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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. OK. That is bad. Now...tell me what, precisely, this administration has done that shows on iota of effectiveness at stopping that? If you have verifiable hard statistics and data show me that then, hey, Trump has done two things I can get behind. I looked for the last half hour or so and can't find anything. What I do know is what isn't working, and what isn't likely to work. A border wall is ineffective. https://www.newsweek.com/2017/03/17/why-mexican-border-wall-wont-stop-drug-cartels-564112.html In fact, stricter border laws in other parts of the world have increased it. http://sciencenordic.com/do-stricter-border-controls-increase-human-trafficking If you can find the data, I'll mea culpa.
  2. Nope. Absolutely dead serious. Of course, I read news apart from a twitter feed, so I can see the difference. Believe me, I was looking to vote Republican in 2016. I enjoy capitalism, and I like the parts of tax reform that reduced taxes for the middle class, and the parts that look to help small businesses. I am annoyed at SJW's who will bite your ear off about the correct pronoun, and safe spaces and trigger warnings. But no, one way went "Let's build an extremely costly and ineffective wall that will require the seizure of land from private citizens" and "The man who tanked the USFL, has a precedent for not paying people who built his buildings, is on trial for fraud and won't release his tax returns is the perfect choice to help the economy!" I would say that the #WalkAway movement is misguided...but then, that would require the memes to be of real people, not stock photos with quotes on them. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/walkaway-campaign-stock-photos/ Yes. I fact check.
  3. Please see my above answer where I step by step laid out the Pulitzer prize winning resource as evidence. Here is something else for you to read when you have time: https://medium.com/nonzerosum/umberto-eco-ur-facism-9d9cc1e9f317
  4. "Well, they are advocating for the systematic dehumanizaing of ethnic groups they don't like. I hear them chanting "Jew will not replace us", "blood and soil!", meaning they are advocating seizing territory with force, and "Fire up the ovens", references systematic murder. They're arming themselves with bats and guns and taking to the streets! We have to meet them!" "Such violence! So much for the tolerant left!"
  5. Oh, this is going to be fun. I'll be linking a lot to Politifact. "Kids in cages" is the quippy way to describe children being separated from their parents, taking away legal guardianship and adopting them out, but as I type that out it's much worse. The word choice comes from the original Associated Press article. Not some left wing crazy person blog. https://www.apnews.com/9794de32d39d4c6f89fbefaea3780769 This was not done in Obama's term. They were minors who didn't have parents and who came over themselves. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2018/jun/25/brad-parscale/tyes-immigrant-children-detained-under-obama-they-/ The situation was begun under Donald Trump, and when the heat was on, he claimed he couldn't fix it and that it was Democratic law. This was false. He said that an executive order couldn't stop it. Then he did just that. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2018/jun/25/brad-parscale/tyes-immigrant-children-detained-under-obama-they-/ I know the idea of children in cages must give you a hard on, but this one lies heavily with 45. Also false. You can argue that he didn't do enough, but hey, try to be at least factual next time: https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/dec/12/2017-lie-year-russian-election-interference-made-s/ https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/aug/17/donald-trump/donald-trump-wrong-charlottesville-counter-protest/ Well, there is him defending the white nationalists who swarmed over a college campus with torches and beating up students. "There were people in that rally. I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee. I am sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest. "Because I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country, a horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country." I'm a much bigger fan of NPR and the BBC, thank you very much. Enjoy your facts!
  6. I know you are sad that the Nazi rally was a bust
  7. Well, I walked away from the Democrats and became and Independent. Then, the Republicans nominated the most corrupt person imaginable. And then he was endorsed by the KKK and neo-Nazi's. And then he won. And then he defended Nazis while courting their vote, raised the costs of health care, gave tax cuts to the super rich while adding sunset clauses to the ones for the middle class (and that is his greatest accomplishment), and decided to put children in cages all while crying about how it's the fault of the big nasty Democrats. And now, it's been revealed that he actively knew about attempts by a foreign superpower to provide intel on his opponent. And that is just what he has admitted to. (After repeatedly changing his story) So yeah, he's made a wonderful case as to why I should go back.
