are going "Ok, seriously, what's wrong with that we don't know about? Because no one trades their #1 CB a month before the season for Jordan Matthews. I mean, he's a contributor, but we are absolutely a better team after this trade" So now we have three slot WR and no one who can stretch the field deep. FML
  25. Jesus, Matthews is the Eagles third best WR. Decent slot guy, but we now have 3 slot receivers!
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