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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. No one is accusing Jeff Fisher of offensive brilliance. In fact, it DOES play into my argument. I suggested the crazy notion that scheme, playcalling and the talent around a QB has a stark impact on their play. Uninspired offense and playcalling: bad Playcalling that tries to focus on what you want to do as an OC rather than what your players are good at: bad Modifying your scheme to get the most out of a QB who has his warts: success
  2. Dude, by the start of June I am desperate for Week 4 of the preseason level play.
  3. This is odd...I don't remember Alabama losing off of a game clinching interception... Wait, no, I'm remembering "Pure Passer" Peterman. That's the comparison you are making.
  4. This is what I was going to post. The NFL took so many steps to make itself a full year event when it was at its peak that there is a definite demand during that time. The league has effectively turned college football to their minor league, and there really isn't much of a place for journeymen who need to hone their game for a few years. The USFL attracted some real talent too (Kelly and Steve Young IIRC) before one boob of an incompetent businessman ran it into the ground. I wonder that that blonde weirdo is up to these days...
  5. JW is usually on point. I hate to say it, but I hope that of all the obvious options that it's Glenn. Dawkins did a more than admirable job stepping in, and it would save cap money.
  6. Well, in recent memory Andrew Luck, Russel Wilson and RGIII in their rookie years. All made the playoffs. Hell, I would argue that you saw more out of Mark Sanchez year one than you did Peterman.
  7. Dude, drink your coffee. They are going to go after a QB. Maybe 2. It's the worst kept secret in the league. But it looks like they have a plan, and (like Promo said) won't dump Tyrod until they KNOW they have a longer term improvement in place.
  8. He will act when utter confusion when he finds out that even with Tyrod's worst games this year, he was still better than Nick Foles in St. Louis
  9. Same here. And what's this about Eagles fans now?
  10. ...Because my entire premise is that while Foles has flown higher, he has also crashed lower. This is the direct link to that. It's his inconsistency which has prevented him from becoming a franchise QB. A lot of us here are performing one hell of a double standard: giving him praise on the games and stretches where he was amazing, and disregard the stretches when he wasn't on bad coordinators and a lack of personnel. It's the argument the biggest Tyrod fans (including myself) have leaned on, and the answer is that neither is a franchise QB, so let's quit acting like we have one as a millstone around our neck while the other is a sparkly unicorn who we missed.
  11. You mean, that instead of picking 2 games randomly I used both of their worst seasons as a starter as comparison and averaged out for a per game basis so you couldn't use that as a bias? You just don't like that I have comprehensive data to back up my point. There is a contingent of fans here who hate Tyrod so much that they blindly grasp at anyone who they think might be an improvement. It's time to prepare a replacement, but the grasping at straws I have seen is ludicrous.
  12. Agreed. And it goes to how much coaching and play calling is a factor. It looks like Pederson purposefully ran a vanilla offense with Foles in the first few weeks back, and saved integrating the RPO into the playoffs so opponents would have less tape on it. Same players, adjusted playcalling. It made a hell of a difference.
  13. Dude, believe me, there was a time when I desperately wanted Foles to come here. He is, after long observation in my opinion: a journeyman QB who is a high level backup or a low end starter. And you know, what, that's cool. If you surround them with enough talent, and have excellent OC work and keep a steady run game and excellent defense, you can go very far. In fact, he might win a Super Bowl. But yeah, in STL with a poor OC and not a lot of weapons he didn't do well. By every measure, Tyrod did better this year with a poor OC and not a lot of weapons. Scheme. Coaching. Playcalling. The other 10 players on the field. All of these matter. Dropping Foles in here might have won a game or two more (maybe) but we have seen the drop off when he doesn't have elite talent around him.
