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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Excellent, now he will be able to throw it into the hands of a defender even faster.
  2. I don't care who is best Day 1, I want the person who is best the rest of their career.
  3. I've been living out of state for close to five years now. I kind of liked seeing them, but it's not as if I was going to events to get a look. The only time I would see any of them was when they could cut to the sidelines coming out of commercials. They are not vital to my enjoyment of the team. If not having them means we avoid more scandals, it's ok by me.
  4. I actually remember our resident Draft master and training camp watcher Astrobot had Ruldoph at 21 as one of his earlier picks. Now, mind you, I still would prefer that we somehow get up into the top 5, but if we take him at 12 (or better, at 22) I am ok with that.
  5. It actually makes me feel better. I've never been a particularly hard Darnold or Allen pusher, and if we simply can't budge, I am now more ok with Rudolph at 12.
  6. Jesus, how snakebit is our O-line? At this point, I want McCarron out there because our rookie is going to get murdered
  7. You know what...let's frame this. I mean, hell, I personnally don't like her. I think that she is a shill who says what she thinks her consistuents want to hear. And a lot of people think the same way... Now, quick mental exercise: link her to the premise of this thread. I dare you. i !@#$ing dare you. You mean, the part where I provided a counterpoint and you stuffed your fingers in your ears and stamped your feet? Oh my god... Someone understand context. Greater understanding. Self reflection. I see an evaluation of societal norms, and how they can come into conflict with each other. *grabs LA Grant* WHAT YEAR IS IT??!?
  8. Excellent deflection. Let's ignore how your own point was eviscerated and go "Let's poke Hillary lol" Pardon me, I think you need to start a crying fit because your WiFi was broken. It's just not fair that those lazy millenials don't want to get paid in exposure. What, you want to get PAID for your work. Waaaaaaah Waaaaaaaah
  9. Hey, I am willing to cede that he might have that knowledge. He might have the knowhow about it, gained from his experience and reinforced through the journalism that he performed. But I hearing a lot of "this is how, definitively, you should live your lives, people who come from personal backgrounds that are nothing like mine. But come on, your circumstances of your birth have no effect on how you get ahead in life...by the way, let's talk about this Fatherlessness Epidemic, and how much that effects how far you get ahead in life" (Source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/mar/28/mike-rowe-us-facing-epidemic-fatherlessness/) ... So, let me get this straight: he has never had to work a dirty job, but that's ok because the previous generations of his family had to? And besides, he started at *gasp* community college before transferring to a better school for communications degree. He has truly suffered. Dude, I'm not saying that he hasn't worked hard in his field, but that is the very definition of starting off with advantages that a lot of the people that he is purportedly advocating for never had. He has done a lot to maximize what he had, and kudos, but it is ridiculous to say that he wasn't better off than a lot of people who never get that choice.
  10. I'm...not sure what your point is. Honestly. I mean, it's pretty much what I said...
  11. From his lips to the FSM's ear holes... I would prefer Rosen at #2, but if Darnold is there instead, I think you pull the trigger.
  12. Just to note, the guy who likes to talk about dirty, blue collar jobs went to college and received his degree in Communication Studies and then went to work as a TV host. He sang professionally in the Baltimore Opera. He has a pretty extensive White Collar job history for the entirety of his life. That isn't to say that he hasn't worked hard at his profession, or put his time in. I don't want to take away from his success, which he has rightfully earned. But it's a little jarring to see this "Life isn't fair Rah Rah" stuff from him, knowing that he's advocating for an approach he didn't have to live.
  13. He had pretty decent numbers his rookie year, but it helped a lot that he had a fantastic O-line and RB. I am curious to see how he does in 2018, but I agree that he is good, not great. There were people clamoring in Summer 2017 that the Eagles had made a horrible mistake betting the farm on Wentz when they could have taken a shot at Dak. No one is saying that now.
  14. As an analogy, I'll take it. Now, what I want is for the Bills to take a gamble to trade up to #2 and take Rosen. But that requires the Giants to be willing to play ball, and even then there is a chance that Cleveland fakes us all out and takes Rosen a #1. If that falls through, and the Bills are looking at #22...I could live with it. It would mean almost no hope of playoffs in 2018 (our supporting cast is nowhere as good as the 2016 Cowboys), but I could deal with it. I really don't think they will be upgrading. They stuck with Romo for all those years, and "good not great" and cheap is a good combination.
  15. I remember running up to the draft that year, Philly pundits were a bit skeptical. The take was that he had all of the raw tools, but he had played in Division II. How would he hold up against superior competition? Of course, he did have a bit of a rocky 2016. But he clearly made a leap forward in 2017.
  16. I would be, for reasons already mentioned: we still have a second and third this year to fill in gaps (O-line, WR and LB) And Rosen. Definitely Rosen.
  17. I'm not sure who you are talking about when you say 99% of viewers. Just one Patriot ball washing announcer.
  18. I hope you got your money back.
  19. It's a pity, but I think you can get a solid MLB in the second. We certainly needed an upgrade.
  20. "There was a rumor, that there was a rumor, but that was just Bull****-"-The It Crowd
  21. And that's fine...when you working salaried. Not when you are hourly and don't get those extra benefits.
  22. I am seeing some crazy logic that they would not draft Barkley because they drafted Hyde. Hyde, at this point, is a change of pace back.
  23. Really? Because most millennials I was in classes with went into STEM fields, and they can't get anything other than an entry level job with 5-10 years practical experience. I lot I know work a side gig, or have two jobs. When I hear "entitled" it's usually part of a story like, "and so I asked him to come in on his day off, with no notice, and then he had the gall to ask that we pay him overtime because he was pushing past 40 hours. I told him we would roll those hours to next week so we don't have to report overtime. (I personally had this happen to me multiple times before I graduated). Can you believe the entitlement?"
  24. I AM a millennial (an older one), and so is every player in the draft this year. Pointing out Rosen in particular is stupid, because you can make that argument for each and every player out there. "Millenial" has become Boomer code for "I don't understand it, and I don't like it, and it's someone younger, so let's call it a Millenial problem"
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