  8. Yes, I honestly think so. If they are letting him go all out in the second half, with people that he's been growing chemistry with and playing against a weaker Panthers D...I think he has the potential to make a name for himself.
  9. The thing that jumped out at me was seeing that Ross Cockrell wound up in Carolina. Interesting, I was annoyed when we cut him and he went on to be solid for the Steelers. He would fit will in our new D, and hey, a former Panther
  10. Hey, I don't have a crystal ball. But after going over a lot of the reports, and listening to the opinion of people I trust who have been there, is that Alllen easily has the most latent talent of the three. Whether or not he ever achieves that, well, we are going to find out. But while, yes, he is a work in progress I have heard a lot that he really is working on fine tuning stepping up to the line to change plays and signs of progress on short throws (his knock) while throwing some gorgeous deep balls. An then, a lot of the incompletions that we have heard about are drops from receivers, because he is spending so much time with the third team. I am not saying we annoint him starter, but it has been infuriating hearing about the dropsies while he is progressing. I wold love to see him at least moved up to the 2s for a bit.
  11. I don't know why, but I have a gut feeling that Allen turns it on in the second half on Thursday. Because he's been working with the 3s, he's getting chemistry and he's playing against a worse defense.
  12. Not really. What surprises me is that with all the ups and downs of Peterman and McCarron, is that Allen is remaining with the 3rd team. I know that have a plan and are sticking with it, but I really don't see much more benefit after preseason game #1. Well, Week One, but I am pretty sure that he starts by the end of the year.
  13. I am very firmly in the camp of "start Allen when you think he is ready and not a moment before". All QBs have their warts rookie year. Carson Wentz had plenty of them before going on to being an MVP candidate in 2018. I think he easily has the most talent, but there is no point in just throwing him out there. He should know better. Go for the thumbs, the thumbs!!!
  14. No, the guy who was tweeting. He went into "but the safety almost took his head off!" Well...welcome to close contested throws. I felt like he was being overly negative. Not you 26
  15. While I agree, McDermott and Beane have said that they have a plan they are sticking with, and it is not going to change until the 1st preseason game. I have to imagine this is why they are keeping Allen with the third team for now, because McCarron and Peterman really are not blowing me away. So...the QB put the ball through a tight window for a touchdown? Why are you getting negative about this?
  16. Jeez, we have to put Allen back with the 1s and 2s for a bit. These WRs are brutal
  17. Honestly, at this point, I trust Astro more. I remember back a few years ago in 2015, the last time we had a QB competition, it seemed as if every media person decided that Cassel was heir apparent. It seemed crazy that Tyrod might be winning the job, but Astro's reports made it seem like it was inevitable. What I hear from Astro (and backup up by other reports) is that his INT was entirely on Proehl, and that he is really working on being able to hit short passes.
  18. Thanks Rhino! Going by what I have heard from the TSW scouts, I am becoming convinced that Allen starts at some point this season. He sounds too naturally talented to not bring out at some point. I am not saying that he is going to be our week 1 starter, but I think we see him on the field sooner than later. Is that your impression too?
  19. What would be really scary is if it took out his thumbs. Then he couldn't Tweet wild conjecture.
  20. You are deluded if you think that things can't get worse than Taylor We saw what happened with Peterman. We are already seeing his flaws in 11 on 11.
  21. Oooh, I have been wanting to see Shady in that formation. I am liking Daboll so far.
  22. yeah, I joined and the number of people I have seen mentioning Astro is exploding.
  23. Honestly? I'm thinking "Great, we have some really solid pieces for next year we can build on" Now, if we end 9-7 or better and make the playoffs again I will be jumping for joy, but this season is all about seeing what we have for 2019.
  24. That's great! I needed a reason to circle back there It's really too bad. I remember someone doing a gameday writeup and prediction that was really great, and I remember her stopping because people were being really combative and !@#$s.
  25. Fantastic at his old job and then finding himself in over his head when he gets promoted?
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