  14. Aww cute, you can cherry pick stats. Let's go a bit broader. This, Tyrod's worst year with us has him with .933 Touchdowns per game, 186.6 yards per game, completion % of 62.6% and 6.7 YPA In Foles year with the Rams, he was .636 Touchdowns per game,186.5 yards per game, a completion % of 56.4 and 6.1 YPA. And now, to reiterate: I AM NOT TAKING AWAY WHAT FOLES DID ON SUNDAY. It is, by every measure, fantastic. What I am saying to you is that scheme, coaching, playcalling and surrounding talent have contributed a lot to his successes, and when he hasn't had them, he has looked dreadful. The moral of this is NOT "I am standing up for Tyrod" I think we all know we have to move on. It's that, unless you have someone like Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady who seem to single handedly drag squads to the playoffs year after year Outside factors matter. If you are unable to differentiate that, I simply cannot help you.
  15. Dude, you are not listening to us. Believe me, you are whistling a different tune if you have followed his career over the past five or so years like Philly natives have. You have not seen his bad games. His good games make Tyrod look small, but his bad games make Tyrod look like Russel Wilson. The last few years had seen a stretch of really bad play, and he didn't even throw the ball all preseason because he was rehabbing from an injury. Few GMs are going to throw big money at a guy whos last success was five years ago. You are basing this gut reaction based on one really, really good game. Yes, he had a very good run in 2013. It was also, as I have pointed out, with an offensive system that was brand new to the NFL which coordinators had not caught up with yet, along with a Pro Bowl level Desean Jackdon, Shady having his best rushing year ever, and an offensive line that was graded out as the best in the NFL. You are making a call 100% on hindsight, ignoring all the games from the past three years when Foles looked like a bottom feeder instead of an All Pro, and disregarding the fact that, gee, the Eagles are really good this year. Before Wentz was hurt, they were considered an early Superbowl Champ favorite, Wentz lead the league in touchdowns and they had the best third down conversion rating in the league by a large margin. Your logic is what made teams go "Maybe there is something is Matt Cassel, he led the Patriots to an 11-5 season after all one year after the 18-1 year"
  16. Both sides had a chance where they had things that they both wanted and need the other side to give. There was a chance to offer a compromise, do more permanent fixes rather than kicking the can down the road. Which they did.
  17. Dude. What 26CB and I are telling you is that we watched him. I watched him through his magic 2013 year, his mediocre until hurt 2014 year, saw him get benched in STL, really suck in the 2017 regular season, play an ok game vs Atlanta and one brilliant game vs. the Vikings. On average, he is a solid backup/mediocre starter. It's a toss up to me between him for Tyrod. He is a better pocket passes overall, but he really hits the skids for longer stretches and has no legs. I have seen him suck more and soar higher. Plop him in during the Roman and Lynn years, he is far worse than Tyrod. But him in with Rico and give both him and Tyrod Sammy, I think Foles wins. But let's not pretend that we have an all-Pro who was lying in the dirt. He's playing decent QB play with arguably the best O-line in the game, a bevy of receivers and a decent run game.
  18. I'll admit, the Patriots deserve to be favorites here. You have a second year head coach leading a backup QB against a veteran Patriots squad. Brady is starting to show signs of slowing down, but he is still a top 5 QB. On paper, the Pats are absolutely the better team. For me, the X-factor is (as 26CB pointed out), is the Eagles D-line. It is legit, and Cox can deliver great interior pressure when he is hitting all cylinders. They try to get plenty of pressure with just 4 and play tight man coverage. It's the best defense for going against Brady. If they bring it, they have a chance.
  19. Well, it lapsed back in November. It either takes true talent of mismanagement to let it slip that long, or about callousness to force it as a political football
  20. I'm happy to see government on its way to open again. It's a pity that each party decided to take their chance to snipe at each other, and not actually fix a bunch of problems when they had the chance to.
  21. Yeah. I remember Philly fans going 12 rounds about Foles: whether he was as good as 27:2, whether they should dump him and chase Mariota, is Bradford better than Foles? But I heard real doom and gloom over the last month. I will concede that he really turned it on last night, but everything I was hearing was about how they would approach Atlanta: don't ignore the run game (like Reid always does), set up play action, take points where you can get them and keep Atlanta off the field and out of the end zone. It was a winning formula.
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